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Chapter 661 Not even one who can fight?

Chapter 661 No one can fight? (5 more)
"To put it simply, your strength is too weak, so you should step down yourself, so that you can save yourself some face!" said the bald man in command.

The three commanders have already spoken out. The third commander is a feminine man, probably a person who is good at harvesting and nourishing skills. He is also one of the highest realm commanders, and his strength is naturally extraordinary.

The fourth commander is a smiling tiger, hiding a knife in his smile, and expelling Lin Xiu is not harmful to him.

The five commanders looked down on Lin Xiu at all, let alone Lin Xiu's Roaring Dog, so he also decided to expel Lin Xiu.

These nine commanders are on the stage, and the nine commanders cannot protect themselves. All she can do is to protect herself, because on this stage, only the top three are eligible to participate in the next round of tests.

Now the three commanders have all appeared in front of Lin Xiu and Xiao Tiangou, wanting to attack Lin Xiu, the three commanders plus the strong people around them, but there are nine people, seven of them are strong in the Martial Emperor realm , even if it is the second commander, if he is forced by them, he may only be able to step down.

"It's too much, how could they do this!" Cen Yu said a little excitedly.

"It's a foul for them to bully the few with more people!" Fan Fei said.

"I didn't expect to lose from the very beginning!" Elder Zhu Qilin sighed.

Others also had disappointment in their eyes. Facing such a situation, who could win?

Nine powerhouses threatened Lin Xiu at the same time, can Lin Xiu stand up?impossible!

"Ding, trigger a series of missions, the first step is to become the Grand Commander!"

Lin Xiu has been here for so long, and it can be regarded as a mission. Although the situation is a bit dangerous now, for Lin Xiu, it is an opportunity, yes, a chance to pretend!

As a king of duress, Lin Xiu would never let go of any opportunity to pretend to be coercive, and now this opportunity, of course, he wouldn't let it go!

"Are you telling me to admit defeat? I'm not afraid to tell you that what this commander is best at is [-]v[-], but since you are so weak, I won't make a move, Xiaotiangou, you go and deal with them!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "But you don't need to go all out, after all, we are all colleagues, if you accidentally kill someone, it will be bad, if he kills you all, it will be too miserable!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, the three commanders were stunned at the same time. At this time, Lin Xiu dared to be so arrogant?

Hasn't Lin Xiu figured out the situation until now?He also said that he wanted Xiao Tiangou to make a move?What can a black dog like this do?
At this time, everyone saw Xiao Tiangou began to stand up.

"It's just a black dog, and you want it to do it for you? Seventh Commander, if you can't find helpers, you can tell me, I don't mind lending some of your men!" the Third Commander said sarcastically.

"It's just a black dog? Are you talking about me?" After Xiao Tianquan stood up, his body suddenly swelled up, becoming about three meters tall. The huge black dog was completely different from before.

That teddy dog ​​looks quite cute, but the black dog now possesses extremely powerful and mighty power, and the warriors present felt their hearts tremble when they looked at the roaring dog.

Isn't this an ordinary black dog?How could there be such momentum?

"You...what the hell are you?" The three commanders were taken aback.

"This emperor is called Xiaotiangou! Remember it!" As soon as Xiaotiangou stretched out its claws, it stretched out its claws and slapped it in front of it.

These strong men in front of Lin Xiu only felt their hairs stand on end, and a kind of fear welled up in their hearts.

All the people dodged immediately, and one of them had already escaped, but found himself drawn back by a force!
"Boom!" This palm had already hit the ground, and the ground immediately shattered. This palm had sunk into the ground a full two feet deep.

It's too terrifying, this claw, even a martial artist at the first level of Emperor Wu can't resist it!

How could such a terrifying monster appear, and this monster seems to be under Lin Xiu's command!
"Impossible!" The eyes of the three commanders were full of disbelief at this time.

"Now I will also give you a chance to step down by yourself, which can be regarded as saving you a little face, otherwise, you will not be as simple as losing face, but will be photographed as meat sauce!" Lin Xiu looked at the three commanders and said with a sneer .

This sentence was said by the third commander just now. He wanted Lin Xiu to step down by himself, but now Lin Xiu returned this sentence to him. The third commander was still doubting the strength of the Xiaotian dog just now, but now, the Xiaotian dog is just One claw can already kill a martial artist on the first level of Emperor Wu.

How strong is the hound?The second floor of the Martial Emperor Realm?Or the third level of Martial Emperor Realm?

"Do you think we can't do anything to you with this demon king? We still have eight people here!" The third commander said a little annoyed.

"Oh? If that's the case, Xiaotiangou, you can show me the skill I taught you yesterday to hit ten!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"..." Everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They had seen shameless people, but they had never seen such shameless people.

One hit ten, this is a monster in the Emperor Wu realm, do you still need to teach it?
However, Xiao Tianquan let out a long roar, only to see that Xiao Tianquan's feet seemed to be stepping on clouds, appearing in front of one of the Wu Emperor powerhouses in an instant, and slapped it down with one paw.

That strong Emperor Wu couldn't react at all, his whole body was hit by this claw and hit the ground.

Only a loud bang was heard, and this strong Emperor Wu had already fallen to the ground, and his bones were all shattered.

"The second one!" Lin Xiu began to count.

Immediately afterwards, another Emperor Wudi was shot down to the ground, and this Emperor Wudi was still hit by a claw, and he was already a corpse.

"The third one!" Lin Xiu said again.

Next, Lin Xiu said: "The fourth one!"

"the fifth!"


"No, I admit defeat, I won't fight anymore!" The fifth commander exclaimed, but the Xiaotian dog slapped him on the head, and this fifth commander also died.

At this time, the smile on the face of the Fourth Commander has froze: "Seventh Commander, I think this is a misunderstanding, we don't need to..."


Another claw fell, the four commanders, pawn!
When Lin Xiu looked again, he only saw that the three commanders had fallen off the stage, and he said loudly: "Seventh commander, I lost this time, I admit defeat!"

Now that he has fallen off the stage, it would be a bit against the rules for Lin Xiu to let Xiao Tiangou chase him down again.

Lin Xiu sighed and said, "Why are you so weak? No one can beat you!"

No one can fight?There was a wry smile on everyone's face.

 Five updates today, and strive to adjust the update time back tomorrow, and there will be another update in the early morning!
(End of this chapter)

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