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Chapter 488 A person without strength is called arrogance

Chapter 488 A person without strength is called arrogance (7 more)
Qian Gang nodded, and he had guessed that Qian Long would say this.

After all, with Yin Yun's physique, it is considered pretty good that she can survive till now, thanks to Qian Long's action, otherwise, Yin Yun would have died three days ago.

But now, even Qian Long has nothing to do.

"I don't know if senior Yin Yun can invite that master to come!" I only heard that Qian Gang had arrived.

"I hope he can do it, otherwise, Yin Yun really has nothing to do!" Qian Long said with a sigh.

"Hot...too hot..." Yin Yun murmured.

"What... what?" Qian Gang only felt the sudden change in the surrounding temperature. Yin Yun's jade mouth opened, and the hot air spewed out, even igniting the curtains all at once.

"Quick, take my Ice Soul Needle!" Qian Long's face changed drastically when he saw it.

Qian Long's medical skills had already reached five stars, but even so, he couldn't suppress the heat on Yin Yun's body. If this continued, the room would probably be covered with heat in a short time.

"The temperature here is too high, father!" Qian Gang said with sweat profusely.

"Go out, I'll just stay here alone!" Qian Long shouted immediately.

"What? This..."

"Get out!"

Qian Long couldn't care less now. The ice needle in his hand stuck on Yin Yun's body, which slightly reduced the heat on Yin Yun's body, but even so, it couldn't make Yin Yun return to normal.

Yin Yun's body is still so hot, and it's not just that, Yin Yun's face shows pain, if this goes on, even Qian Long can't help it.

Just as Qian left the room, he saw Lin Xiu and Yin Zhi coming back.

"Qian Gang, why are you here? What happened?" Yin Zhi asked quickly.

"Father asked me to come out, Miss Yin Yun is probably in danger!" Qian Gang said hastily.

"What?" Yin Zhi rushed in when he heard this.

Lin Xiu immediately followed him, seeing Lin Xiu, Qian Gang was taken aback, who is this person?

"Yun'er!" Yin Zhi immediately said as soon as he entered.

"Yin Zhi? Why are you back?" Qian Long looked at it and asked in confusion.

"Old Qian, how is my daughter?" Yin Zhi asked quickly.

"Not optimistic!" Qian Long shook his head and said.

"The location of your ice needle is wrong, it should be at the Lingyuan point on the top of your head, and this needle should land here!" A person beside Qian Long said.

Qian Long saw that there was a sixteen or seven-year-old boy next to him. He frowned and said, "Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want to do?"

"I'm here to teach you!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Hahaha...Young man, I, Qian Long, have practiced medicine for the first time and am already a five-star doctor. How dare you say you want to give me advice?" Qian Long laughed loudly and said.

"That's right, I'm really pointing you out, because your treatment method is wrong!" Lin Xiu nodded, taking it for granted.

"You dare to say that I'm wrong? Then you say that, you have a way to treat her well?" Qian Long said again.

"Of course!" Lin Xiu replied, "The 13 needles in your hand should be thousand-year-old ice needles made of thousand-year-old ice. Will use it!"

"I don't know how to use it?" It was the first time Qian Long heard someone talking to him like this. How angry he was, but he laughed back angrily, "You mean, you know how to use it?"

"That's right, if you want to experience it, I'll teach you!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

The corner of Yin Zhi's mouth twitched when he saw it next to him. Nima, I have already seen Lin Xiu's arrogance, but now seeing his arrogance, he still wants to hit someone!
Even Yin Zhi is like this, how can Qian Long bear it.

"Young man, I'm afraid you don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the world. You are so arrogant, are you so sure?" Qian Long said.

"Of course, if I'm not sure that I can cure her well, why would Yin Zhi invite me here?" Lin Xiu replied, "And judging by her appearance, she survived only because of my prescription!"

"Your prescription?" At this moment, Qian Long seemed to have come to his senses, and he asked in surprise, "Are you that master of medicine?"

"I don't dare to be a master!" Lin Xiu replied, just when Qian Long thought Lin Xiu was being modest, Lin Xiu continued, "But on this continent, there is no disease that I can't cure!"

"..." Yin Zhi.

"..." Qian Long.

Do you want to be so pretentious?There is no disease that you can't cure. Could it be that you are a ten-star doctor?Even a ten-star doctor would not dare to say that he has no incurable disease!
The two of Lin Xiu's words were just bragging. Qian Long said: "I thought you really had some medical skills, so I asked Yin Zhi to invite you here. I didn't expect you to be so arrogant!"

"Arrogance? Only those who have no strength are called arrogance, and me, this is self-confidence!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Okay, from what you said, you will still use my Ice Soul Needle?" Qian Long said.

"Of course!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Okay, I want to see how capable you are!" Qian Long was obviously not convinced, he said, "I can't cure Yin Yun's illness, if you can do it, I'll call you Teacher, I am not wronged!"

"My young master will not accept apprentices so easily, even if you want to be my apprentice, I will not accept you!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Nima, this is too pretentious!
Yin Zhi's expression was a bit weird, seeing his old friend who was flushed with anger, he immediately said: "Okay, old Qian, he is the one I invited, and he is the one you instructed me to invite, Why don't you let him try it!"

"Okay!" Qian Long stepped aside immediately.

Lin Xiu's eyes swept over Yin Yun. The purpose of Tianshu can see through the meridians and physical conditions of people below the Martial Venerable Realm and below. No matter how advanced it is, it can't be done. Yin Yun's current realm has not yet reached the Martial Void Realm. , Lin Xiu can naturally see clearly.

Lin Xiu shook his head and said, "I need to borrow your ice soul needle!"

"Okay!" Qian Long nodded.

I saw Lin Xiu's hands suddenly move, 13 ice needles were floating in the air at the same time, Lin Xiu's fingers flicked, and there were clear and crisp sounds, the ice needles seemed to have eyes, and fell on Yin Yun. in the acupuncture points on the body.

"What? Lingkongdu acupuncture!" Qian Long's face changed when he saw it.

This method of acupuncture is not so easy to learn. You must have great confidence in the grasp of the acupuncture points. Even he dare not do it, but Lin Xiu dares.

Moreover, the placement of each stitch was just right, without the slightest deviation. This hand alone was enough for him to feel ashamed!

(End of this chapter)

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