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Chapter 467 A strong man has arrived!

Chapter 467 A strong man has arrived! (6 more)
What's in the diamond chest?Lin Xiu also wanted to know. Lin Xiu also found an excuse and went back to the room. This is the first time Lin Xiu encountered the diamond treasure chest. It is a higher-level treasure chest than the amethyst treasure chest. What will be inside?

The things that are opened in the crystal treasure box are already able to deal with the items of the Martial Alchemy level. If it is amethyst, it is already able to deal with the items of the Martial Emperor level, but what about the diamond treasure box?
As soon as Lin Xiu returned to the room, he thought about it and put the diamond treasure chest into the duplicate treasure chest.

When the diamond treasure chest was taken out again, the duplicate treasure chest had become another diamond treasure chest.

Duplicating the treasure chest can indeed take out the contents of other treasure chests.

Lin Xiu couldn't wait to open the diamond treasure box again, only to see that there was a green hat inside.

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, Nima, can't you?Cuckold?

The super forgiveness hat, on the head of any strong person below the immortal, no matter what the host did wrong, he can get the other party's forgiveness!

"..." Lin Xiu was speechless for a while, made a mistake?What could the prince do wrong?Even if it is wrong, it is right!

Lin Xiu thought so, of course, this also revealed a message to Lin Xiu, what is this fairy?A realm stronger than Martial Ancestor?
Even if Lin Xiu wanted to ask, the system would not answer.

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't ask this kind of thing any more, he continued to open another diamond treasure chest.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Golden Pill of Resurrection!"

The Golden Pill of Resurrection can immediately revive people who died within a day after taking it, but the opponent's realm must be under the immortal state to be effective.

Resurrection golden elixir?It seems to be a good thing, even Lin Xiu himself can use this golden pill!

Lin Xiu took a look, it really was a golden pill, it couldn't be made of gold, could it?
Lin Xiu didn't think much about it, and had already put away this golden pill.

Lin Xiu took another Wuxu Realm Experience Pill. This second Wuxu Realm Experience Pill raised Lin Xiu's realm by another level, and he was already at the eighth level of Wuxu Realm.

Moreover, the dragon pills swallowed along the way also allowed Lin Xiu's Dragon Swallowing Technique to be upgraded again. Reaching 3 martial arteries, now under Lin Xiu's punch, the strength is even more frighteningly strong.

It is conservatively estimated that the strength of Lin Xiu's full punch is 40 jin.

What does 40 jins of force mean?Even facing the fourth level of Wu Zunjing, he can still kill with one punch!Even if you wield a [-]-jin weapon, you can wield it freely.

Of course, for Lin Xiu, the stronger the energy in his body, the more methods he can use.

But this time when Lin Xiu left, he didn't bring his maid, not even Jingjing.

Xiang Yu, Lu Bulinxiu chose to stay to protect them and Queen Lingyue. After all, Lin Xiu doesn't know if there will be other accidents here in the future.

The next day, outside the imperial city, Lin Xiu was the one who left this time, so many people from the entire imperial city came to see Lin Xiu off.

"Young master is so bad, you won't take us to this kind of place!" Gongsunyou said a little unhappy.

"You'er, you have to be obedient. After the young master leaves, you can go to the Nishang Pavilion. There may be something you need there!" Lin Xiu said.

"Young Master, You'er knows!" Gongsun You nodded.

"Lu Sha, Su Long, you stay here, it's safer here! Leave it to me to find Shuang'er!" Lin Xiu ordered the two maids again.

Seeing his mother, Lin Xiu could feel a blood connection between himself and Queen Lingyue.

"Mom, I'm leaving. If I leave this time, I will find my father!" Lin Xiu said.

"Mother will always be here waiting for you!" Queen Lingyue nodded.

"Jingjing, you have to protect your sisters!" Lin Xiu said to Jingjing again.

"Yes, master!" Jingjing replied.

Xiang Yu and Lu Bu also bowed their hands to Lin Xiu: "Don't worry, my lord, we will protect this place!"

Lin Xiu also bid farewell to the others one by one. He has not been in the imperial city for long, but Lin Xiu's reputation has already surpassed everything else. Even if he wants to become the Great Qin Emperor, he probably can easily do it.

However, Lin Xiu didn't have such an idea. This time, Lin Xiu wanted to go to the Spring and Autumn Conference to put on a good show.

And Lin Xiu left this time, only took Xiaotiangou with him, but there were two people beside him, one was Fei'er and the other was Xuewu.

These are also the people who participated in this Spring and Autumn Conference. Three people, a dog directly sat on a red fire bird, and flew out.

On the city wall, Qin Shi sighed. Lin Xiu's talent and strength far exceeded his imagination, especially the miraculous resurrection, which was something he couldn't figure out. The person next to him glanced and said, "You have a good grandson!"

Qin Hai smiled wryly. When the Dragon Clan arrived, the two old guys were directly beaten to death, but now they came back to life. It was all thanks to Lin Xiu. He said, "I was always wrong!"

"A strong man has arrived!" Qin Shi suddenly said at this moment.

Qin Hai also felt it, and the eyes of the two fell not far away at the same time, only to see that sword light descending from the sky.

The ground suddenly exploded, and the terrifying sword intent could make everyone unable to breathe.

It's him!

Queen Lingyue's face changed drastically, he actually just arrived now!

"Go back, you don't need to take care of things here!" Queen Lingyue said immediately.

What?The people around were startled, but they knew very well that this person was beyond their ability to handle!

In front of these people was a middle-aged man with a big sword on his back and a long sword in his hand, his eyes were like two swords.

"Lingyue!" The man looked at Queen Lingyue affectionately and said, "Have you been to Dust Sword Peak? When I came back, I only saw the note you left behind!"

"The matter in the imperial city is over, Chen Jian, thank you for coming!" Queen Lingyue's face was a little ugly.

"Lingyue, I am not as good as I used to be. I am worthy of you!" Chen Jian said, taking a step forward.

"Chen Jian, I am very grateful for your coming, but I am already a married woman!" Queen Lingyue took a step back.

"Even so, so what? Who can stop the woman I, Chen Jian, wants to get?" Chen Jian approached Lingyue Queen again, as if he wanted to force her to submit, and Lingyue Queen's expression changed.

"Chen Jian, don't go too far!" Two figures appeared, it was Qin Hai and Qin Shi, and they both stood in front of Queen Lingyue

(End of this chapter)

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