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Chapter 482 You Are Really a Master

Chapter 482 You Are Really a Master
"This is an ancient prescription I found. It records that this bowl of medicine can temporarily save Miss Yin Yun. I don't have time to explain it!" The young man said immediately.

Qian Long was a little puzzled when he heard it, but now that Yin Yun is like this, even if it is poison, it is probably not a big deal.

"Come on, feed her to drink!" Qian Long said.

After letting Yin Yun drink this bowl of medicine, Yin Yun's body miraculously lost the heat, and she even regained a little energy.

"This medicine... how can it be so effective? Where did you find the magic prescription?" Qian Long said hastily.

"Qian Gang, you are really talented, it's Uncle Yin who has always underestimated you!" Yin Zhi said excitedly as he grabbed the young man's shoulder.

"Senior Yin Zhi, you've won the prize. In fact, I have to ask Senior Yin Zhi about the origin of this prescription!" Qian Gang shook his head and said.

"What? Ask me?" Hearing Qian Gang's words, Yin Zhi showed doubts on his face.

"This prescription is actually not an ancient prescription, but I found it in Senior Yin Zhi's pharmacy!" Qian Gang said, and picked up the crumpled piece of paper.

Upon seeing this piece of paper, Yin Zhi's face was full of disbelief: "You mean, this thing is the paper I crumpled into a ball before?"

"Let me see!" Qian Long immediately snatched it over and said.

After Qian Long saw the prescription, his expression became serious, and then his face changed drastically, and finally he showed a look of shock: "Master, this is really a master, I didn't expect these medicinal materials to be able to match like this! Old Ghost Yin , which master left this prescription, you are really blessed!"

"What master? What nonsense are you talking about? The person who left this recipe is a brat!" Yin Zhi shook his head.

"What? Brat?" Qian Long said hastily after hearing this, "Impossible, the person who can have this prescription is probably at least a five-star doctor, or even a six-star doctor!"

"It's true, he is..." Yin Zhi said what happened before.

"In this way, there are such young five-star and six-star doctors?" Qian Long's face was full of mistakes.

"Tell me, does he really have a way to save my daughter?" Yin Zhi said.

"I don't know, but what he said is that this medicine can help your daughter for three days. I feel that there is really only three days. If you want to save your daughter, you may need to ask him!" Qian Long said.

"Okay!" Yin Zhi gritted his teeth and had no choice but to say.


"Ding, collect 100 kowtow points, the treasure chest will be upgraded, and it is currently a silver treasure chest!"

"Ding, collect 1000 kowtow points, the treasure chest will be upgraded, and it is currently a golden treasure chest!"

After Lin Xiu and the others left the Wandan Pavilion, they planned to go back to the Great Qin Kingdom's residence.

"His Royal Highness Lin Xiu, why didn't you leave your name and address? If you do this, the shopkeeper won't be able to find us, and even if he wants to come to you, he will have no choice!" Qin Zhe said.

"If he can't even find out my identity and address, I'll be disappointed. Besides, even if I don't have the extremely cold snowhe in his hand, I can still find the next one. If he doesn't have a daughter If so, can he find another one?" Lin Xiu didn't care at all, he said lightly.

But when Lin Xiu and others arrived at the station, the corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched.

Seeing the dilapidated place in front of him, Lin Xiu couldn't believe it, damn, this is still the residence of the Great Qin Kingdom?Why does it look a bit like a refugee slum?
"Are we going to live here?" Mayfair asked a little depressed.

"My lords, there is nothing we can do. Our Great Qin Kingdom is still too weak here!" Qin Zhe smiled wryly.

"Then here, which one has a better house?" Lin Xiu asked.

"If we are here, there is a big kingdom. Tang Huaguo's house is very beautifully decorated, just like a palace... Your Highness Lin Xiu, where are you going? Your Highness Lin Xiu!" Halfway through Qin Zhe's speech, he saw Lin Xiu Has turned around and walked out.

"All follow His Highness, we have to change places to live!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Change place? What place?" Everyone asked with puzzled faces.

"Of course it's the residence of Tang Huaguo. I believe they will be hospitable people and they won't mind!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"Hospitality? Your Highness Lin Xiu, you don't know. The kingdoms here look down on our Great Qin Kingdom, and if we go there, we are likely to be ridiculed by them! And we still treat Tang Chen like that, one of their royal families. If people see us, they will never let us go!" Qin Zhe shook his head.

"Don't worry, with my young master here, everything else is fine!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, he said.

"That...well then!" Qin Zhe replied.

"Your Highness, it's getting dark now, even if you really want to do something, why don't you save it until tomorrow? Let's take a rest here today, how about it?" Fei'er said.

Lin Xiu thought for a while and nodded. Indeed, what Feier said was reasonable. It was already dark, and it would take him to Tang Huaguo's residence, so Lin Xiu also planned to rest here first.

Spring and Autumn City is also a place with a lot of aura. If you want to find treasure chests here, there are probably quite a few. However, after Lin Xiu came here, he didn't see many of them, and he doesn't know why.

But in fact, Lin Xiu actually got four treasure chests today, but three of them are special treasure chests. In Lin Xiu's eyes, these naturally cannot be regarded as treasure chests!
In this Spring and Autumn City, Lin Xiu saw that there are many good things sold here. Of course, in Lin Xiu's eyes, these things are not much different from spicy chicken.

Tang Huaguo's residence.

When Tang Chen came back, his head had already been bandaged. Even so, his kowtow was not light, and he was sent back to the station directly.

Seeing that his younger brother was injured like this, Tang Cheng's face was very ugly, and he said angrily, "Who did it? Have you found out?"

"Your Highness, we have already found out that the person who did it seems to be named Lin Xiu. When he was outside the Spring and Autumn City Gate, he killed quite a few members of the Hanwu royal family, and he even rejected the invitation of the two city lords! " said an old man.

"Refused the invitation of the two city lords? Does he have friendship with the two city lords?" Tang Cheng asked.

"Probably not!" The old man replied.

"Okay, if this is the case, I will make him regret it. Tang Huaguo is not so easy to be bullied. Since he dares to attack our people, don't blame me for being rude! But before that, let Han Wuguo The people brought here, I want to thoroughly understand who they are!" Tang Chengdao.

"Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" the old man replied.

Not long after, Liu Li was brought here. Liu Li saw Tang Cheng in front of him at a glance, and his face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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