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Chapter 375 Let You Meet My Super Martial Soul

Chapter 375 Let You Show My Tenth Level Martial Spirit

"Okay, I understand, kidney deficiency, hand over my maid!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Do you think I'll listen to you? Ye Liangchen, I've put in so much effort, not just to catch your maid!" Mei Gui said again.

"You're not interested in me, are you?" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm just interested in you!" Mei Gui had a wicked smile on her face.

"I can't tell, you are a gay!" Lin Xiu said with a shocked face, "You actually like men!"

"That's right... Pooh, what nonsense are you talking about, I just want you to be my subordinate!" Mei Gui said.

This bastard, what is he pretending to be in his head?
Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: "It turns out that's the case, but you want me to be your subordinate. You know, my salary is very high!"

"You make an offer, as long as you are willing to be my subordinate, I can pay as much as you want!" Mei Gui immediately said.

"Then let's get [-] million first!" Lin Xiu replied with a smile.

One hundred million first?You thought it was water!

However, this is still the range that Mei Gui is willing to accept. If you don't need to do anything, this is naturally the best choice. He said: "Okay, if this is the case, I can promise you!"

"No, I mean, one hundred million a day!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

The corner of Mei Gui's mouth twitched, she had seen lions open their mouths wide, but never seen dragons open their mouths wide, this bastard.

"Ye Liangchen, if you don't submit to me, you will become my enemy. It seems that you are determined to be my enemy!" Mei Gui said again.

"Being your enemy? No, you think too much!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said, "It depends on a person's strength and his opponent. You are not qualified to be my opponent yet!"

"Then I'll let you know if I'm qualified!" Mei Gui sneered, and a figure appeared behind him.

That figure was actually holding a giant scythe and wearing a cloak. It looked like the image of the god of death that Lin Xiu knew from various materials in his previous life.

"Level eight Martial Spirit, Death Scythe!" Mei Gui sneered.

Eighth-level martial spirit?After Lin Xiu saw it, he was very surprised, but he didn't panic at all. He only saw Lin Xiu and said: "In this case, I will let you see my tenth-level martial spirit!"

"Hahaha...Ye Liangchen, do you really think I don't know? You only have a ninth-level martial spirit, where did you get a tenth-level martial spirit!!!" Mei Gui was still very proud at first, but immediately, he He realized that there was a huge shadow in front of him, and a huge white tiger appeared in front of him like this.

This tiger is at least five feet tall, its body is snow white, and its momentum is quite frightening.

The White Tiger Talisman can summon the shadow of the White Tiger to appear on the stage, and its strength is at least at the Wuxu Realm, but now it seems that it has the strength of the third level of the Wuxu Realm.

Seeing the shadow of the white tiger, Mei Gui's expression changed drastically. Could this kind of aura really be a tenth-level martial spirit?

From the beginning of the eighth-level martial soul, it is already a very terrifying existence, the ninth-level martial soul is even more powerful, and the tenth-level martial soul only exists in legends.

Now as soon as the white tiger appeared, it immediately rushed towards Mei Gui, Mei Gui's expression changed, and the spirit behind him immediately slashed at the white tiger.

But Mei Gui would never believe what happened next.

The huge Death God's Scythe slashed down, but the white tiger raised its claws and slapped the Death God, the Death God's Scythe shattered on the spot, and the martial spirit was also smashed to pieces by the white tiger's claws.

How can it be?

Mei Gui's eyes were full of shock, his martial spirit was at least comparable to that of a martial arts master, and now he was crushed by a claw?
But how could the shadow of the white tiger disappear like this?It roared again and rushed towards Meigui.

Mei Gui flipped his hand, only to see a giant scythe appearing in his hand, several wind blades from his giant scythe slashed towards the white tiger in front of him, but how could the white tiger in front of him be so easy to kill?The tiger claws shot out, and immediately swept away the wind blade in front of him, but Mei Gui had already displayed his soul skills at this time, and suddenly five black lights shot out from his body, and ghostly cries and god howls appeared in the black lights.

These five black lights rushed towards the white tiger from all directions.

It has to be said that Mei Gui's soul skills are indeed very powerful, five black lights hit the white tiger at the same time, even the shadow of the white tiger's body became a lot of nothingness, but the white tiger has still rushed in front of Mei Gui, the huge claws Mei Gui patted her body.

Mei Gui was blown away, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. When he hit the wall, his chest was sunken. It was just a blow from the shadow of the white tiger, but Mei Gui had already been defeated. Even myself, I couldn't believe it was true.

But the shadow of the white tiger was also shattered at this time, Mei Gui's soul skills are indeed powerful, even the white tiger talisman can't resist, but so what?Didn't Meigui lose at his own hands?

Lin Xiu held the Infinity Blade with a sneer on his face, and said, "Mei Gui, I want to kill you. My three maids and Ren Yan should be easy to find, right?"

"You... If you kill me, even if you can find them, they are already under my control!" Mei Gui said immediately after hearing this.

Lin Xiu had already walked in front of Mei Gui, grabbed Mei Gui's neck with his palm, and lifted him up.

Lin Xiu didn't expect Mei Gui to be a strong man in Wu Zunjing, but now Mei Gui has been seriously injured, and Lin Xiu's strength is enough to deal with him.

"Are they also affected by your mind control technique? Where are they?" Lin Xiu asked indifferently.

Mei Gui's face was flushed red, she couldn't breathe air, even a strong Wu Zunjing might suffocate.

"Come out!" Mei Gui roared angrily.

I only saw four women coming out of this dilapidated mansion, their eyes were blank, like puppets, needless to say, these four people were all controlled by Mei Gui.

Lin Xiu thought about it, and he finally thought of a countermeasure. He said, "What did you do to them?"

"I didn't do anything!" Mei Gui felt a chill in his heart, and a strange look appeared in his eyes, "Do you want to know?"

"Tell me, what did you do?" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Mei Gui said at this time: "Look into my eyes, and you will know!" As soon as Mei Gui's eyes made contact with Lin Xiu's, Lin Xiu immediately felt his mind go blank, and then, something seemed to appear in his mind. A flash of light.

Mental counterattack!

At this moment, Mei Gui felt something was wrong, but it was too late, he only felt as if nothing had disappeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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