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Chapter 627 Get the Dragon 3 Princess?

Chapter 627 Get the Third Dragon Princess? (3 more)
"What do you mean?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, that Sky Dragon King's face changed drastically.

"I said just now that if you want to wipe out your Tianlong clan, then I must keep my promise!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"What did you say?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Tianlong King's heart was filled with madness, "Even if I die, I won't let you do this!"

The Heavenly Dragon King rushed towards Lin Xiu, but unfortunately, Lin Xiu was not worried at all, his Dragon Slaying Sword had already been cut in front of him.

"Pfft!" The Heavenly Dragon King's body was cut in half.

The Tianlong King's final counterattack did not affect Lin Xiu in the slightest.

Dragon King, pawn!
This scene obviously shocked all the Dragon Clan!

The Heavenly Dragon King actually died here, and at the hands of Lin Xiu.

"Lord Dragon God's strength is really extraordinary, the Heavenly Dragon King is looking for death, and no one can be blamed!" Only the Dragon King said loudly.

This sentence has shown the Dragon Emperor's position.

But at this time, Lin Xiu said: "This Dragon God has already said that he wants to destroy the Tianlong Clan, Dragon Emperor, I think you should know how to do it?"

Lin Xiu looked at the Dragon Emperor, and even the Dragon Emperor couldn't stand the look in his eyes. The Dragon Emperor felt that his heart was trembling. Lin Xiu was too terrifying, and he was too cruel. He didn't want to offend such a person.

"Yes, I understand. The Lord Dragon God said that no matter what the Chinese Dragon God says, we must abide by it!" The Dragon Emperor was very smart and pushed all of this to the Dragon God.

In this way, even if the Heavenly Dragon Clan is exterminated, he cannot be blamed for this crime.

For the Dragon Emperor, the Tianlong clan is simply a burden, he doesn't want this race to stay, so when Lin Xiu said this, he immediately followed suit.

The following Tianlong tribe members were massacred like never before. When these Tianlong tribe people died, they couldn't believe that this disaster was caused by the Tianlong King. How noble their Tianlong tribe people were originally, now To be exterminated, all because of offending one person!

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not stop this matter, and he ordered the Dragon Emperor to bring all the dragon eggs.

The dragon eggs of the Tianlong clan are much more useful than the dragon eggs of the ordinary dragon clan.

Finally, that one dragon egg collected 1000 million dragon power.

The two dragon eggs on Lin Xiu's body were actually cracked at this time. Only one red fire dragon was seen soaring into the sky, and it was a hundred feet long, while the other was a small white dragon. About three feet, it looks very beautiful.

"What... what happened?" The Dragon Emperor hurried over, and when he saw the two dragons in front of Lin Xiu, his face was full of disbelief.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, is something wrong?" The other powerful dragon clansmen have also arrived.

But at this time they found the appearance of these two dragons, their faces were full of doubts, shock, and excitement.

"This... is it the new Dragon Emperor?" Many dragons couldn't believe it.

"Yes, he is indeed the new Dragon Emperor!" The Dragon Emperor looked at the red dragon in front of him, he was both relieved and helpless, it seemed that his era was over!

"Father!" The little fire dragon, no, it should be the fire-breathing dragon emperor, said to Lin Xiu.

"Father!" Xiao Bailong also entangled Lin Xiu, and the voice turned out to be that of a delicate little lolita.

Yep, another baby!
Lin Xiu had already thought that if the dragon egg treasure chest was opened, a new dragon pet might be opened. Now it seems that his guess is really right.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the third princess of the Dragon King, little white dragon!"

"Little White Dragon's very powerful strength, the host can get it, it is great luck, if the host can cultivate the memory to adulthood, she can restore the original memory!"

"What do you mean? Little White Dragon? You mean, this is Little White Dragon from Journey to the West?" Lin Xiu was taken aback when he heard that.

This can't be true, can it?
"Yes, there is a very low chance that the diamond treasure box will be able to open a fairy item!"

"This is too ridiculous, isn't Xiaobailong a boy? You won't tell me that he is so cute, he must be a boy?" Lin Xiu asked, he saw the little white dragon wrapped around his wrist Long, I feel a little depressed.

"The original Journey to the West is male, but in this plane, it's not!" the system replied.

"Then how can I restore her memory?" Lin Xiu asked again.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Bailong is a man or a woman, since I have already driven her out, I have to take responsibility, but how can I restore her memory?After all, if it recovers its memory, it will be able to have a powerful thug.

"The system doesn't know!"

"System, you are really useless!"

Lin Xiu didn't understand. He looked at the little white dragon in front of him and asked, "Xiaobai, can you become a human?"

"Father, I can!" He only heard Xiao Bailong's crisp answer, a light appeared on her body, and Lin Xiu only saw a seven or eight-year-old little loli appearing in front of him.

A pair of ponytails, big black eyes, she looks pink and tender, very cute, raised her hands up, and said to Lin Xiu: "Father, I want to hug, kiss, and hold high!"

Lin Xiu was very complicated in his heart. He traveled here and had not even been here for a year, but he already had a daughter. Lin Xiu picked her up and thought.

But this feeling seems to be good!

"Cough, cough, Lord Dragon God, I have a merciless request!" I heard the Dragon Emperor say in embarrassment at this moment.

"What kind of merciless request?" Lin Xiu asked.

"I wonder if Lord Dragon God can keep the two dragon sons on our Dragon Island?" the Dragon Emperor asked.

"Huh?" Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the Dragon Emperor wanted to keep hostages to threaten him?

"Lord Dragon God, don't be nervous. We have no other intentions. It's like this. This one is the fire-breathing Dragon Emperor. Although he has the strength of the Dragon Emperor now, he doesn't even know the most basic dragon skills. Flame-breathing attack, if facing an opponent at the level of Emperor Wu, it may be able to handle it, but against an opponent at the same level, it will definitely lose!" Dragon Emperor quickly explained.

Lin Xiu didn't speak, looked at the Dragon Emperor, and waited for him to continue.

"If it stays on Long Island, I guarantee that within three years, it can be trained to become the next Dragon King!" The Dragon King sighed, and said, "I have been here on Dragon Island for so long, I just want to wait for a new Dragon King to be born, but no one can achieve it, my original lifespan is almost at the end, I didn't expect to meet it at this time!"

"You mean, he will inherit your position in the future?" Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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