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Chapter 217 Special Treasure Chest, Brocade Treasure Chest!

Chapter 217 Special Treasure Chest, Brocade Treasure Chest!
Lin Xiu didn't care what they were thinking. He just wanted to find the treasure chest quickly and leave here. It was already night, and it was [-] o'clock in the morning, but there were still three hours left. Lin Xiu had to hurry up.

The place where Lin Xiu was before was the main peak of Lingyun Sect, Lingyun Peak. Even so, the place was huge. Now Lingjue Peak is half smaller than Lingyun Peak.

Even so, this place is quite big. Lin Xiu can still feel the location of the treasure chest. He wanted to go there immediately, but heard a voice behind him.

"Junior Sister Mi Lan, why are you here?" Lin Xiu looked back, only to see a beautiful figure appearing in front of him.

"Lin Lu...Senior Sister!" Lin Xiu is still in a state of disguise. Lin Xiu feels that even if he is the suzerain, he may not be able to see through his disguise.

Now the person that Lin Xiu disguised was Mi Lan, so when Lin Lu called him, he had no choice but to say "Senior Sister".

"Why is your voice a little strange?" Lin Lu said.

"Strange? No, maybe it's because of the intense practice recently, that's why it happened!" Lin Xiu was very depressed, and he had to hold his breath to speak.

"Junior Sister Mi Lan, if this is the case, then you should rest early!" Lin Lu said.

"Yes!" Lin Xiu replied, and immediately ran away.

Just kidding, if someone finds out, it will be a serious crime, let alone the serious crime, and the most important thing is, it will not be good for face!
What is the most important thing about being an uncle?Of course it's saving face!
Lin Xiu is not afraid of taking the blame, but how can he live if he loses face?

After Lin Xiu left, he immediately went to the spiritual spring.

But what Lin Xiu didn't expect was that there were actually six women wearing bellybands in this spiritual spring. They only had two pieces of close-fitting clothing on their bodies, but they were sitting in the spiritual spring with their eyes closed and practicing.

Lin Xiu can know that this is indeed a spiritual spring. You can feel it from the air here. If you breathe here, the air you inhale is also different. It can make people absorb more spiritual energy during cultivation and practice faster. , if immersed in this spiritual spring, the speed of cultivation will undoubtedly be faster.

Of course, it is still far from the practice of using the first-order primordial stones, but it can be regarded as a treasure land of cultivation.

It's just that Lin Xiu felt that something was flowing down his nose, which is too exciting!

It's not that I haven't seen this scene before, but the last time was a little different from this time. This time there were six of them. Although they were still wearing clothes, the underwater situation made Lin Xiu's blood expand even more. Of course, in fact The biggest reason is because Lin Xiu had just taken the Martial Spirit Realm Experience Pill, otherwise, it would not have become like this.

Lin Xiu's body was still in a state of excitement, and with this stimulation, he had no place to get up, which is why his blood was surging up, and it became the current situation.

But at this time, Lin Xiu found that the treasure chest was not under the spiritual spring, which made him a little lucky.

This treasure chest is in that pile of clothes.

The six girls left all their clothes on the shore, and there was a treasure chest on one of the clothes, Lin Xiu immediately picked it up.

"Ding, this treasure chest belongs to a special treasure chest, the Jinyi treasure chest!"

"The Treasure Chest of Brocade Clothes, you can collect other people's clothes to upgrade, and the time limit is one hour!"

"..." Lin Xiu closed his eyes, his face showed a depressed look, "System, you are really messing up something!"

It doesn't matter if this treasure chest is a special treasure chest. The biggest question is, why is it upgraded in this way!And there's only one hour left!Hey, won't your conscience ache?
The position where Lin Xiu is now is Ling Juefeng!It will take at least half an hour to go down from here. If you avoid other people, it may take longer. Lin Xiu has no chance to upgrade this treasure chest after leaving here.

And in this way, Lin Xiu can only... steal clothes here!

How about giving up this treasure chest!

Lin Xiu thought fiercely in his heart, if he gave up the treasure chest, then this treasure chest would be considered as a free one. After all, if he opened it now, he would get nothing, because it doesn’t even count as a bronze treasure chest, so he came here for nothing?
When Lin Xiu thought of this, his heart ached!He is now at war between heaven and man, should he collect the clothes here?

But at this moment, a voice came: "Senior Sister Mi Lan, what are you doing with Sister Fei'er's clothes?"

A female disciple was wearing underwear, looking in Lin Xiu's direction.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu.

Only now did Lin Xiu discover that there was another Fei'er in this spiritual spring!
That's right, it was Fei'er, the number one disciple of Lingyun Sect!

Mayfair has long red hair, and her face is slightly relaxed, but it can be seen that she is used to having a cold face, and her appearance is indeed a stunning beauty.

Fei'er's realm is also the most powerful martial artist among these disciples. She is also cultivating here at this time, so it can be known that this place is indeed a treasure land of cultivation.

It's just that Fei'er is wearing a bellyband now. I guess other men have never seen her like this. Fei'er also cast her eyes on Lin Xiu, a little confused, because what Lin Xiu is holding is indeed her clothes , but why did Lin Xiu do this?
The others didn't know, and looked at Lin Xiu with puzzled eyes.

The thoughts in Lin Xiu's mind turned sharply, he finally thought of a way, and said silently in his heart, I'm sorry, Mi Lan, this blame can only be thrown on you!
Only seeing Lin Xiu in the eyes of everyone, he suddenly stood up, only to see him raise his head and look at Fei'er: "Senior Sister Fei'er, I love you!"

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he took Fei'er's clothes, covered his face, turned and fled.

"..." Fei'er and all the female disciples looked at Lin Xiu's back and were stunned at the same time.

After a full 3 minutes, the female disciples here burst into exclamations.

"No way, how could such a thing happen, Senior Sister Mi Lan just now, what is she talking about?"

"Senior Sister Mi Lan hasn't found any other male Taoist couple. I thought she just didn't find someone she likes, but I didn't expect that this is the truth!"

"Senior Sister Fei'er's charm is astonishing, she can kill both men and women!"


The eyes of the female disciples looking at Fei'er also changed. Fei'er is almost the dream lover of all Ling Yunzong's male disciples. They are very clear about this, but they didn't expect that even Mi Lan would treat her like that. Heart born love.

The expression on Mayfair's face was a bit ugly at this moment. This incident happened so suddenly that she didn't think about how to solve it at all. Of course, more importantly, how would she go back now?

That person just now took her clothes away!

(End of this chapter)

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