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Chapter 406 Winning you is just a trivial matter!

Chapter 406 Winning you is just a trivial matter! (16 more)
Hearing what Dong Shi said, he obviously didn't want to let Fei'er go just like that, but now his gaze has been falling on Lin Xiu. It is obvious that the person he wants to fight is not Fei'er, but Lin Xiu!

Dong Shi had grievances with Lin Xiu before, but Lin Xiu didn't know Dong Shi's strength would be so strong.

But in Dong Shi's eyes, no matter how strong Lin Xiu is, he is not as good as himself!

And what is it to deal with the geniuses of the four major sects?What he has to do is the same thing as Lin Xiu. If he wants to deal with it, he must deal with the elders of the four major sects. Dong Shi has such strength and talent!

His martial spirit is even stronger than his elder brother's, because it's not just an eighth-level martial spirit, but a ninth-level martial spirit!

"Lin Xiu, I think it's time to end the grievances between us. I don't need to deal with your nephew, but I need you to save your life. That's right, save your life to me!" Dong Shi stared at Lin Xiu with eyes like a wolf seeing its prey.

"Challenge me? How embarrassing, I don't want to bully the younger generation!" After hearing this, Lin Xiu shook his head and said with a faint smile.

Bullying juniors?Strictly speaking, this Dong Shi is really Lin Xiu's descendant. After all, Lin Xiu did not participate in the Imperial City Grand Competition, and his status is still the master of the disciples of Lingyunzong!

All of this made his seniority much higher than others.

"Bullying the younger generation? You think highly of yourself, Lin Xiu, do you think you can beat me?" Dong Shi shook his head after hearing this.

"Winning you is just a trivial matter. I don't do it because I don't want to bully others, but if you really want to fight me, I can explain this matter to His Majesty and fight you!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Winning you is just a small matter!
This sentence made Dong Shi so angry that his seven orifices were full of smoke, it was too much, he must kill him, only in this way, can he avenge his shame, and Lin Xiu slapped him in the face.

"Your Majesty, I want to fight to the death with this Lin Xiu!" Only saw Dong Shi shouted.

"A life-and-death battle?" Queen Xueyue frowned when she heard this, "Dong Shi, you are the No. This is not a good thing!"

"Your Majesty, I don't think he can threaten me, and he insulted me first, I think, only blood can wash away the humiliation on my body!" Dong Shi half-kneeled on the ground, said.

Dong Shi's words surprised the people present, they didn't expect Dong Shi to be so excited.

This was just a trivial matter, but Dong Shi believed in his own strength, so he wanted to kill Lin Xiu!
"Although Lin Xiu is Grand Master Lingyun, I don't think Dong Shi has tried his best just now. Lin Xiu will be in trouble this time!"

"During the last session, Dong Shi's elder brother, Dong Guang, abolished the first genius of Ling Yunzong. Now Dong Shi is even more ruthless. He wants to kill Lin Xiu directly!"

"If Lin Xiu dies, Ling Yunzong's reputation will probably decline again!"

Many people looked at Dong Shi and Lin Xiu and were guessing.

"Your Majesty, I think that since this Dong Shi has such determination, he is really brave. We should reward him instead of stopping him!" said the second princess.

"I think so too, I also plead for this Dong Shi, let him try to challenge Lin Xiu!" said the princess.

The two princesses put pressure on Queen Lingyue, and Queen Lingyue's face changed slightly, but she said: "I have to ask Lin Xiu if he is willing to do this. Lin Xiu, what do you think?"

"Me? It's just a bastard who wants to challenge me. If His Majesty thinks it doesn't matter if there is one less genius in the Imperial City University, I, Lin Xiu, will naturally accept this challenge!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Crazy, who was Lin Xiu afraid of?Since Dong Shi wants to challenge Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu let him know what is the real strength!

"You!" Dong Shi was furious, Lin Xiu dared to talk to him like this, he was looking for death!

Where did Dong Shi suffer from such grievances? He said: "Lin Xiu, we are fighting today, regardless of life or death, I hope you will not regret it!"

"I, Lin Xiu, have many words in my life, but I just don't know how to write the word regret!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Okay!" Dong Shi said, his palm condensed into a huge stone palm again, and he patted Lin Xiu down.

Shocked Stone Palm!

This is exactly the palm that defeated Fei'er just now. The power of this palm is indeed quite powerful. Under one palm, there is at least five or sixty thousand catties of force. Just now, even the ground was slapped by Dong Shi. shattered.

Fei'er had already lost this palm just now, can Lin Xiu resist it?
Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't dodge or dodge, everyone seemed to be stunned, and they shook their heads involuntarily.

Lin Xiu is still too young, although he has a little strength, so what?He didn't have enough combat experience, so he couldn't win the opponent, and now he was frightened when he saw this palm.

"If you give him a few more years, maybe it will be different!"

"Unfortunately, he is still too crazy, too arrogant!"

"This time he will have to pay for his actions!"

The voices of other people around him came, but Lin Xiu didn't seem to hear it. He raised his palm and punched out. As soon as the huge palm touched Lin Xiu's fist, there was a loud bang immediately.

Immediately afterwards, that rocky palm was blasted into pieces piece by piece. This rocky palm was actually shattered by Lin Xiu's fist!
" is it possible?" Fei'er's eyes widened. She already knew that her martial uncle was very strong, very strong, so strong that it was unbelievable, but she knew very well that in the face of this How powerless she was when she slapped it. She exhausted all her strength to barely resist the slap.

But now, Lin Xiu blocked the palm so easily, it was so easy, it was like a fake!
Lin Xiu continued to walk over, as if he hadn't been affected at all: "Is that all your strength is?"

What Dong Shi said just now, now Lin Xiu returned it to him.

"You... are just resisting one martial skill from me. Do you think I only have this kind of strength? Now I will show you my true strength!" Dong Shi said again.

The Martial Soul behind Dong Shi came out, it was still a stone, Dong Shi waved his hand, only to see three huge boulders about one meter from the sky hit Lin Xiu, if other Martial Void Realm warriors, as long as one of them If you hit it, you will be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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