Chapter 335 Another one

Every time Lin Xiu said a word, he kicked Meng Jiang. Everyone couldn't bear to watch it anymore. This Lin Xiu was too bad. He was already like this. If you still want to beat him like this, do you still have sympathy? ?
Of course, for Lin Xiu, such things as sympathy can be completely absent.

"Ye Liangchen, you will never have a good time, even if you kill me!" Meng Jiang yelled loudly, but after the yelling, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Meng Jiang, I have a question to ask you now, you have to answer me honestly, and I will send you on your way, otherwise, I have a way to make your life worse than death!" Lin Xiu sneered.

"Don't you want to know anything from my mouth, I won't say anything!" Meng Jiang said.

"In this case, you want your son to die with you, right?" Lin Xiu looked at Mengchao.

"You...what do you want to know?" Meng Jiang could only compromise.

"Besides you, who else is the person who attacked our Lingyun sect?"

"Think about who you offended yesterday, then..." After Meng Jiang's words, the vitality in his eyes has disappeared.

Lin Xiu had already got the news he wanted to know, and he immediately understood who the person Meng Jiang was talking about, and he looked at Meng Jiang.

"You...what do you want to do?" Moncha's face was full of fear.

"What to do? In fact, I didn't think about what to do. Since I promised your father that I would let you go, I naturally won't deal with you myself, little fire dragon, help me kill him!" Lin Xiu waved and said.

The little charmander came over immediately, with flames still spitting out of its mouth.

"..." Where did everyone see such a shameless person? You said to let Moncha go, but you let your pet kill him?What kind of business is this?Do you want to go too far?
Of course, no one here will speak for Mengcha. Mengjiang and Mengcha have done countless bad things. Lin Xiu killing them will only make people applaud. How can anyone say good things for them?

But Mengcha kept making strange noises, and he said loudly: "No, don' can't kill me!"

"Top!" The little charmander sprayed a flame towards Meng Cha in front of him.

Mengcha's whole body turned into a pile of ashes, Lin Xiu didn't care about it at all, keeping promises would only be done to those who should keep their promises, and Lin Xiu would never keep his promises to enemies, otherwise he might suffer a big loss.

Lin Xiu glanced around, and he said: "Who else of you has been to our Lingyunzong residence before, kill yourself, otherwise, when I find out, I will not let you and your family members go !"

These members of the Meng family army saw that Meng Jiang and his son were killed by Lin Xiu. They had never seen such a vicious method before. Several people immediately stood up and committed suicide.

"System, is anyone here involved in the Lingyun Sect's residence?" Lin Xiu asked.

"This matter needs to be handled by the host himself, this system doesn't know about it!" the system said.

"System, is this how you treat yourself as a system? You're trying to embarrass me on purpose!" Lin Xiu was furious when he heard that.

"Host, this is also part of the test of the task, the host please handle it yourself! The system can only remind the host that there are a total of 42 people involved in this matter!" the system said.

Lin Xiu has no choice but to solve it by himself. Lin Xiu glanced at the people in front of him. There are nearly 1000 men in the Meng family army here. Now that Meng Jiang died, they also lost 700% of their people. He sneered and said, "Since you don't want to stand up on your own, I have no choice but to kill you all, and execute your family members together!"

"What? Young Master Ye, please don't do this!"

"We are innocent, we did not take any action against Ling Yunzong!"

"Please, my lord, let us go!"

These people knelt and worshiped Lin Xiu.

But for Lin Xiu, these people are his enemies now, killing them, he will not feel any guilt towards Lin Xiu at all, Lin Xiu sneered and said: "If you want me to let you go, of course I can, but those people have to be released." Those who have been to our Lingyunzong resident hand it over!"

"It's him, he was called by Meng Jiang, and then he didn't know what he did, and he didn't come back anyway!" Said a Meng Jiajun.

Even if they don't care about their own life and death, they still care about the life and death of their relatives. Lin Xiu's threats are very cruel, but they are also effective.

"No, I'm not, I'm just discussing something with Meng Jiang, not me... ah!" Before the man finished speaking, Lin Xiu had already cut him down with a sword.

He would rather kill the wrong one than Lin Xiu. After all, they were his captives. The truth?No need to know!
After killing all the suspicious people here, Lin Xiucai said: "Master Ben should have executed all of you today, but since you didn't participate in this incident, Master will spare you. I am an enemy, so don't blame me!"

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he left in another direction. Many disciples of the Lingyun Sect followed immediately. In their hearts, Lin Xiu was no different from a god. A Martial Lord was blown to death, what kind of terrifying strength is this?

"Uncle Lin Xiu, where are we going next?" I only heard the Lingyun Sect disciple ask.

"I killed one, and there is another one. We are going to the Zeng Mansion this time!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Zeng's mansion? Could it be Zeng Quan's mansion? Uncle Lin Xiu, we have already killed a great commander, and if we kill another great commander, will it be..." Ling Yunzong's disciple immediately said.

"What are you afraid of? If there is anything, I will take it upon myself!" Lin Xiu replied lightly.

"Uncle, we are also willing to advance and retreat together with uncle!" said a Ling Yunzong disciple.

"We are also willing to advance and retreat together with Master!" other Lingyun Sect disciples also said.

"Okay, don't worry, with my young master here, no one can hurt you!" Lin Xiu said with a warm heart when he saw what these disciples said.

"Yes!" All the disciples said in unison.

"Go, let's continue to kill people!" Lin Xiu shouted again.

This time, everyone went to the Zeng Mansion, and the people watching the hot spots immediately followed. They could tell that Lin Xiu was going to kill Zeng Quan this time!

Zeng Quan had already received this news at this time, he was very surprised, and even doubted the authenticity of this matter, Meng Jiang died like this?
"Mysterious hidden weapon, he called that hidden weapon Palm Thunder? Impossible, how could Meng Jiang die so easily, and, no matter how courageous this Ye Liangchen is, it is impossible for him to dare to kill two great commanders in a row! " Zeng Quan said.

"Commander Zeng Quan, Ye Liangchen is here to visit!" Lin Xiu shouted at this time.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the entire Zeng Mansion changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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