Chapter 235
After Lin Xiu left, Shen Ling was the only one left in the room. Shen Ling was stunned for a moment. This Lin Xiu was really mysterious. What could be wrong with him to let him go?
Although Shen Ling is a generation older than other disciples, she looks only 25 or 6 years old on the outside, and she is full of charm, figure and temperament of a mature woman, which is something that those female disciples cannot believe. Than.

However, Lin Xiu seemed indifferent. Shen Ling really couldn't see through this man, but as long as he could heal his injuries, none of this mattered.

Lin Xiu talked to her about her condition, and it was indeed a very serious condition, and ordinary doctors couldn't cure her well, even the two-star doctor in the sect, if he couldn't get treatment, Within two years, her cultivation would degenerate severely, and she would die in severe cases.

But now Lin Xiu was able to heal her, which already gave Shen Ling hope. After Shen Ling ate a pill, she felt a coldness appear. They also seemed to have calmed down.

Are these pills really useful?

The sky had already darkened, Lin Xiu went out, and he would definitely not be able to heal Shen Ling anymore, and there would be a sect assessment tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow he would have to face the wall, Lin Xiu couldn't find any other time to heal Shen Ling, so he had to Use the elixir to take it for her. Anyway, Lin Xiu can just ask for this elixir, and it doesn't cost money!

Even if it costs money, it's not for him, these are all the medicines of Master Dead Leaf!
When leaving the elixir room, Dead Leaf gave Lin Xiu a lot of elixirs, and Lin Xiu naturally accepted them without hesitation.

It's just that the treasure chest appeared at this time, it's too bullying, and I almost got it!
When Lin Xiu was thinking this way, he had already reached the back mountain. The back mountain is a hill outside the Seven Peaks, and in that mountain forest, there will be some monsters from time to time. Of course, there may also be some spiritual grass spirits here flowers.

This time, Lin Xiu came here for the treasure chest. It took half an hour just to come here, and Lin Xiu was also a little anxious.

However, Lin Xiu was a little surprised that there were still several disciples here, and there were also acquaintances. Lin Xiu saw that Yu Rou was also here, as well as Dr. Luo Fu who had met once, and three others. It's just that their situation is a bit troublesome. Lin Xiu can see that they are facing the siege of five wolf-like monsters.

Yu Rou's realm is only the first-level Wuxu realm, just stepping into the realm of the core disciples, but now, facing the monsters here, she is powerless. Each of the five monster wolves is a third-level monster.

This is also the depths of the back mountain. Most people really dare not enter here easily, because the probability of three-level monsters appearing here is too high. If you are not careful, you may bury your life.

Yu Rou didn't expect it to turn out like this, and the other three senior brothers here seem to be almost unable to hold on. Luo Fu is a doctor and doesn't have too much fighting power at all. If they fall down, Luo Fu will also die undoubtedly!
These third-level monsters are called sharp-toothed wolves. Their teeth are very sharp, probably much sharper than blades. Their teeth can even shred weapons of the mysterious level. At this time, the five sharp-toothed wolves in front of them appeared , even if a warrior of the Wuxu Realm of the fourth or fifth floor appears, it is estimated that there is only one dead end.

"Junior Sister Yu Rou, take Dr. Luo Fu away quickly. We will make a breakthrough later and open a way for you. As long as you all escape, you should be able to leave here. Let us block these monsters for you. !” said one of the tall men.

Another man who looked similar to him also said: "Yes, we will definitely protect you!"

These two people seem to be brothers, because they look alike, and they are also more than two meters tall, and the weapons they use are sledgehammers.

The third man had a sword in his hand, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Yes, Junior Sister Yurou, you go away, we can stop them!"

"Okay!" Yu Rou is not hypocritical, if she stays now, there is only one dead end, and the one who can escape is the one!
"Let's start!" The tall twins waved their sledgehammers at the same time. Their spirits had already condensed on their sledgehammers. They only saw these two sledgehammers, one was red and the other was golden, and they blasted towards the front at the same time. .

There was a loud noise like thunder, the two hammers hit the ground, and there were immediately two gullies on the ground. Where did the sharp-toothed wolves dare to resist, they immediately stepped aside, and a road was opened.

Yu Rou pulled Luo Fu up and was about to leave, but at this moment, a figure was faster than them, rushing out of the encirclement of the sharp-toothed wolf, he said: "Junior Sister Yu Rou, I will definitely I will avenge you!"

Several people looked at the man's back, and immediately realized that this bastard actually left them and ran away by himself!
This man was the one who wielded the sword. Originally, he pretended to stay and cover Yu Rou and Luo Fu, but now, he ran away by himself.

This man walked in the front. Now that Yu Rou and Luo Fu want to rush out, it will be too late. The five sharp-toothed wolves will not let them escape so easily. It can be said that their only chance to escape is the one just now. It's just a chance.

Now the man who wielded the sword had seized the opportunity to escape, and Yu Rou and the others were trapped here again, their eyes filled with despair.

"Bastard, Lu Yang escaped by himself, it's too much!" one of the big men said.

"Junior Sister Yu Rou, it seems that our Yu family brothers and you two can only die here!" another big man said.

"Are we really going to die here? Too bad luck!" Luo Fu said helplessly.

"Unless there is a miracle, we have no chance of surviving!" Yu Rou shook her head.

The brothers Yu Mingzhe and Yu Minglang stood outside, and their injuries became more and more serious: the two used their bodies to protect the two women behind them from the attack of the five demon wolves, but even so, they His body was also a bloody mess.

"What are you doing here?" A voice rang out, and everyone looked in that direction, only to see a young man walking this way.

"Lin Xiu?" Yu Rou couldn't believe that Lin Xiu would appear here at this moment.

"It's Uncle Lin Xiu!" Yu Mingzhe looked at it and immediately said, "Uncle Lin, are you here to save us?"

"It seems that you have encountered a little trouble, don't worry, everything is there!" Lin Xiu said lightly, and the dragon shadow behind Lin Xiu appeared, and the five demon wolves did not dare to move any more on the spot, and all fell on the ground.

How could they resist the power of a ninth-level martial spirit?

(End of this chapter)

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