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Chapter 226 Brother Can't Shout?

Chapter 226 Brother Can't Shout?

"This junior brother, who are you?" Lin Xiu glanced at this peak master and said, this old boy has been staring at Lin Xiu since Lin Xiu came in, as if Lin Xiu owed him a debt. He was like millions, Lin Xiu wondered if he had offended this person.

But after thinking about it, Lin Xiu understood that he had never seen this old boy before, so how could he offend him?
"My name is Tong Li!" The peak master sneered.

"Tong Li? What is your relationship with Tong Zheng?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"Tong is my nephew!" Tong Li said, staring at Lin Xiu.

"So that's the case, it's not that senior brother said you, you don't know how to teach juniors, you let him attack his senior uncle, fortunately he met me, if he met other people, he would have died long ago!" Lin Xiu After hearing it, he suddenly said.

"Lin Xiu, you deliberately fought privately and abolished Tong Zheng's cultivation, and now you dare to speak nonsense here?" Tong Li said coldly.

"I'm talking nonsense?" After Lin Xiu knew that the other party was Tong Zheng's uncle, he realized that it would be difficult to leave safely if he didn't deal with this person first. He raised his head and said lightly, "You just talk to me like this Did your brother speak?"

"You..." Tong Li frowned. Although Lin Xiu's identity as a senior brother can be said to be in name only, but even so, the six peak masters present did not dare to be too rude to Lin Xiu .

Lin Xiu is someone that even the suzerain agrees with. What right do they have to object?
And just because Lin Xiu cleared the sword tower, even if he is regarded as the treasure of the suzerain, no one will have any objections, let alone Lin Xiu has the Frost Dragon Martial Soul.

"What are you? Senior brother can't shout?" Lin Xiu immediately rushed to ask.

"Lin Xiu, do you really think that you can be so arrogant relying on the authority of the suzerain?" Ren Liang said coldly.

"I never need to rely on the power of the suzerain. If anyone of you wants to touch me, then come and try!" Lin Xiu sneered, his eyes widened.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's aura suddenly soared, and the people present felt a strong aura of pretense rushing towards their faces.

"Lin Xiu!" Du Yun had no choice but to speak at this time, "Even if Tong Zheng really took the initiative in this matter, isn't there nothing wrong with you doing such a thing?"

"The suzerain is right. If this is the case, I am willing to accept the punishment, but suzerain, can I spend some items as punishment?" Du Yun asked, and Lin Xiu had to give him face.

"Is there anything in our sect? You still want to spend some items to escape punishment? Do you think it is possible?" Tong Li said coldly.

"What if I want to turn in the first-order primordial stone?" Lin Xiu asked again.

The people present were all taken aback when they heard it. Lin Xiu was willing to hand over the first-order primordial stone?
In their eyes, first-order primordial stones are very rare, and if ordinary disciples have them, they will definitely not hand them over easily, but use them for their own cultivation. After all, this kind of first-order primordial stones are rare even for warriors in the Wuxu realm. certain effect.

"How many first-order primordial stones can you have? Can it offset your crimes?" Tong Li asked again.

"Not much, two or thirty yuan, you can still pay it!" Lin Xiu shrugged.

Two 30 yuan first-order primordial stone?If it is really possible to hand it over, this is not a small amount for the sect, everyone is moved, 30 yuan first-level Yuanshi is enough to support a Tong Zheng, and even train another Tong Zheng.

Of course, Tong Li absolutely disagrees, but others may not.

"Can you really hand over 30 yuan first-order primordial stone?" Huang Bo asked immediately.

"Yes, I wonder if this can atone for my sin?" Lin Xiu asked again.

A few people didn't speak, but it seemed that they communicated through sound transmission here.

After a while, Du Yun finally said: "Lin Xiu, the crime you committed has violated our patriarchal rules, and we cannot easily forgive you!"

After Lin Xiu heard it, there was no expression on his face. If this sect really wanted to be unkind to him, he couldn't blame him for being unrighteous. After all, he didn't have much sense of belonging to this place.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yun said again: "However, since you are a first-time offender, you need to pay 30 yuan first-level primordial stone. This matter will be dealt with lightly. Tomorrow, you need to face the wall and think about it for a month!"

Fighting privately in the Zongmen, and then abolishing a person's cultivation, he went to face the wall and thought about it for a month. This punishment is too light, but Lin Xiu is very dissatisfied: "One month? Sect Master, this is too long Yes, ten days, no, one day, no, one hour!"

"Do you think you can bargain here?" Du Yun laughed angrily and said.

"In this case, I have another proposal to make!" Lin Xiu said again.

"What's the matter?" Du Yun asked.

"Tomorrow is the day of the Zongmen's assessment, and I also want to see it, so if I face the wall, I wonder if I can do it the day after tomorrow?" Lin Xiu said.

Seeing Lin Xiu's eyes, Du Yun knew that if he stopped him, he might turn his face straight away. He nodded and said, "Okay, if that's the case, your face-to-face thinking will start from the day after tomorrow!"

"Wait!" Tong Li said again at this time, "He said he has a first-order primordial stone, how do we know if he really has it? What if he is deceiving us?"

After all, Lin Xiu is just a warrior in the Wuling Realm. If it is said that he has so many yuan stones on him, few people will believe it. After Lin Xiu heard this, he said lightly: "Of course I have yuan stones. Since you want to see them, I will Let you see clearly!"

Lin Xiu stretched his hand into his arms, and took out a 30-yuan first-order primordial stone.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face slightly, and collected 120 face slap points!"

Sure enough, it was a first-order primordial stone, and everyone present could feel that the aura of these first-order primordial stones was very strong, even better than those from the sect.

"It seems that I have nothing to do, Mi Lan, let's go!" Lin Xiu said.

"This... yes!" Mi Lan nodded immediately and followed Lin Xiu.

This time, no one else stopped the two of them, and they had no excuses to stop them, but Tong Li looked at Lin Xiu with vicious eyes, if given the chance, he would never show mercy!
"This Lin Xiu is indeed not an ordinary person, but keeping him may not be a good thing for our sect!" Ye Ba said.

"I think he is a scourge. He has only been here for a few days, and he has already caused so many things!" Tong Li said coldly, "I think it is better to drive him out of the sect!"

Others naturally knew that Tong Li wanted to avenge his nephew, so they ignored Tong Li's words, but Shen Ling said at this time: "Sect Master, although this Lin Xiu is a bit rebellious, his talent and strength are also impeccable." Yes, even Tong Zheng is not his opponent, which is enough to prove that as long as I train him well, he will definitely become the pillar of our sect!"

"I think so too, but first let him stop causing trouble!" Du Yun sighed.

This is the end of today's matter. Although Lin Xiu was punished, it seems that this punishment is not too heavy for him, but it is not too light. It can be regarded as a lesson!

(End of this chapter)

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