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Chapter 222 Su Long Turned into a Cat

Chapter 222 Su Long Turned into a Cat
Lin Xiu practiced for one night, and felt that his state had stabilized a lot the next day.

And early in the morning, Lin Xiu heard a knock on the door, and when he opened the door, he saw a stunning face appearing in front of him.

Where is this beauty from?Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment. He felt that this beautiful woman was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, it's me!" After the woman finished speaking, she immediately knelt down on the ground.

There was a big knife behind the woman, Lin Xiu saw it, and immediately remembered that this woman turned out to be Lu Sha!

"Thank you uncle for your great kindness, thank you uncle!" Lu Sha kowtowed to Lin Xiu.

"It's Lu Sha, get up!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "This matter is nothing!"

"Ding, the mission is complete, reward the host with a platinum treasure chest!"

Healing the wound on Lu Sha's face is also a task. Now that Lu Sha has been cured, Lin Xiu can of course get a treasure box, and this task is not easy. Lin Xiu is also very satisfied with a platinum treasure box.

"To uncle, this incident is just a trivial matter, but to Lu Sha, it is a major event that can change my life!" Lu Sha said.

"How do you feel now?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"Uncle, I feel very good, I have never felt so good!" Lu Sha said.

The two talked here for a while, only to hear Shuang'er's anxious voice from outside: "No, master, master!"

Lin Xiu immediately came over, he saw the little charmander behind Shuang'er's buttocks, and she was holding a white cat in her hand, he was stunned for a moment, and said: "Shuang'er, what happened? This is Where did the cat come from?"

"Master Lin Xiu, Sister Su Long is gone. I opened the door of her room and only saw this cat. What should I do? Will Sister Su Long be in danger?" Shuang'er asked quickly.

"Is this the only cat left?" Lin Xiu looked at the white cat with a look of surprise on his face. The white cat has a golden ring on each of its limbs and neck. This is a fifth-level monster, the Flying Ring Cat ah!
"Meow meow!" the white cat called out immediately.

" are Su Long?" Lin Xiu's mouth twitched when he heard what the white cat said.

It's not uncommon for monsters to turn into adults, but this is the first time I've heard of people turning into monsters.

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, the expressions of Shuang'er and Lu Sha changed at the same time, wouldn't it?This white cat is Su Long?
"Master, save me, 555..." Su Long was about to cry, she didn't know what happened, and she became like this.

Since waking up just now, Su Long found that her body had changed a lot. When she looked in the mirror, she almost scared her to death. How could this happen?Will he turn into a cat?Could it be that he is a monster?

She didn't cry out in the room until Shuang'er came over.

"Young Master, how did Sister Su Long become like this?" Shuang'er asked quickly.

"Su Long already had the bloodline of the monster flying ring cat in her body, and after I activated the bloodline for her, her strength also changed, but I didn't expect that a rejuvenating pill would make her become like this! "Lin Xiu said helplessly.

"Master, what should I do? Am I going to be a cat forever?" Su Long asked quickly.

"It's estimated that you will be able to recover in two or three days, don't worry!" Lin Xiu replied.

"It will take two or three days, so what should I eat?" Su Long was very depressed.

"Let's eat fish for a few days first, good boy!" Lin Xiu said with a chuckle.

Su Long turned her head, not wanting to pay attention to Lin Xiu anymore.

At this time, a disciple came outside the door and shouted: "Uncle Lin Xiu, the suzerain has called you over, and I want to tell you something!"

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Lin Xiu was a little puzzled when he heard it. He came out and asked, "What is the suzerain looking for me for?"

"I don't know!" the disciple replied.

"Okay, tell the suzerain, I'll go later!" Lin Xiu said.

"This..." After hearing that, the disciple hesitated a little. If other people heard the suzerain's order, they would go there immediately. This Uncle Lin Xiu is fine, he will go later.

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Lin Xiu stared and said.

"I don't dare, so I ask Master to go to Lingyun Palace as soon as possible!" The disciple has heard of Lin Xiu's notoriety, so how dare he say more?
Lin Xiu asked two maids and a cat to stay and gave them instructions before he left.

This time, Lin Xiu was going to Ling Yunzong. After thinking about it for a while, tomorrow is the day of the entrance examination of Ling Yunzong. Lin Xiu has to find a way to get the qualification of an instructor!

Lingyun Palace.

Mi Lan was kneeling in the hall, Mi Lan was very wronged, although she knew that one day her identity would be exposed, but she never thought that one day she would be arrested for stealing clothes.

What does this have to do with her?Why should I be wronged like this?

"Sect Master, we can deal with today's matter first!" Only one elder said.

The six elders who came forward here are all people with relatively high status. Except for Shen Ling, the others are also the peak masters of Lingyun Six Peaks, and they were also Du Yun's senior brothers. Of course, now that Du Yun has become the suzerain, his status is low Will be a generation higher than them.

"That's right, before solving Lin Xiu's matter, I think it's better for us to deal with this matter first!" Another peak leader said.

"Okay, since everyone has said so, let's deal with Mi Lan's stealing clothes first!" When Du Yun said this, his expression was a little strange.

After all, this kind of thing has never happened since the establishment of Lingyun Sect, and it was a large-scale theft of clothes, and it was also a large-scale theft of clothes by female disciples.

Of course, no one thought that the person who committed the crime would be a female disciple, or a female disciple with a tendency to like the same sex!

"I didn't steal anything, peak masters, suzerain masters, I never stole clothes from other teachers and sisters!" Mi Lan said depressedly.

"You said no, but so many people have seen it, how do you explain it?" Director Liang Lingqifeng said.

"Someone is pretending to be me!" Mi Lan quickly replied, "The person the other teachers and sisters saw was not me at all, it was someone else. I didn't steal clothes! Why would I steal other people's clothes?"

"Didn't they say that you like Fei'er, maybe you will have someone else you like, that's why you stole their clothes!" Ling Yuanfeng's master Kong Zhi said.

"I don't! Sovereign Master, Master, I don't like Senior Sister Fei'er, that's..." Before Mi Lan finished speaking, Shen Ling interrupted her.

"Okay! Don't say any more!" Shen Ling's face was a little ugly, "Tell me that you didn't come back to Ling Juefeng last night, where did you go?"

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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