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Chapter 651 Let you know what is a real strong man!

Chapter 651 Let you know what is a real strong man! (4 more)
The remaining two strong men from Qilin Sect didn't dare to make a move at all, after all their realm was not much stronger than Elder Shui Qilin's. Of course they are not much better!
At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Yin Jiu. The fighting power of a roaring dog was enough to frighten all the powerful Qilin sect here, so what about this Yin Jiu?

Yin Jiu's face was very ugly. After all, he came to trouble Lin Xiu this time. It's good now. Before the fight started, it has become like this. So what should we do next?Want him to turn around and leave?He can't lose face like this.

Although Cen Yu knew that Xiaotiangou was very strong, he never thought that Xiaotiangou would be so strong!

If Xiaotiangou made a move, it is estimated that the strong Qilin sect here would have no chance to compare with Lin Xiu.

But at this time, Cen Yu heard Lin Xiu's words: "Yin Jiu, I am a fair person. If Xiao Tiangou bullies you, I can't bear it. How about it, I will come here in person Fight with you!"

"What did you say?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Yin Jiu was overjoyed, but his face showed disdain: "I thought you would only know how to hide behind the strong, but now it seems that you still have some courage , if that's the case, I think highly of you!"

Even though Yin Jiu said this, he felt unknowingly how happy he was. He couldn't beat the Roaring Dog, but Lin Xiu was different.

Lin Xiu is only at the first level of Wudan Realm, how could he, Yin Jiu, lose to such a man?
"In this case, let's do it!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll let you know how big our strength gap is!" Yin Jiu spread his wings behind him, only to see that he was already rushing towards Lin Xiu, and his palm suddenly turned into a fist in the air. With the giant claws of flames, he took a picture of Lin Xiu.

The overwhelming flames appeared, and this claw came down, which was very terrifying.

"Lin Xiu be careful!" Cen Yu shouted in panic after seeing it.

"His martial soul is probably also an earth-level martial soul!" Xiao Tiangou said.

"Daddy is invincible!" I only heard Xiao Bailong say.


However, many people were not optimistic about Lin Xiu. They didn't understand why Lin Xiu had to fight that Yin Jiu one-on-one since he already had the upper hand.

Yin Jiu is too strong, not only his realm, but also his martial soul. Such a powerful warrior is not something that Lin Xiu can easily deal with. Even if the people here know that Lin Xiu is not weak, they will not think that he will be This is Yin Jiu's opponent.

At this time, the body swayed and disappeared in place. The claw hit the ground, and the ground instantly shattered.

And Lin Xiu has appeared in another place, not far from the original place.

"You still want to run? Do you think you can escape?" Yin Jiu laughed loudly and slapped Lin Xiu with his paw.

"Your escape technique is very good! Let's escape again!"

"I want to see how far you can go!"


The consecutive attacks all failed, and Lin Xiu's speed was faster than Yin Jiu imagined.

Finally, Yin Jiu became angry: "Are you only going to run away? Do you still want to fight with me?"

The two Qilin sect elders saw sneers on their faces, Lin Xiu was too arrogant, Yin Jiu's strength, I'm afraid he is regretting it now!
The others also shook their heads. In their eyes, Lin Xiu is completely powerless to fight back now. Since this is the case, why does he still make such a request?It's just looking for abuse!

"Since you have said that, then I have no choice but to stop!" Lin Xiu said, with a violent aura gushing out of him, and at this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"It's so powerful, why do I feel a little fear in my heart!"

"Me too, this momentum is too strong. When he fought Chijian before, he didn't have such strength at all!"

"Could it be that he has been hiding his strength just now?"


Hearing the voices of people in the village, Chi Jian felt very uncomfortable. How is this possible?When Lin Xiu fought with him, it turned out that he really didn't use his full strength, no, I'm afraid he didn't even have [-]% of his strength!

Now Lin Xiu's aura is so strong that even Chi Jian feels incredible now. He feels that if he makes a move in front of Lin Xiu now, it is estimated that he will not even display [-]% of his strength.

Not only Chi Jian, but also that Yin Jiu. What is this feeling of being restrained by others?

"Ding...shock value +100!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for creating a shocking pretense effect and getting 200 pretense points!"


This time, Lin Xiu's pretentiousness shocked everyone present. Lin Xiu actually didn't think about pretending to be coercive this time, but such things as emperor's aura cannot be concealed by Lin Xiu if he wants to. Now Lin Xiu The silver snake totem on Xiu's chest was already glowing.

Lin Xiu's realm was directly raised to the sixth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. Because of the emperor's aura, Lin Xiu could directly overwhelm the warriors at the sixth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm.

As long as they are warriors below the sixth level of Wudan Realm, Lin Xiu can even crush them easily, because the imperial aura will force their bodies to surrender.

All warriors below the sixth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm will feel tremendous pressure even when facing Lin Xiu, and this Yin Jiu is the same now.

"You...what the hell did you do?" A surprised and angry expression appeared on Yin Jiu's face.

"What did you do? Didn't do anything, but I just want to let you know what a real strong man is!" Lin Xiu said, only to see his palms clenched into fists, punching Yin Jiu in front of him. past.

To deal with an existence of Yin Jiu's level, Lin Xiu didn't need to use martial arts or martial arts at all, only one punch was enough!
Fire gushed out of Yin Jiu's palm again. Although he didn't know what Lin Xiu had done, would he be afraid of Lin Xiu?

of course not!

Yin Jiu's claw seemed to have turned into a beast's claw, facing Lin Xiu's fist.

"No matter what you did, you must die today!" Yin Jiu roared loudly.

This punch hit Yin Jiu's face, and as soon as it came into contact with his flaming beast claws, the flame had disappeared, and not only that, this punch had already sent Yin Jiu flying.

Yin Jiu's whole body was blown away by this punch, and Yin Jiu could only feel that he was hit hard. This punch was too terrifying, even the attack he fused with his martial soul couldn't resist.

Everyone could also feel that Lin Xiu's punch did not have any fluctuations in Yuanli at all, and he defeated Yin Jiu with strength!
 Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, the update has not come back yet, tomorrow should be able to maintain the fifth update, today this is the last update

(End of this chapter)

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