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Chapter 521 One more died

Chapter 521 Another Death (5 More)
In terms of kendo, there is sword intent, the unity of man and sword, and the realm of harmony between man and nature. This is also the strongest kendo that Guo De can master.

But on top of this, there is a more advanced way of swordsmanship, that sword is the profound meaning of the sword!

Not everyone can grasp the profound meaning of the sword, even in the Martial Alchemy Realm, less than one-tenth of the people who can master the profound meaning of the sword!

And now Guo Dehui was taken aback by Lin Xiu, all because he saw that Lin Xiu had comprehended the profound meaning of the sword.

On Lin Xiu's body, there is a sword energy soaring to the sky. Guo De just glanced at Lin Xiu, and he felt that there were countless swords around Lin Xiu's body.

This is simply like a pool of swords!
It looks really scary, just seeing the sword intent on Lin Xiu, that Guo De can already feel that Lin Xiu is definitely not in the realm of the unity of man and nature!
The profound meaning of the sword, Lin Xiu is so young, he has already comprehended the realm of the profound meaning of the sword?
Is the world crazy?

"What did you just say? I, Wang, understand swords? Now I will let you know whether I understand swords or not!" Lin Xiu sneered, only to see him stabbing out with a sword.

This sword looked very ordinary, but in the blink of an eye, the sword had already arrived in front of that Guo De.

With one strike, Guo De felt that he was about to die. Four giant swords appeared in front of him, forming a four-layer sword wall, blocking Lin Xiu's strike.

In the next moment, all four swords were broken, and Guo De's whole body had been broken by Lin Xiu's sword.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Four crisp sounds appeared, none of the four giant swords could resist Lin Xiu's sword, and Lin Xiu's sword passed by Guo De's shoulder.

Everyone can see that Lin Xiu's sword is much stronger than Guo De's sword!
"Ding...shock value +100!"


Another round of shock came.

Guo De looked at Lin Xiu, he couldn't believe it, Lin Xiu would let him go?
Is this the legendary cherishing heroes and valuing heroes?

Does Lin Xiu agree with himself?

When Guo De thought so, he heard Lin Xiu's voice: "Oh, really, I haven't used the sword for a long time, and this sword is actually crooked!"


It turned out to be crooked!
It seemed that he was being self-indulgent, Guo De's mouth twitched at this time, and he immediately said: "Your Excellency's swordsmanship is superb, I can't compare it, I admit defeat!"

"Are you admitting defeat? No way? Why are you so weak!" Lin Xiu said again.

"You..." Guo De was very helpless, but he really had no way to refute what Lin Xiu said. In front of Lin Xiu, he was indeed weak!
Lin Xiu's swordsmanship is much higher than Guo De's.

But more importantly, no matter who it is, as long as they use the sword in front of Lin Xiu, they will definitely lose.

After all, Lin Xiu is the one who has mastered the sword breaking style!

The broken sword style can break all the sword moves in the world, which is also Lin Xiu's greatest confidence.

"Okay, do you want to continue fighting?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"I've already lost!" Guo De had no choice but to say.

"In that case, why don't you kill yourself?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"What? What did you say?" Guo De's face changed when he heard it, and he said, "You want me to kill myself?"

"Of course, since you've lost and you still don't commit suicide, do you still want me to kill you? I've never seen such a cheeky person like you!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"You..." After Guo De heard it, he felt that his anger had already taken over his heart. He had a feeling that this Lin Xiu was here to humiliate him!

That's right, this bastard, from the very beginning, appeared to insult him, and he meant to spare him at all!
Even if you die, you won't be able to continue insulting me!Guo De thought so.

"It seems that you really don't want to kill yourself, so I have to do it myself!" Lin Xiu sighed, "You are so weak, but you still insist on me killing you. I have never seen a person as cheap as you!"

"Ace, don't be so arrogant, my master is Tianhong Sword Master, if you let me go today, I can stop pursuing this matter, but if you dare to attack me, my master will definitely not let you go Yours!" Guo De said.

"So that's how it is, Sword Master Tianhong, it sounds very powerful. Since this is the case, I want to see him, as long as I kill you?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, their faces became weird. Others would be frightened when they heard the name Tianhong Jianzun, but Lin Xiu was lucky. This person was not afraid of that day Hong Jianzun at all. This is too arrogant Bar?

They couldn't figure out whether Lin Xiu really didn't worry about Hong Jianzun that day, or was he pretending to be aggressive, but no matter what, it was very difficult for Guo De to survive now.

"Take my sword!" Guo De said, and he stabbed at Lin Xiu with a sword. This sword was stronger, but his sword was full of flaws in Lin Xiu's eyes. After stabbing Guo De's sword, Guo De only felt his wrist go numb.

The sword in Guo De's hand was blown away in an instant, and he couldn't even resist Lin Xiu's sword.

Guo De's state of mind has been broken by Lin Xiu's sword, he can't believe it's true!
Guo De always thought that he was a genius of swordsmanship before, but now he realizes that in front of Lin Xiu, he is not qualified to have the title of genius at all!
Lin Xiu is only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he has such a powerful strength, which is completely beyond his comparability!

Lin Xiu pointed the long sword obliquely at the ground, he shook his head and said, "The heart of the sword is not stable, the intention of the sword is not stable, you are also worthy of using the sword? I have been fighting the mainland for so many years, and I have seen countless sword repairers. I have seen countless geniuses!"

"Swordsman, the heart of the sword must be firm, but you are just a master of Tianhong Jianzun, so you think you are so great, you think you are a genius of swordsmanship, do you think you have such qualifications?"

"With your talent, you still want to continue practicing martial arts. If I were you, I would commit suicide in shame now!"

Lin Xiu's words are extremely tempting. In the ears of others, they can also fool some people, but some people are still wondering, what did Lin Xiu say that he has been in the mainland for many years?How old is he now?
It's just that Lin Xiu's words sounded very different to Guo De's ears now. After hearing Lin Xiu's words, Guo De felt disheartened. He thought about it, and he was really not a genius. Looking at the sword in his hand, he was heartbroken and said loudly: "I am not worthy of using a sword!"

Right in front of everyone's eyes, he actually stabbed himself in the lower abdomen with a sword.

"Wow, why are you so unbearable? I was just talking nonsense just now, don't take it seriously!" Lin Xiu's voice came.

"..." Everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely.

 Writing is a bit slow today, maybe the update time will be later, but it should not exceed 23:[-] at the latest

(End of this chapter)

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