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Chapter 425 The Fear of Shen Longdian

Chapter 425 The Fear of Shen Longdian (35 more)
After solving the matter of the Iron Wolf King, Queen Lingyue asked Lin Xiu to appear at the royal banquet. At the same time, Lin Xiu's identity as the Prince of Qin had been announced to the world, and Lin Xiu's admiration value had once again increased, reaching 70, and this number seems to be increasing.

Lin Xiu has no interest in participating in this banquet, because the three treasure boxes that Lin Xiu collected today are all dragon jewelry boxes.

"Ding, I have collected a special treasure box, the Two Star Dragon Jewelry Box! It takes 999 seconds to open this treasure box, please wait patiently!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening the two-star dragon jewelry box, congratulations to the host for the two-star dragon ball!"

"Ding, I have collected a special treasure box, the Samsung Dragon Jewelry Box..."


"Ding, I have collected a special treasure box, a four-star dragon jewelry box..."


The three treasure chests collected today are all dragon jewelry chests. If this thing really doesn't come, it won't come. Once it comes, they will all appear together, and the system has a new reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 4 dragon balls. The treasure box dragon mission is fully opened. The task time is 15 days. The host must go to the Nishang Pavilion, Tianjian Gate and Shenlong Temple to collect three dragon jewelry boxes. In order to allow the host to go back and forth faster, so The system specially sent the host three personal teleportation symbols, which are respectively positioned in three sects!"

Doesn't this mean that I can go directly to these three sects?
However, the time is only 15 days. It seems that I need to hurry up. If Lin Xiu does not have a personal teleportation talisman, it may be too late, but it is different now. Lin Xiu already has a personal teleportation talisman Talisman, can be directly sent back to Lingyunzong.

Lin Xiu thought for a while, and said something to Queen Lingyue and Liang Hao.

"Let's go to the three major sects now? Although I have already summoned the soldiers from the three major sects to set off, it may take some time for Jianxin and Luo Jingwu to rush back to Tianjianmen and Nishang Pavilion!" Only Queen Lingyue said .

"It's okay, I can go to Shenlong Palace first!" Lin Xiu smiled.

"Shenlong Palace? But this place is not close to Shenlong Palace, how do you go there?" Queen Lingyue asked.

"I already have a way to pass, mother, don't worry!" Lin Xiu said again.

"This...Since you said that, Mother will not stop you, but there are two hidden elders at the Martial Venerable Realm level in Shenlong Palace, if you really want to make a move, be careful!" Ling The Moon Queen said.

"I see, mother!" Lin Xiu nodded.

"However, if you're really in a hurry, there's something I can borrow from you, Mother!" Queen Lingyue said again.


"Xuanyuan Flying Boat!"

When the two great commanders rushed directly to Tianjianmen and Nishang Pavilion, they were already surrounded by soldiers at the foot of the Zongshan Mountain of the three major sects.

This shocked the suzerains of the three major sects.

Especially the Lord of the Shenlong Palace, Long Teng, he has already received the news that his nephew Long Sheng died in the imperial city, but now these people are surrounded here, what exactly do they want?
"Hallmaster, we have already inquired. According to what they said, His Royal Highness is already coming here!" An elder came back.

"His Royal Highness? So what if His Royal Highness comes? What kind of enmity do we have with him?" Long Teng frowned.

Long Teng, the Lord of the Shenlong Palace, has indeed received the news that this time, Her Majesty the Queen has found her own son, who is also the present prince, but he does not know who this prince is, and more importantly, even if it is Prince, what does it have to do with him?Why did he come to besiege Shen Longdian as soon as he became the crown prince?
"Hall Master, we have received news that Nishang Pavilion and Tianjianmen seem to have encountered the same situation. This time, it seems that the royal family is targeting people from our three major sects!" The elder replied.

"What about Lingyun Sect?" Long Teng asked.

"There is no movement from the Lingyun Sect!" The elder replied.

"It's true that the royal family has troops stationed around our four major sects, but usually they won't do anything, and they haven't done it yet. If we do it now, I'm afraid it will be regarded as a crime of treason!" Long Teng said with a frown.

"Hallmaster, we have been under siege for two days. If this continues, I'm afraid the disciples will panic!" said the elder.

"What do the other sects think?"

"Hall Master, they didn't make a move, I'm afraid they meant to wait, and see who can't help but make a move first!"

"Now we are all trapped by the royal family. Whoever strikes first is the enemy of the royal family. Who dares to strike first?"

"This is an order from that prince. I really don't know how we, Shen Longdian, offended him!"

"What's the name of this prince? What's his origin? Can you find it?"

"Sovereign, we only know that four days ago, there was a mutiny in the imperial city. At that time, many strong men came, and even the ancestors of the Great Qin Kingdom in the imperial mausoleum appeared. Not only that, but even Han Wu The royal family has appeared!"

"What? Hasn't His Majesty already..."

"No, the result of this incident is really unimaginable, because this incident changed the result because of one person. With one person's power, he turned the tide, not only beheaded the foreign invaders, but even killed all the traitors. Eliminate them, with one person and one sword, kill all the rebels, and deter the princes!"

"How is it possible? At His Majesty's age, how old is he, and how can he be so strong?"

"Don't say it's the suzerain, even I can't believe it's true, but this incident is absolutely true, and it's the news from our disciples!"

"It seems that this prince is not simple, but what does it have to do with us? He is too deceitful!"

"Sovereign, have we all offended the Crown Prince?"

"Who did we all offend?"

The news that came back from the imperial city did not mention Lin Xiu's name, so until now, Long Teng would not have thought that this crown prince would be Lin Xiu whom he had sinned against before!

"Hallmaster, no matter who he is, he will surround our sect without saying a word. If it gets out, won't our Shenlong Hall's reputation be ruined?" The elder said again.

"Okay, since this is the case, I should also let the royal family know that our Shenlong Palace is not so good..." Before Long Teng finished speaking, he heard a loud noise, and the entire Shenlong Palace vibrated.


Everyone could feel that this loud noise shocked all the disciples of Shen Longdian. What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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