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Chapter 525 The Name of Ace

Chapter 525 The Name of Ace (2 more)
"What news?" Mayfair said.

"Ace, I will appear on the crater of the third volcano in two days. No matter who wants to challenge me, I will not refuse. Whoever can win me, the 10 yuan in my master's hand The Jieyuan Stone belongs to him, I want to see if there is anyone here who has the strength to win me!" Lin Xiu said loudly.

This sentence spread to the surroundings. After some people around heard it, their faces changed drastically. Lin Xiu's words were so arrogant, did he think that he was invincible now?
If this is the case, then he is very wrong. With Lin Xiu's current strength, he is indeed very strong, but it does not mean that he can be invincible!
Here, there are other strong men from the four great empires. The strength of the strong men from the four great empires is very powerful. Their top monsters can even overwhelm some deacons and even elders of the two major sects!
This Ace is so arrogant, isn't he afraid that those evil geniuses here will attack him?

The voice spread directly to the surroundings. It was obvious that Lin Xiu was telling it to others on purpose. Who was he telling it to?

Then they couldn't guess it, but Mayfair thought of it.

"Your Highness, do you want to pass this news to Xuewu's ears?" Fei'er asked.

"Now we have no other way, but this way!" Lin Xiu sighed, "It's really hard to keep a low profile!"

After hearing this, Fei'er looked at Lin Xiu with a strange expression. Your Highness, have you really kept a low profile?

Has Lin Xiu kept a low profile?Of course not!

As a man who is so cool, no matter how low-key he is, he will still be like a firefly in the dark night. Even if he wants to be low-key, it is impossible!
Lin Xiu's reputation spread to the surroundings overnight. After all, there are not many places of fire. There are only seven volcanoes here. The places farther away are places that they cannot enter. This place is like It is generally a closed place.

But here, when the powerhouses of the four great empires appeared, the other dependent countries would naturally pass it on to them.

There is a warrior here, holding a long sword in his hand, and with a single stroke of the sword, he cut a five or six feet tall giant beast in half in half.

The realm of this giant beast is at least the seventh-order Martial Venerable Realm level, but in front of him, it is so weak that it can't resist his sword at all!
"Brother Shen Kai, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and you can even kill this flame elephant easily!" Shen Yan who was beside him said immediately.

"This kind of monster has no intelligence, what is it? My real target is the geniuses of the other three empires, only they are qualified to be my opponent!" Shen Kai said lightly.

"As expected of Emperor Shen Kai, with your strength, Brother Emperor, you will definitely be able to make a big splash this time!" Shen Yan immediately said.

When other people heard Shen Yan's words, they immediately stepped forward to echo him. After all, this is Shen Kai, the future emperor of the Sword Kingdom, and there is no harm in flattering him.

Moreover, Shen Kai is a talented warrior, as long as he does not fall, he will definitely become a strong one in the future!
"Brother Shen Kai, I have received a message, I wonder if you are interested!" Only Shen Yan said.

"What news? Let's hear it!" Shen Kai asked.

"It's like this. I heard that there is a Great Qin State who wants to challenge the powerhouses from all sides, and said that he will wait for us at the third volcano!" Shen Yan said.

"Great Qin Kingdom? I haven't heard of it at all!" Shen Kai said disdainfully, "It's just a clown who wants to make a splash here, it's not worth paying attention to at all!"

"That's right, he is really nothing in front of our famous sword country, and we don't need to keep him in our hearts!" Only Shen Yan said.

"Your Highness, I have also heard a piece of news about this Great Qin Kingdom!" Only one of them said.

"What news?" Shen Yan asked.

"This Prince Lin Xiu of the Great Qin Kingdom seems to have killed Han En of the Han Wu Kingdom. I think Han Feng will definitely go there to avenge that Lin Xiu!" the man said.

"Han Feng?" A cold light flashed in Shen Kai's eyes, as if he remembered the insulting words of that "Han Feng" at that time.

"Brother Emperor?" Shen Yan asked tentatively.

"Go!" Shen Kai said lightly.

"Go? Where are you going?" Shen Yan asked.

"The third crater!" Shen Kai replied.

On the Seventh Volcano.

Someone here opened his mouth and actually swallowed the flames in the volcano in front of him. In the magma of the volcano, a red line of fire rushed towards his mouth.

The body of this man was burning with flames, his aura became stronger, and the muscles on his body bulged. This man was tall, with fluttering red hair, and his figure was three meters tall!

Behind this man, there is another woman, she is tall and slender, wearing only cloth strips that can only cover important parts of her body, perfect lines appear in the air, but she doesn't mind at all.

"Brother Huang, look at you, our Yan Jue has already reached the Dacheng realm. If we are lucky, we may be able to enter the ninth floor of the Martial Venerable Realm soon!" the woman smiled.

"It's still too far away, but now there are only three volcanic essences left. As long as I can absorb them all, I think my current state can also be stabilized. By then, I will not let go of the geniuses of the other three empires." In the eyes!" I only heard the man say.

"Brother Huang, that's not necessarily the case. I heard that there is a person who has the ability to use fire, but he is no worse than you!" the woman said.

"Who?" The man said, "Our Yan Kingdom is a fire-controlling empire, and I am Yan Hao, the number one genius in Yan Kingdom. You actually said that there is someone no worse than me?"

"Of course, that person calls himself Fire Fist Ace. Although he is a person from a small country, he can fight against three hundred people with one enemy. Others can't see what level he is at all. He also said that he wants to fight everyone to the third The crater!" The woman smiled coquettishly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll go meet him!" Yan Hao said immediately.

In the fifth crater, a fire dragon appeared here, but as soon as the fire dragon appeared, another fire dragon fell directly to the ground, biting its neck.

The fire dragon was not polite at all, swallowed all the flesh and blood of the fire dragon, and then hiccupped in satisfaction, and then disappeared.

"Brother Miaolong, I'm afraid your Yanlong Martial Soul will be awakened for the third time soon. By then, even if you face a tenth-level Martial Spirit, you will have the power to fight!" The pupils are like vertical pupils The girl smiled.

 This chapter is even later, I hope the next one will not!
(End of this chapter)

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