Chapter 480
Scared of urine!
The majestic prince was scared to pee by Lin Xiu, everyone looked a little weird at this time.

Didn't expect this to happen!
But Lin Xiu held a sword in his palm, pointing at Tang Chen.

"No, please, please let me go!" Tang Chen seemed to be at the limit of the car at this time, he immediately knelt down, knelt and kowtowed to Lin Xiu.

"Ding, 1 kowtow point has been collected!"

"Ding, collect 1 kowtow and nod!"


Sure enough, every time you kowtow, you will collect 1 point, but if a person kneels day and night, how many kowtows and nods can you collect?The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, it seemed that this was not possible, and he had to think of other ways.

Of course, Lin Xiu said in his mouth: "Give me a thousand kowtows, and the young master will spare your dog's life!"

"Yes, yes, I kowtow, I kowtow!" Tang Chen immediately kowtowed until his head was bleeding, and he didn't stop.

Lin Xiu made him blindfolded before he continued to kowtow. Even if Lin Xiu was not around, he would not dare not to finish the thousand kowtows.

Qin Zhe shook his head, but didn't say anything. He had figured out Lin Xiu's character. Although he was arrogant, Lin Xiu did have such strength.

Fei'er also hated this Tang Chen very much, it was considered good that Lin Xiu didn't kill him this time, in Fei'er's eyes, it's not too much to kill this kind of person who is full of dirty thoughts.

Xuewu didn't say anything, he didn't speak much, and he didn't know how to comment on such words.

Roaring Sky Dog didn't even look at Tang Chen, he was just an ant...

Boss Chen's eyes were complicated. Lin Xiu actually killed someone here. I'm afraid he needs to tell the city guard about it.

Lin Xiu bought this blood sheep ginseng from the boss, needless to say the price, but when Boss Chen saw Lin Xiu's jade plate, he was very surprised.

"This...isn't this the jade card of Master Handu? How could it be in your hands, Young Master Lin?" Boss Chen said in shock.

"He said that my young master is handsome and a good person, so he gave me three elixir plants! This is the first plant!" Lin Xiu said, "By the way, boss, you also have Qingming deer antler, extremely cold snow lotus here, in case you want to use it as a gift. Is it Hua Ganlin?"

"Each of these things is extremely rare, not to mention Qingming deer antler, which is a fifth-level monster. It is really impossible for ordinary people to get it. The place where the extremely cold snow lotus grows is in the extremely inflamed place. This thing It is also very young master, and there are thousands of flowers and rain, I have never heard of such things!" Boss Chen shook his head and said.

"In this case, I will buy this blood sheep ginseng!" Lin Xiu replied, but he didn't mind the price at all.

Price?What does this thing have to do with him, anyway, he is not going to pay for it!

"I will sell this blood sheep ginseng to you at the lowest price, Young Master Lin, if you want to get the extremely cold snow lotus, maybe you can ask a small pharmacy in the corner of Wandan Pavilion, the medicine The name of the shop is Xiying Pharmacy! But I heard that his daughter has been sick recently, so I'm afraid he's not in a good mood!" Only boss Chen said.

"He has the extremely cold snow lotus in his hand?" Lin Xiu said immediately after hearing this.

This has a very important relationship with helping him regain his masculinity. If he can get it, Lin Xiu has already collected three of the medicinal materials he needs.

Dragon blood is more rare for other people, but for Lin Xiu, it is as simple as water, but other kinds are more difficult to come across than this dragon blood.

After all, there are very few people who have the body of withering nature, and the treatment method is also difficult. If Lin Xiu didn't get it, it would be really difficult to find a treatment method.

However, this kind of thing is not too difficult for Lin Xiu to obtain.

As long as you can meet it, buy it, if you can't buy it, grab it, if you can't get it, kill someone and sell it... Ahem, just think about it!

Lin Xiu thought so in his heart.

At this time, Lin Xiu had already walked to the front of the Xiying Pharmacy. When they saw the Pharmacy, Fei'er and the others had strange expressions on their faces.

"This is the pharmacy that Boss Chen mentioned? Why is it so dilapidated? It's still so small?" Fei'er said.

"Let's go in and have a look!" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, Your Highness!" Qin Zhe replied immediately.

Lin Xiu and others have already walked in. The store is really small, and here, there is only an old man half lying on a chair. When he saw someone coming in, he looked blankly and said: "Choose what you want, don't bargain with the old man! "

The price of the elixir sold here is marked. The cheapest one is 100 yuan third-order primordial stone, and the most expensive one is 100 yuan fifth-rank primordial stone. This price is too high.

"Why are the things here so expensive? Are you stealing money?" Mayfair said.

"Poverty ghosts who can't afford it, just go away, I don't have time to pay attention to you so much, and I don't have time to explain to you one by one!" the old man lazily said.

"It's a good thing, even if it's more expensive, there's nothing wrong with it, but here, except for a few plants that are worth a bit, the others are really not worth the price!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Boy, you seem to understand it very well, but tell me, which medicinal material is worth the price I marked?" After hearing this, the old man had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"This bittersweet plant can be sold for 120 third-order primordial stones, but you only sold it for a hundred! This cold squirrel is worth 350 third-order primordial stones, and here it is only sold for 300 third-rank primordial stones, and... ..." Lin Xiu said several kinds of medicinal materials in a row, and the old man's face was a little surprised.

"I can't tell, you still know some medicinal materials, it's not that old guy from Handu who asked you to come here, right?" said the old man.

"Han Du? He doesn't have the qualifications yet. I came here to get the extremely cold snow lotus in your hand!" Lin Xiu replied full of arrogance.

"Extremely Cold Xuehe? Impossible, let's go!" the old man said immediately.

"Let's go? Old guy, I'm telling you the truth, but you actually drove me away? If so, it seems that you don't want to cure your daughter's illness!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"What did you say?" Upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, the old man's expression changed.

"If I'm not wrong, your daughter is burning hot and her life is in danger. You want to use the extremely cold snow lotus to save her, right?" Lin Xiu continued.

"How do you know that!" The old man was shocked when he heard that.

"How do I know? You have magma blood in your body. This blood can allow you to practice fire-attributed techniques and increase your power in martial arts. But again, if you don't break through the Martial Void Realm before the age of 20, your whole body will be hot. Burned to death by blood, your daughter...your daughter is only 20 years old?" Lin Xiu said at the end, his face was a little weird.

This old guy should be at least 60 years old, why is his daughter only 20 years old?
"Ahem, you are right, my daughter just celebrated her 20th birthday two days ago!" said the old man a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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