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Chapter 224 She Was In My Room Last Night!

Chapter 224 She Was In My Room Last Night!
Kong Zhi was so angry that his face turned blue, he wanted to tear Lin Xiu into pieces, but here, as long as he didn't lose his mind, he wouldn't do such a thing.

"Kong Zhi's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 60! Enter the first level of rage!"

Getting angry so easily?Really easy to worry people!
Lin Xiu's psychological evaluation of Kong Zhi was even lower.

However, Kong Zhi's current appearance also made Du Yun feel a little helpless. This Kong Zhi really has no ability, so he can't hold his breath.

But after all, he is one of the peak masters, and Du Yun can't let him lose face too much, Du Yun said: "Lin Xiu, stop talking nonsense, do you know what I want you to do when I called you here today? "

"Sovereign, you have called me here, of course it is to let me get to know all the younger brothers and sisters!" Lin Xiu said with a "shy" smile.

"..." The corner of Du Yun's mouth twitched, Damn, this kid, how shameless is he?Do you really think that we called you here to introduce you to other people?Do you think you have such a big face?

No, this kid must know why they called him this time. He did it on purpose. This kid is obviously pretending to be confused!
"Arrogance, you want so many of us to stay here for you?" Ren Liang said coldly.

"Why is this young master so arrogant? Don't tell me I'm not your senior brother?" Lin Xiu pointed at Ren Liang.

"I... am so young, you are so arrogant, be careful, you don't know what a real genius is!" Ren Liang is a tall and thin man with a sinister smile on his face.

"Losing? I eat everything, but I don't suffer. As for what a genius is, I don't need to know, because no one is more genius than me!" Lin Xiu sneered, only to see a dragon shadow appearing behind him .

This is exactly the martial soul of the Frost Dragon!
As soon as the Frost Dragon appeared, the huge aura immediately appeared. The seven people present, as well as Mi Lan, were startled by Lin Xiu's martial spirit.

"My young master has a powerful martial spirit, can pass through the sword tower, and can even kill people by leapfrogging. Even if it is a dragon, this young master has slaughtered. What are you? How dare you accuse me in front of this young master?" Lin Xiu stared. , the momentum skyrocketed.

Stare at who is pregnant!
Lin Xiu's staring eyes were terrifying, and he possessed a powerful martial soul. As soon as this aura appeared, Ren Liang was in a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to say a word.

"Have you slaughtered a dragon? What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think we would believe such a thing?" Huang Bo, the master of Lingwu Peak, said indifferently.

"Don't believe me? I'm not afraid to tell you that this young master kills a dragon like he kills a chicken. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone, who doesn't know that this young master has dragon blood on his hands!" Lin Xiu stopped and said.

"What Lin Xiu said is indeed true, and Elder Lu Ting saw this incident with his own eyes. At that time, Lin Xiu was protected by a strong man who had the ability to kill four-level dragons. The strength, and four of the dragon clan died in the hands of Lin Xiu!" Seeing this, Du Yun couldn't help but say.

Of the fourth-level dragons, did four of them die in Lin Xiu's hands?As soon as these words came out, all the six peak masters present were startled, and everyone present looked at Lin Xiu with shocked eyes, and the whole hall could hear the sound of needles falling for a moment.

Mi Lan's gaze also fell on Lin Xiu's hands. She had always underestimated this uncle. He is someone who can slay dragons!

The other peak masters looked at Lin Xiu with a bit of fear. Lin Xiu was able to kill four dragons. Both he and the strong man behind him must have good strength. If he offends Lin Xiu again, That's a little silly.

"Okay, everyone, let's talk about Mi Lan first, and then deal with Lin Xiu's matter!" Du Yun said again, "Mi Lan couldn't tell where she went yesterday, so this matter , we couldn't find out, so we had to convict Mi Lan!"

"Sect Master..." Shen Ling wanted to plead for mercy, but was interrupted by Du Yun waving his hand.

"Peak Master Shen, if Mi Lan is unwilling to tell the reason, then it will be considered that Cha can't defend herself. We can't deal with this matter anymore, so we have to convict, otherwise, what are the rules of our clan? Unless she is willing If we tell her whereabouts last night, as long as we find out, she will be innocent!" Du Yun said.

"This..." Shen Ling glanced at Mi Lan and sighed, "Mi Lan, you really don't want to reveal your whereabouts last night?"

"..." Mi Lan was silent, she didn't know how to defend herself.

"Sect Master, I wonder what will happen to Mi Lan if she is convicted?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Her fate? Naturally, her cultivation will be abolished and she will be expelled from the sect!" Du Yun was only heard to say.

"In this case, I have something to say!" Lin Xiu said.

"Do you have something to say? What do you want to say?" Du Yun asked.

Mi Lan looked at Lin Xiu with despair in her eyes. If Lin Xiu told the truth, her fate would not be as simple as abolishing her cultivation base. Could it be that Lin Xiu was so cruel?
Lin Xiu looked at Mi Lan with a smile.

Mi Lan was a little confused, what was her uncle thinking!
"What I want to say is that... she was in my room last night!" Lin Xiu said.

Mi Lan's eyes stared straight!

Shen Ling's eyes also stared straight!
The eyes of the other people present were also stared straight!

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Lin Xiu at the same time, and Du Yun just took a sip of tea and sprayed it out on the spot.

Boy, your words are too bold!Really dare to say anything!

Du Yun looked at Lin Xiu with admiration in his eyes, and secretly gave Lin Xiu a thumbs up.

Shen Ling's face softened. Although she didn't know why Lin Xiu did this, she knew that Lin Xiu did it to protect Mi Lan.

This time, Mi Lan has regained her cultivation.

The eyes of other people looking at Lin Xiu and Mi Lan also changed a little.

These two people are not really related, are they?
"You said you are related, so are you related?" At this time, Huang Bo was a little unconvinced, and said.

"What? I said we were in the room, and didn't say it had anything to do with it. Your thoughts are too dirty!" Lin Xiu curled his lips and said.

"You!" Huang Bo choked up, not knowing how to continue.

"Then what are you doing in the room?" Ren Liang asked.

"What do we do in the room? It's none of your business. Brother, do you need to explain to me? If you are interested, you can come into my room tonight!" Lin Xiu said disdainfully.

 Chapter 3!

(End of this chapter)

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