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Chapter 252 It turns out that you also use a sword!

Chapter 252 It turns out that you also use a sword! (2 more)
"Yes! After I go back, I will send these herbs to you, Master Lin Xiu!" Master Withered Leaf said immediately.

"Junior Brother Kong Zhi, do you remember our previous bet?" Lin Xiu said again.

Kong Zhi gritted his teeth, he threw a jade box to Lin Xiu, and said, "This is the Wu Xu Pill you want!"

A Wuxu pill is also worth a lot of money, which is also a very distressing thing for Kong Zhi.

However, Lin Xiu accepted it unceremoniously, and then said: "Now, it's time to deal with the matter here!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping face for twelve times, but you can only get the original basic face-slapping points, and collect 12 face-slapping points!"

A sinister smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face, and he said, "Sovereign, Liu Song just slandered me in front of you, I don't know how he should deal with it?"

Now that he has the status of a three-star alchemist and a three-star doctor, Lin Xiu naturally has to make good use of it.

Liu Song's face changed drastically, he immediately knelt down and said, "Sect Master, I..."

"Elder Liu Song, you have gone too far in this matter today!" Du Yun said slowly.

If Du Yun didn't know how to choose at this time, it would be too embarrassing. He knew very well what the current Lin Xiu meant to Ling Yunzong. Someone who can bring Lingyunzong to glory.

This was originally just a religious training, but now, Du Yun believed it. Lin Xiu is now a three-star doctor and a three-star alchemist. Such a person may grow to be a four-star doctor or even a five-star alchemist in the future. .

More importantly, Du Yun heard that Lin Xiu had defeated Tong Li. To him, he couldn't believe it, but after coming here, he heard again that Lin Xiu had defeated Liu Song.

This kid actually possesses such strength!
As soon as these words came out, Liu Song's heart sank. Did Du Yun say this to deal with him?

"Sect Master..." Liu Song said hastily.

"Elder Liu Song, you have privately used your power to make the sect's assessment unfairly treated, and you have embezzled the qualifications of the sect's disciples for pills. The sect's disciples have complained to you many times, but I think it is for your sake as an elder. , That's why I made an exception and only gave you a warning, but I didn't expect you to do such a thing! I'm so disappointed in you!" Du Yun shook his head and said.

Liu Song was stunned for a while, he didn't expect such a thing to happen, but Du Yun didn't warn him before!
Obviously, now Du Yun really wants to deal with him!
"According to the sect's regulations, it is impossible for me to keep you in the sect today. You can pack up your things tomorrow and leave our Lingyun sect!" Du Yun said lightly.

In Lin Xiu's eyes, expelling Du Yun from Lingyun Sect was already considered light. If Lin Xiu was allowed to come, if he was not abolished, he would be sorry for Lin Xiu himself!

"Sovereign master!" Kong Zhi said hastily when he heard this, this Liu Song belongs to him, if he was expelled, wouldn't he be missing someone?
"Junior Brother Kong Zhi, I just found out today that you are also a sword wielder!" Lin Xiu suddenly laughed at this moment, "I thought you were not pleasing to my younger brother just now... No, I just want to learn from you!"

Du Yun wanted to expel Liu Song, it was just revenge, but with Lin Xiu's character, Kong Zhi dared to offend him today, how could Lin Xiu let him go, if Kong Zhi didn't use a sword, Lin Xiu Not so arrogant yet, but since he wields a sword, it's much simpler.

All Lin Xiu had to do was to slap him in the face in front of so many people!

"What did you say? You want to challenge me?" Kong Zhi laughed out loud when he heard Lin Xiu's words, "Lin Xiu, you're not telling the truth, are you?"

"Naturally, to be honest, I am a person who is really happy to compete with others, especially with a strong swordsman like you, Junior Brother Kong Zhi. How about it? Do you want to fight with me?" Lin Xiu There was a kind smile on his face.

Since Kong Zhi already wanted to deal with Lin Xiu wholeheartedly, then Lin Xiu naturally had no reason to let him go. Lin Xiu's purpose has always been that no one offends me, but I will offend others.

As for kindness?nonexistent!How could Lin Xiu have such words?In this world, kindness will only make you weak, and even be used by others. Only strong strength is the only best weapon to protect yourself and others around you!
"Lin Xiu!" When Du Yun heard this, he hurriedly said, "Don't be impulsive!"

"Brother Lin Xiu, he is not an ordinary elder. Every peak master has his own unique skills. It may not be so easy for you to challenge him!" Shen Ling also reminded.

"Master!" Tao Hua and Master Withered Leaf said at the same time.

"Don't worry, isn't he just a junior? He won't hurt me!" Lin Xiu said.

The corners of the mouths of the other people twitched when they heard this, do you really think you are a senior brother?Still want to compare with Peak Master?
"Lin Xiu, that's not necessarily the case. If I accidentally hurt you when I strike, don't blame me! After all, swords have no eyes!" Kong Zhi said immediately.

"It's okay, senior brother, I will let you, and I won't hurt you!" Lin Xiu smiled.

"You..." Kong Zhi was furious, he jumped up and was already on the stage, "Lin Xiu, come up!"

Lin Xiu deliberately wanted to show off his body skills, but he saw a few afterimages of his body in the air, and when he appeared on the competition stage, there were already four afterimages.

"Isn't this the afterimage step?" Seeing this scene, Shen Ling was surprised, "I heard that Lin Xiu had learned all the martial arts and body skills of our sect, but I didn't expect it to be true. Understand this kind of movement!"

"The afterimage step can create phantoms. If you practice to the extreme, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake. Lin Xiu has really cultivated this movement technique to the point of perfection?" Du Yun couldn't believe it.


Other people were also surprised when they saw this scene, but this time, Lin Xiu was pretending to be aggressive, he put his hands behind his back and said: "Junior Kong Zhi, you want to challenge me, this time, don't blame me!" Brother, I will show no mercy!"

After Kong Zhi heard it, the corner of his mouth twitched. Who is challenging whom?Didn't you come to challenge me?Why did it become me challenging you again?

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" Kong Zhi said.

"No, if I strike first, you won't have a chance to fight back. How about this, brother, I'll give you three swords, what do you think?" Lin Xiu pointed his nostrils directly at Kong Zhi, and said.

This sentence was extremely arrogant, Kong Zhi was very angry when he heard it, and he said angrily: "Okay, since this is the case, let me see what strength you have!"

Kong Zhi was furious, he only saw his long sword pointed at Lin Xiu, the speed of this sword was really shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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