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Chapter 255 The Death of Tong Li

Chapter 255 The Death of Tong Li (5 more)
"Senior brother Lin Xiu, can I come back to ask you about the way of swordsmanship later?" Kong Zhi asked again.

"Seeing that you yearn for the way of swords with all your heart, I will be merciful and teach you in the future!" I only heard Lin Xiu with his hands behind his back, looking inscrutable.

"Thank you, brother!" Kong Zhi said with great joy when he heard that.

Kong Zhi is truly convinced by Lin Xiu now.

Seeing this scene, other people's faces also became strange. Lin Xiu was able to defeat Kong Zhi, at least on the surface.

If it is a life-and-death fight, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose, but in terms of sparring, Lin Xiu is indeed better. It is not difficult to imagine, after all, Lin Xiu's swordsmanship realm has reached the point where the sword and the human are united. And that Kong Zhi's kendo is just an introduction to sword intent.

"Sovereign, the matter here has come to an end. I believe that justice is in the hearts of the people, and the suzerain will definitely give me justice!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

After Du Yun heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. This Lin Xiu was too arrogant, but the matter here really needs to be dealt with.

"Liu Song, you and the members of the Liu family should leave, our Lingyun Sect will no longer employ you!" Du Yun said.

Liu Song's face turned pale for a while, but this was already within his expectation. Lin Xiu's talent and strength were indeed quite awesome, which was unmatched by others.

"However, Lin Xiu, you have done too many wrong things recently, so I decided to punish you to go to Siguo Peak and face the wall for three months!" Du Yun said.

"No way?" Lin Xiu was surprised when he heard this.

"Sovereign, is this too heavy!" I heard Tao Hua say.

"Sovereign, I also think this punishment is a bit too much!" Master Dead Leaf also said.

A hint of cunning flashed in Du Yun's eyes. He naturally knew that these two masters were here. It would not be easy to punish Lin Xiu, but this kid was too troublesome. If he could not be quieted for a while, the entire Ling Yun Zong will be turned over by him.

Du Yun said with a straight face: "He killed so many people, my punishment is already very light!"

"Sovereign, Lin Xiu is not entirely responsible for this matter, why not punish him for facing the wall for a month!" Shen Ling said.

"One month?" Du Yun glanced at Lin Xiu before saying, "Lin Xiu, what do you think?"

Lin Xiu still doesn't understand why Du Yun really wants to punish him to face the wall this time, and this Du Yun is obviously going to collude with Shen Ling. Nima, you two will trick me together. Wait and see, today I will be punished. The young master admits, this place will definitely be brought back in the future!
But Lin Xiu still has one more thing to do, he said: "Sovereign, it doesn't matter if you want to face the wall, but I don't know how to deal with my maids? If they are in danger..."

Lin Xiu didn't continue, but Du Yun knew very well that this Lin Xiu was not an ordinary person. If he dared to hurt the people around him, Lin Xiu would definitely turn the entire Lingyun School upside down.

"Don't worry, I promise in the name of Lingyun Sect Master that no one will hurt the people around you!" Du Yun said immediately.

"With the suzerain's words, I am willing to be punished!" Lin Xiu replied.

Lin Xiu said this, not because he was worried about the people around him, but because he wanted to clear himself of the crimes that would appear next.

"Master Lin Xiu!" Lin Yan and the others came up immediately.

"I'll be fine. After you enter the sect, if you need anything, go to Huo Yuan. He will take care of you for me. I'll just stay there for a month!" Lin Xiu laughed.

"We know, young master, we will definitely take care of ourselves, young master, you should also take care of yourself!" Lin Yi said.

"I'll go back and tidy up, and then go to Siguo Peak!" Lin Xiu said.

The matter of Lin Xiu going to Si Guofeng has attracted the attention of many people.

Lin Xiu's maids were naturally complaining about the injustice of the suzerain Du Yun, who wanted to punish their young master.

And Mi Lan's heart was also very confused at this time, Lin Xiu helped her, but she couldn't help Lin Xiu.

The members of the Lin family have just joined Lingyun Sect, and now is their busy time.

Of course, there will be people who take pleasure in other people's misfortune. For example, Tong Li, who was slapped countless times by Lin Xiu, is very happy now, but for him, Lin Xiu is just facing the wall, and he cannot be satisfied at all. What he wants It was Lin Xiu who was severely punished.

At the very least, he must be abolished, or even die!

By the way, if Lin Xiu is killed now, probably no one will find out. After all, there is no one on Siguo Peak, except for the disciples who sent food up, how can anyone else compare?
Just when Tong Li was thinking about how to deal with Lin Xiu, he suddenly felt as if someone was strangling his neck. Tong Li didn't know what happened, and he suddenly suffocated.

Tong Li's death shocked the entire Lingyun Sect, but no one knew how Tong Li died, because Tong Li died after being strangled. Who would have such strength?

Who the hell is able to unknowingly kill a Peak Master of the Lingyun Sect!
With Tong Li's strength, if the opponent could kill him without making a fuss, his strength was at least the ninth level of the Wuxu Realm, and even Wu Zundan could do it.

But why did such a person kill Tong Li?

In Ling Yunzong, there is probably only one person who has such a deep hatred for Tong Li, and that is Lin Xiu!
Ling Yunzong's law enforcement team immediately went to Si Guofeng to look for Lin Xiu. They wanted to ask if Lin Xiu did this matter, although the possibility was too small.

This time the law enforcement team was led by Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng is very excited now, he finally has a way to settle the score with Lin Xiu, whether it is or not, he intends to teach Lin Xiu a lesson first!
That's right, regardless of whether Lin Xiu did it or not, he should be tortured first, so as to relieve his hatred.

At this time on the Siguo Peak, Lin Xiuxiu was talking with a little girl, telling stories.

What, Si Guofeng?What a fart!
Lin Xiu didn't think he was wrong at all, so he wanted him to think about it?

This little girl is named Ling'er, and she is 16 years old. She was born here, and her former parents seem to be the sinners of this Lingyun sect. Because of Du Yun's kindness, they kept her here. In this Lingyun Sect, it only belongs to the ranks of servants, and here, no one will talk to her.

The main reason is that there are many pockmarks on her face, which affect her appearance.

Of course, besides Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu could tell stories, sing, and talk to her, which made Linger very happy.

"Ling'er, do you want to become beautiful?" Lin Xiu smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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