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Chapter 560 Emperor Wu Appears

Chapter 560 Emperor Wu Appears (3 more)
There are five figures in total, among them is a woman wearing red clothes and a long slit skirt, with a monstrous figure and a red whip in her hand.

There is a tall man who is three meters tall and carrying a giant hammer, and there is a middle-aged man with a calm face and ordinary appearance.

There is also a short, white-haired old man with a kind smile on his face, and a man with a cold expression who is carrying a huge sword.

Each of these five people is an extremely tyrannical existence, and their realm is even more unfathomable. Everyone present felt incredible when they saw it.

Because these five people can stand on the sky!
A strong man standing in the sky, what kind of realm is this?
Everyone didn't know it at all, because they had never heard of someone who could stand in the air!
Even if they have flying martial arts skills, or the strong ones with flying martial arts spirits, it is impossible to be as chic as them, but the appearance of these five people now is shocking. These are five strong people who can stand in the air. who!

When Geng Qiu and Cen Lesheng saw it, their faces changed at the same time. The realm of these five people is not only not inferior to the two of them, but even stronger. This is - Emperor Wu!
Emperor Wu is rare to see in the Spring and Autumn Domain, but there are quite a few in the Zhengqi League and the Magic League. These two forces are the powerful forces at the top of the pyramid in the entire continent. They don't even have the qualifications, because they don't even have an Earth Soul Martial Emperor!

Not to mention the Earth Soul Emperor Wu, even the two of them are only on the level of Emperor Wu!

But now in front of them, there are five Wudi powerhouses!
The five Martial Emperor powerhouses are powerful enough to sweep any force in the entire Spring and Autumn Region.

Unless the two sects join forces and add two door beasts, they can still resist it.

Although the two sects often fight, they are always of the same sect. When they face outsiders, they will still unite. So at this time, Geng Qiu and Na Cen Lesheng looked at each other, and at the same time they saw the light in each other's eyes. The color of fear.

"Emperor Wu!" At this time, Emperor Zhentian was shocked in Lin Xiu's heart. "Is it the Emperor Wu of the Zhengqi League or the Emperor Wu of the Demon League? If it is the Demon League, you should run away quickly, kid!"

"The Magic League? The Righteous Qi League? What is that?" Lin Xiu asked in a daze.

"The Magic League and the Zhengqi League are the two most powerful forces in the entire continent. They are not as simple as two sects, but two camps. They are camps that unite all the powerful military domains in the entire continent. Only by joining the two camps , are eligible to get more cultivation resources and primordial stones, and every year, the two camps will have a cruel battle for the right to go to another continent!" Emperor Zhentian Wu sighed and explained .

"Young master, I don't understand what you said. I just want to know how to deal with these five pretenders now? Do you have a way to deal with them?" Lin Xiu asked.

"I am titled Martial Emperor, but I am the most powerful Martial Emperor. The existence of a few mere Martial Emperors is nothing at all!" Zhentian Martial Emperor sneered.

Well, this young master thought that the five in front of him were pretenders, but he didn't expect the old man on his body to be a stronger pretender!

Sure enough, there is another force and another force!

"What are the requirements for title Martial Emperor?" Lin Xiu asked.

"When you reach the ninth floor of Emperor Wu, you can get the titles of the two camps!" Zhentian Wudi replied.

"Then where do you rank among the titled Emperor Wu?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"This..." Zhentian Martial Emperor was silent, Nima, boy, which pot do you not open and which pot do you carry?

When Lin Xiu was communicating with Emperor Zhentian Wu, the others had already seen Geng Qiu and Cen Lesheng moving. .

The two slowly stepped up into the air, walking in the air, the two of them were indeed the strongest of Emperor Wu!
These two people turned out to be Emperor Wu!

"In such a remote place as Spring and Autumn Region, it's really rare that there is a strong Emperor Wu!" Only Chi Lian's voice could be heard, and that voice could even make people feel numb.

"It's just two Martial Emperors, and they probably only have tenth-level Martial Spirits, so it's impossible to compare with us!" Wildhammer said again.

Chen Yangyuan looked at the two people in front of him, and he said calmly: "Two sect masters, there is nothing wrong with us coming here, but seeing the outstanding people here, I want to recruit young warriors here to join our Zhengqi League. mind!"

The two suzerains shuddered when they heard this, Nima, we paid such a high price to find such an outstanding warrior, you are so lucky, you just came to snatch him!

Do you want to face?
"How many people, how many people here are already disciples of our Spring and Autumn Sect, isn't it good for you to do this?" Geng Qiu said lightly.

"A disciple of your Spring and Autumn Sect? I'm afraid they don't think so?" Chi Lian smiled slightly, her eyes turned red, and she looked at those imperial geniuses.

As soon as they touched her eyes, Miao Long, Shen Kai, and Yan Hao's eyes immediately became dull.

The mind control techniques displayed by the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses are naturally extraordinary, they simply cannot resist them, and there are several other top eight warriors who have already been controlled just by looking into Chi Lian's eyes.

Chi Lianjiao said with a smile: "Several geniuses, are you willing to join our Eight Desolation Palace? The resources that our Eight Desolation Palace can have are not comparable to this small Spring and Autumn Region, and we are even more righteous. For those of you who join us, it will be beneficial and harmless to you!"

"We are willing!" Several people replied with dull eyes.

"What? Brother Yanhao!" Yan Yi said anxiously.

"Brother Miao Long!" Miao Rou and Miao Hu also exclaimed.

"His Royal Highness Shen Kai!" The people from Mingjian Kingdom also had surprised expressions on their faces.

When other people saw this scene, they were also very surprised that Chi Lian was able to confuse these geniuses!
"You!" Seeing this, Geng Qiu's expression changed.

"There is one more!" Chen Yangyuan said suddenly.

There is still one?After Chi Lian heard it, she was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Lin Xiu, isn't it?Lin Xiu hasn't counted it yet!
Chi Lian looked at Lin Xiu, and she said, "This is Lin Xiu's younger brother, right? Such a handsome young man, come and let my sister take a good look at it?"

"Okay!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"Your Highness!" Fei'er rushed towards Lin Xiu as soon as she heard it.

"Don't look into her eyes!" Cen Lesheng also said.

But it was too late, Lin Xiu's eyes met Chi Lian, and Chi Lian's charming smile appeared, she said with a smile: "Brother Lin Xiu, are you willing to join our Eight Desolation Palace?"

"I..." Lin Xiu said.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, and Lin Xiu was also confused.

"I don't want to!"

(End of this chapter)

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