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Chapter 207 Alright, let's stop here!

Chapter 207 Alright, let's stop here!

"Engong, are you not afraid that I will hurt you?" Lu Sha asked.

"The world is so big that no one can threaten this young master. Since you are my maid, I will take back your account for you!" Lin Xiu stood up and said.

"Is he... is he crazy? He can't be telling the truth, can he?"

"I don't know, judging by Huo Yuan's appearance, I'm afraid it's not a lie!"

"Even Senior Brother Tongzheng is not his opponent?"


The faces of those people changed drastically, and they couldn't believe it.

"Now I'll ask for some interest for you!" Lin Xiu said, his body swayed, only to see him perform a body move, and his body had already reached one of them in an instant.

Lin Xiu has now received all the classics of the Lingyun Sect in his mind, although there are still some that have not had time to digest, but it can be known that Lin Xiu has definitely learned all the body skills and martial arts here.

Of course, the strongest here are only earth-level martial arts and exercises, not even any exercises comparable to Taixu Sword Art.

However, it can be said that it is easy to deal with these people whose strength is below the Wuxu Realm here!
Several people were directly beaten to the ground.

"You seemed to be insulting me just now, right?" Lin Xiu said.

The faces of several people changed drastically. They couldn't believe that Lin Xiu defeated them so easily. It seems that what Lin Xiu said was true, he really abolished Tong Zheng's cultivation!
"Do you think it's over like this?" Lin Xiu continued, "Huo Yuan, write down their names. They dare to insult me ​​and even want to kill me. I think they should abolish this matter." It shouldn't be difficult to lose your cultivation and be expelled from the sect, right?"

"It's not difficult!" Huo Yuan replied.

The faces of these five people changed drastically after hearing this, Lin Xiu was too ruthless, if they did this, they wouldn't be turning into useless people!

The five immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, please let us go!"

"We were blind just now, sorry!"

"Uncle Lin Xiu, we were wrong!"


The five cried and shouted.

"Are you begging me to let you go?" Lin Xiu looked at the five people and asked.

"Yes, uncle, please show your hand high!" The five said quickly after hearing this.

Seeing the uncle's appearance, I'm afraid there is something wrong, maybe the uncle will let them go!
"Then you keep begging me to take a look!" Lin Xiu smiled cheaply.

Several people cried and shouted louder.

"Uncle, please..."

"Please, Uncle..."



The expressions of these five people were really rich enough. Lin Xiu watched the five people yell for half an hour, and when they were all shouting until their throats were dry, he said, "Okay, let's call it a day!"

When the five of them heard this, they immediately raised their heads in joy.

But at this time, Lin Xiu continued to say: "You can go!"

"..." The five people were taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Lin Xiu meant.

"Huo Yuan, remember to report this matter to the sect. With their cries, I believe that even if they don't become warriors, they can still cry for others!" Lin Xiu continued.

"..." Huo Yuan.

"..." Su Long, Shuang'er.

"..." Lu Sha.

Nima, you can still deceive people like this!
It turns out that you made them cry not to forgive them, but to trick them!

The complexions of these five people have all turned livid now. Lin Xiu is obviously playing tricks on them, but they have nothing to do.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face three times. This time the face slap caused a critical hit effect, and the collected face slap points doubled to 78 points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face three times. This time the face slap caused a critical hit effect, and the collected face slap points doubled to 66 points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face three times. This time the face slap caused a critical hit effect, and the collected face slap points doubled to 60 points!"


This time, the slap in the face was very ruthless, and it also made these people lose their temper.

A few people would not be so self-reliant that they could resist Lin Xiu. All they could do was escape from the sect overnight. Of course, they probably couldn't do this.

"Go away?" Lin Xiu said coldly.

Several people fled immediately, and Huo Yuan immediately went back to report the matter to Zongmen.

Lin Xiu stayed behind and said, "Lu Sha, your weapon is very good, can you lend me a look?"

"Of course it doesn't matter!" Lu Sha handed the big knife to Lin Xiu.

After Lin Xiu took it, he immediately touched the location of the treasure chest.

"Ding, it is detected that this treasure chest belongs to a silver treasure chest. It takes 87 seconds to open the treasure chest. Please wait patiently for the host!"

Lin Xiu pretended to marvel at the big knife, but Lu Sha suddenly thought of something, she turned around, tore off a piece of cloth from her skirt, and covered her face.

Time passed quickly, and this treasure chest was quickly opened.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening the silver treasure box and getting 2 Martial Spirit Realm Experience Pills!"

Finally came out, experience Dan!
Although it is only a silver-level treasure chest, it is the most needed thing for Lin Xiu now. With them, Lin Xiu can improve his realm, and even have a chance to enter the Wuxu realm.

"You follow me now, by the way, does Lingyunzong have an alchemy room?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, do you want to make alchemy?" Lu Sha asked.

"Yes, the wound on your face requires a kind of Fuyan Pill to recover, and Fuyan Pill is a three-star elixir, which requires some materials and a good alchemy cauldron to be refined!" Only heard Lin Xiudao .

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Although there are some medicinal materials in our Lingyun Sect, I don't think there are enough medicinal materials for the three-star medicine!" Lu Sha sighed, "And it takes the three-star medicine to cure me. I'm afraid we In this Great Qin Kingdom, there are not a few three-star alchemists!"

"Who said that? I am a three-star alchemist!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What?" After Lu Sha heard it, her face showed disbelief, wouldn't it?Are you a three-star alchemist?
Three-star alchemists are estimated to only exist in the imperial city, so how could they appear here?
"Let's find out if there are enough medicinal materials around here!" Lin Xiu didn't expect this task to be a bit difficult. If the system gives him a reward that satisfies him, this task will never end.

Du Yun felt a headache. He originally thought that Lin Xiu's matter was over, but he didn't expect that within two hours, Lin Xiu would make another major event.

Tong Zheng was abolished by Lin Xiu!

How long has passed!My little ancestor, can't you make a fuss less?

Du Yun is so depressed, Lin Xiu's talent is good, his martial soul is powerful, and his strength is extraordinary, but his ability to cause trouble is also unique!
 The second update!There is a problem with the timing setting, I sent Chapter 212 ahead of time, I am sorry everyone!It's Pikachu's fault, I was too careless, please forgive Pikachu!Because there is no recommendation again, I am a little uneasy, alas, the grades seem to be too poor.


(End of this chapter)

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