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Chapter 570 Your Woman Is Going To Die

Chapter 570 Your Woman Is Going To Die (2 More)
Martial Emperor powerhouses were extremely rare in the first place, so it was already surprising that there were so many here, and what was even more unexpected was that the Martial Emperor powerhouses here were defeated so easily.

The two Martial Emperor powerhouses here can hardly withstand the palm of the Heavenly Demon Martial Soul!
"Earth-level martial soul! It's still the second-floor earth-level martial soul of Emperor Wu!" Chi Lian's eyes were full of fear.

As a strong Emperor Wu, of course he knew the difference between the second level of Emperor Wu and the first level of Emperor Wu.

Although this gap is not comparable to the gap between the first floor of Emperor Wudi and the ninth floor of Martial Alchemy Realm, it is not far from each other.

Of course, the biggest gap between them lies in the comprehension of martial arts and martial arts.

Beast martial soul fighters, as long as the realm is improved, they can make the body and martial soul more perfect, the more perfect, the stronger the power they get, and the weapon martial soul requires the study of martial arts.

After the Martial Emperor Realm, every level up will bring them great changes. Now this Mo Shan's Martial Soul is probably at least above the Earth-level Martial Soul. This level of Martial Soul is not just about its own strength. Powerful, but also able to improve with the improvement of its own realm.

Now this Heavenly Demon Martial Soul can defeat the warriors on the first level of Emperor Wu with a single punch, as if they would destroy the dead. This kind of attack power may not be comparable to that of other people.

Chi Lian, Wildhammer, and Chen Yangyuan didn't plan to make a move, because this time, the person Mo Shan was going to deal with was Lin Xiu, not them.

And the person who wants to protect Lin Xiu is the strong man in that Spring and Autumn Region.

But now that the suzerains of the two sects have been blown away, who else can protect Lin Xiu?
Two monsters appeared in front of Lin Xiu.

"Old turtle, I don't need your help!" Red Crystal Snake said.

"You are a femme fatale, I don't need your help!" Jin Lingui said.

The two monsters actually made female voices.

"Two monsters? That's fine, if I can devour your flesh and blood, it will also allow me to continue to improve my strength!" Seeing this, Mo Shan laughed loudly, and the huge Heavenly Demon Martial Soul blasted in front of him.

"Let's do it!" The Jinlin turtle's limbs and tail contracted, its body spun, and it flew in front of it.

Jin Lingui actually planned to use his body to block the punch.

Only a loud bang was heard, Jin Lin Gui took the punch of Mo Wuhun that day, and the turtle's shell was immediately knocked into the air, but when Jin Lin Gui appeared, it didn't seem to be injured at all.

The Red Crystal Snake has already entangled with the Heavenly Demon Martial Soul: "The mere earth soul also wants to compare with us?"

With such a huge body wrapped around the Red Crystal Snake, if it had been a strong Emperor Wu, he would have been killed.

But this one is different after all, the palm of the Heavenly Demon Wuhun has already caught the red crystal snake, and the body of the red crystal snake is constantly shrinking, trying to tighten the spirit, but the power of the Heavenly Demon Wuhun, It was stronger than the Red Crystal Snake, and even caught it and blasted it down to the ground.

Immediately, a deep hole was smashed out of the ground, and the red crystal snake spit out blood from its mouth, and part of its body was crushed flat.

"Stupid, you want to compare with my martial soul with your monsters?" Mo Shan had a sneer on his face.

That day the demon punched the red crystal snake again, but the golden forest turtle appeared on top of the red crystal snake, resisting the punch for it.


With a loud noise, pain appeared in Jin Lin Gui's eyes.

"What are you doing? I don't need your help!" the Red Crystal Snake said immediately.

"I'm not saving you, I don't want to see my lord sad!" Jin Lingui immediately said.

"My lord..." the Red Crystal Snake said at this time.

"Since you want to die, let's die together!" Mo Shan had a ferocious smile on his face.

The Shadow of the Heavenly Demon punched down on the two monsters. If this continued, they might all die here.

"Stop!" Lin Xiu's voice came, "Mo Shan, your enemy is me, I think, you don't need to waste time here, you can just shoot me!"

Lin Xiu's voice sounded, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, what was Lin Xiu talking about?Did he think he would be Mo Shan's opponent?
Just kidding, this is Emperor Wu. Even if Lin Xiu is against the sky, can he compare with the strong in the realm of Emperor Wu?

"I didn't expect you to be very courageous!" Mo Shan looked at Lin Xiu coldly and said, "In this case, I will help you!"

"Although I also want to fight with you, but I don't think you are worthy of fighting with me!" Lin Xiu continued.

"You say I'm unworthy?" Mo Shan's eyes showed anger, "It's only the first level of Wu Zunjing, why are you so arrogant? Just because of your earth-level Wuhun?"

"You actually know that I have an earth-level martial spirit?" Lin Xiu said a little surprised, "It seems that you have been peeping around all the time."

"I have been killing other warriors here just now to restore my strength, and now my strength has not only recovered, it is even much stronger than before, as long as I kill you, I can completely occupy this body! "Mo Shan sneered.

Although the Heavenly Demon has seized the house, Mo Shan still cannot completely occupy the body, because Mo Shan still has this kind of obsession in his heart, and only by killing Lin Xiu can the resentment in Mo Shan's body disappear completely.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance, because my hand has already arrived!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Your subordinate? Did you mean...the Li Bai just now?" Mo Shan looked around worriedly.

Li Bai's power just now was indeed very terrifying, and Mo Shan actually felt a little bit afraid of Li Bai.

Chi Lian, Wildhammer and Chen Yangyuan also immediately searched the surroundings for Li Bai's trace. If Li Bai really appeared again, wouldn't they be doomed?
"Who said I only have Li Bai as my subordinate?" Lin Xiu said with a faint smile, "If you don't come out, your woman will die!"

As soon as Lin Xiu's words came out, the people around him looked puzzled. They were a little puzzled as to what Lin Xiu was talking about.

"Your Highness, I'm coming!" All I saw was a black shadow appearing in the sky, and that black shadow fell directly from the sky and hit the ground, only to see a huge paw print appeared on the ground, and everyone just looked at it. He saw a giant black dog with a ferocious face and a terrifying aura.

"What?" Everyone was shocked. Li Bai was already very scary before, but now this black dog is no weaker than Li Bai. Could it be that what Lin Xiu said is true?
This is too much, isn't it, the small Great Qin Kingdom really has 108 guardian gods?Isn't that more terrifying than the two major alliances?
 It's so cold today, I wrote this chapter for two and a half hours!

(End of this chapter)

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