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Chapter 436 Who else is not convinced?

Chapter 436 Who else is not convinced? (46 more)
Everyone in Nishang Pavilion is my slave!
As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were filled with shock. What was Lin Xiu talking about?Want to make the disciple of Nishang Pavilion his slave girl?

When Jianxin heard this, her heart tightened. She never thought that Lin Xiu would be such a person. Every woman in the Nishang Pavilion is pretty, and there are many stunning women, but there are at least 3000 of them here. People, these women, Lin Xiu, are going to take them as slaves?
"As expected of an uncle, you are in good health, but if you can't bear it, uncle, you can give me some!" Liang Hao said.

"A hero is sad for a beauty, even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can't get out of this level!" Luo Jingwu sighed.

Dongfang Fei's face was flushed with anger, not only Dongfang Fei, but also the other disciples of Nishang Pavilion showed anger. Even though Lin Xiu was good-looking, they were unwilling to serve Lin Xiu with other people, and they were disciples of Nishang Pavilion.

"Your Highness, don't you think you've gone too far by doing this?" Dongfang Fei said angrily.

"Excessive? When you killed our Lingyun Sect disciple, did you ever think about what is excessive?"

"When you destroyed my Lingyun Sect, did you ever think about what is too much?"

"When you wanted to kill me, did you ever think about what is too much?"

"Now, come and tell me, am I going too far?"

Lin Xiu sneered and said.

Dongfang Fei said: "You are forcing our Nishang Pavilion into a dead end by doing this!

"If you think so, then I'll tell you, it's true!" Lin Xiu said with his chest held high, "The prince has given you a chance, if you don't want Nishang Pavilion to disappear from now on, then listen to my advice." Yan, otherwise, I think, Tianjianmen and Shenlongdian have already provided you with a lesson from the past!"

As soon as Lin Xiu finished speaking, the expressions of the Nishang Pavilion disciples changed.

"What did you say? What happened to Tianjianmen and Shenlongdian?"

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense!"

"We asked the suzerain before, and the suzerain said there is no need to worry!"

When the Nishang Pavilion disciples heard Lin Xiu's words, they hurriedly said.

"It seems that you don't know until now that Shenlong Palace and Tianjianmen have already been destroyed by our senior uncle. If you don't listen to our senior uncle, the next one will be your Nishang Pavilion! "Liang Hao said loudly immediately.

The eyes of everyone in Nishang Pavilion showed shock at this time.

"Master Dongfang, if you don't agree, I can only give you Nishang Pavilion and change to another pavilion master!" Lin Xiu said again.

Dongfang Fei's face turned pale. From what she knew about Lin Xiu, she would definitely be able to do such a thing. If she did not agree to become Lin Xiu's slave, then change to a pavilion master. It's nothing, there are so many disciples in the Nishang Pavilion, as long as they resist, Lin Xiu will not let it go, Dongfang Fei still believes in this.

After all, the person in front of him is a ruthless man!

"The prince is not interested in waiting any longer. I will count down three times. If you don't surrender, at least half of you and your disciples will fall down in the next moment!" If Lin Xiu just now was negotiating, then the current Lin Xiu is a threat.

But even if it was a threat, could Dongfang Fei not agree?Not to mention Lin Xiu, even the two great commanders in front of them are enough to flatten their Nishang Pavilion.

Dongfang Fei finally sighed, and she said: "Your Highness, you have lost weight!"

Dongfang Fei is still resigned!

But Lin Xiu won't just forgive others when he is in power, he said: "Since I have lost money, you should know what you are going to do, right?"

Dongfang Fei knelt on the ground and said, "His Royal Highness, you will be the master of our Nishang Pavilion from now on!"

"Who said that!" Only a voice sounded, and the two old ladies had arrived in a hurry, only to see that the eyes of the two old ladies were full of anger, and one of them said angrily, "Dongfangfei, we Hand over the Nishang Pavilion to you, but you want to make it someone else's slave? Are you worthy of us?"

"Elder Zhang, Elder Han, it's not like this, I..." Dongfang Fei was interrupted immediately before finishing her sentence.

"Needless to say, a person like you is not qualified to be the owner of our Nishang Pavilion, isn't he just a great prince of Qin? Can he threaten our Nishang Pavilion?" Elder Han sneered.

Dongfang Fei sighed, this time, she couldn't save these two elders, anyway, how could these two elders know how powerful Lin Xiu is if they have not cared about the world for many years?
Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face, and said, "You two, what were you talking about just now?"

"An ignorant child, wanting to destroy our Nishang Pavilion? You are joking, let me teach you a lesson!" After the elder Zhang finished speaking, he saw her sleeves flicked and a palm slammed at Lin Xiu.

After Lin Xiu saw it, a sneer appeared on his face, only to see that when Lin Xiu's palm was thrown out, Yuan Li condensed crazily, and his palm collapsed!

These eight palms, just one palm, can already double Lin Xiu's strength. When this palm hit the elder's palm, only her palm was directly smashed, and all the flesh and blood on the right half of her body were destroyed. After splashing out, only bare bones remained in one arm.

"Ah——" the elder Zhang let out a scream, but the scream stopped quickly, and Lin Xiu had already grabbed her neck and lifted her up.

"With such strength, can he become the hidden elder of Nishang Pavilion?" Lin Xiu's eyes showed disdain.

The hidden elder?In front of Lin Xiu, what is the significance of an elder of this level? Even if it is an existence at the level of Martial Venerable Realm, Lin Xiu is sure to kill with one palm, let alone an existence at the ninth level of the Martial Void Realm!
So strong!

Dongfang Fei didn't expect that Lin Xiu's strength was so strong!

Nearly a month ago, Lin Xiu was only able to fight against the strong Wu Zunjing by relying on the secret method, but now, Lin Xiu was able to kill their Elder Zhang with a single palm!

"Let go of her quickly, otherwise, I..." Before Elder Han finished speaking, a giant frost dragon appeared, spraying blue mist on her body.

Elder Han's whole body was frozen by this mist, and he couldn't move half of it at all.

And with a sweep of that huge frosty tail, the entire ice sculpture of Elder Han was swept into pieces.

The two hidden elders, die!
"Who else is not convinced? Come out and let the prince see it!" Lin Xiu said again.

Lin Xiu had an evil smile on his face, but this time, no one dared to resist Lin Xiu anymore. The strength Lin Xiu showed just now was so terrifying, when the Nishang Pavilion disciples present saw the two corpses , Their backs are full of cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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