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Chapter 197 What's in the Book?

Chapter 197 What's in the Book?
As long as those disciples are not too rude, the elders generally don't care about it, but if they really want to pursue it, it's okay.

This matter naturally does not belong to Mr. Hua, but now that Mr. Hua is here, Tong Zheng has no chance to make a move.

And if Lin Xiu wants to investigate to the end, the one who suffers will definitely be Tong Zheng. Even if his cultivation is not abolished and he is expelled, Tong Zheng will definitely eat this hundred sticks!
Naturally, other people would not do such boring things, but Lin Xiu is different. Lin Xiu is forcing Tong Zheng by doing this!

"Tong Zheng, what else do you have to say? If you don't apologize to me according to what you just said, I won't forgive you, uncle!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"You!" Veins appeared on Tong Zheng's forehead, this Lin Xiu is too much!

"Uncle Lin Xiu, can you let senior brother Tongzheng go for my sake? It's just an unintentional mistake!" said Mi Lan.

"To save face, of course it's no problem..." Lin Xiu smiled.

Tong Zheng's face changed, and now he actually wanted Mi Lan to plead for him, how could he accept this matter?
But Lin Xiu continued: "But, do I know you?"

Mi Lan was stunned!
Tong Zheng was also stunned!

The people around were also stunned!

Nima, this Lin Xiu even knows Mi Lan?In other words, even if he knew each other, he wouldn't give Mi Lan any face.

Mi Lan is one of the four beauties, how could other people dare to be so rude to her, and she is such a young man, but Lin Xiu is different, this person doesn't give her any face.

"Nephew Tong Zheng, have you thought it through?" Lin Xiu looked at Tong Zheng with a sneer on his face.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, I was wrong, I offended you, I'm sorry!" Tong Zheng said.

"Is that all?" Lin Xiu continued.

That's all?

When Tong Zheng heard this, he wanted to raise his clenched fist, but when he saw that Hua Lao was beside Lin Xiu, he had to put his palm down.

"Slap!" Tong Zheng slapped himself on the face.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he showed confusion on his face: "Nephew Tongzheng, what's wrong with you? Is there a mosquito on your face? Why did you pump so hard? There are already five fingerprints! What I meant just now is Just shout a few more words and have a better attitude, why are you slapping your mouth everywhere?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Tong Zheng almost couldn't control himself, and wanted to find Lin Xiu desperately.

The other disciples also felt that Lin Xiu was going too far, but they couldn't provoke this kind of demon master.

"Martial nephew, be a good person, but if you want revenge, we can solve today's problem outside!" Lin Xiu patted Tong Zheng on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Tong Zheng was also very angry at this time, if he didn't take revenge today, what would happen to his reputation?
When Mi Lan heard what the two said, she froze for a moment, but she knew that it was impossible for her to stop it now. With Tong Zheng's character, how could she stop it?
"Two hours later? What does Uncle Lin Xiu want to do?"

"Could it be that he wants to challenge Senior Brother Tong Zheng? No way? Senior Brother Tong Zheng is the seventh person on the Billboard!"

"If this is the case, then there will be a good show!"

Many disciples knew very well who Tong Zheng was. There was once a disciple who offended Tong Zheng because of his rude words, so his limbs were broken. After he recovered, his limbs were broken again. No one dared to speak for him. In a word.

After all, this world is originally a world where strength is respected!
As long as you have enough strength, no rules can restrain you!
Lin Xiu is already very aware of this fact, so he will not feel guilty at all. If Lin Xiu does not have enough strength and identity today, he will be the one who is unlucky today!

Of course, the most important thing is that this Tong Zheng himself is too stupid to dare to offend him. Moreover, he has already been slapped twice in the face, and one more slap in the face is not enough, he needs to be slapped several more times.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for a successful face slap. This is the third face slap for the same target, and the number of face slap points has tripled to 390!"

The third slap in the face turned out to be three times, what about the fourth time?
Lin Xiu is not too ruthless. After he had an idea in his mind, he sent someone to call Huo Yuan over.

"That nephew over there, my uncle asked you to do something, you won't refuse, right?" Lin Xiu put his hand on the disciple's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Of course, what orders does Master have?" The Lingyun Sect disciple trembled when he heard his body tremble, and he hurriedly said.

Now everyone is very clear that Lin Xiu is not someone easy to provoke, if he offends such a person, the consequences will be very serious!
"Okay, help me find Huo Yuan, is it okay?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Of course not!" The disciple quickly ran out like an arrow.

Lin Xiu also ignored the gazes of other people and continued to flip through his book.

Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't care about fighting with Tong Zheng at all, Mi Lan's face changed slightly. It turned out that Lin Xiu really didn't do such a thing for her, so what exactly was Lin Xiu doing?
Not long after, Lin Xiu had finished looking through the classics on the fourth floor. He reached the third floor and continued to look through the classics there.

The number of classics on the third floor is a little more than that on the fourth floor, but Lin Xiu flipped it up very quickly, but everyone also noticed Lin Xiu's movements, and they felt very strange.

What does Lin Xiu want to do?
"I think Uncle Lin Xiu did this for no reason!"

"That's right, I think so too. Could it be that there are some brilliant martial arts in these classics?"

"By the way, it must be like this. It is very likely that the uncle knows some secrets and hides them in these classics!"


The story spread instantly, and not only that, but the story spread quickly, and people immediately began to imitate it.

Some people started flipping through the books here, not just to read, but to get the "secret" in this book!
There are a lot of books here, so it is not easy for everyone to look through them, but after this news spread, more people were attracted.

After all, there are so many classics here, and no one has read them all. If this is true, then they will make a lot of money!
And they don't believe that this demon master will do useless work!

Because of this, Lin Xiu found that there are people around who are flipping through the books here.

What the hell are they doing?Lin Xiu looked confused, he carefully eavesdropped on the people around him.

"Have you found it? I heard that there will be heavenly exercises in this book!"

"Did you hear wrong? I heard that there are heaven-level martial arts in these books!"

"You are all wrong, there is obviously a way to increase the power of the martial soul in this book!"

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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