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Chapter 683 Ten Thousand Underworld Soldiers

Chapter 683 One Hundred Thousand Underworld Soldiers (4 more)
This man's body was covered by the armor, and no one could see his face at all, but he was [-] meters tall, so he was considered a little giant.

Behind him was a scythe that was as big as his body, and two rays of light emerged from the eyes of this man's helmet.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning Bai Qi!"

"The Bai Qi summoned in this world does not belong to human beings, and has the ability to summon 40 dark soldiers. The strength of each dark soldier hovers between the Wudan realm and the fifth floor of the Martial Emperor realm, depending on the strength of the host!"

"Bai Qi won't disappear, but since Bai Qi is a puppet, to make it active, you need to consume ten ninth-order primordial stones, and you can use it for one hour each time! Bai Qi's strength is the first level of Martial Ancestor!"

Wuzu?Is this the realm above Emperor Wudi?

And this one is Bai Qi, the God of Killing Bai Qi in the Chinese world, but a very terrifying existence, killing 40 soldiers, he is extremely cruel, but now this Bai Qi is a puppet, just like this, It just won't go away!

"This... who is this person?" Dongdi Guardian's eyes widened at this time, and he realized that he couldn't see the opponent's strength. What kind of realm is this man in the armor?
Not only Dongdi, but everyone present felt incredible for this armored man who suddenly appeared.

Drilled out from the ground, where is this sacred?
"Bai Qi pays homage to Your Highness!" Na Bai Qi knelt down to Lin Xiu and said in his mouth.

Since Bai Qi appeared, he has been connected with Lin Xiu's spirit, and Lin Xiu can control him to do anything.

"How is it possible? That man is actually Lin Xiu's subordinate?"

"Could it be that what he said is true, that he really has 108 such powerful subordinates?"

"How strong is this man?"


When everyone saw this scene, they all felt incredible. This strong man who appeared suddenly knelt in front of Lin Xiu, and he was obviously Lin Xiu's subordinate.

Could it be that he is Lin Xiu's hole card!
Everyone always thought that there was only the Roaring Sky Dog beside Lin Xiu, but now it seems that Lin Xiu has more than one hole card, and the Roaring Sky Dog is just one of them!

The appearance of this Bai Qi made the people present feel quite shocked.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be invisible, and got 200 points of pretending!"


"Ding...shock value +"


The appearance of Bai Qi shocked the people present, but of course it was not enough, Lin Xiu said: "Okay, okay, Bai Qi, now someone is going to murder your Highness, what do you think we should do?"

"Kill!" Bai started a word, but murderous aura surged out, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot.

Moyue felt a little uneasy at this time, she felt something was wrong, this Bai Qi actually got up from the ground, and it seemed that his strength was not weak, Moyue had a feeling that what happened today might be unexpected She had expected it, and she was ready to escape at any time.

"I didn't expect you to have such a powerful subordinate, but what can he do alone?" The Eastern Emperor sneered.

"Bai Qi alone is not enough, so let's call some more people!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Bai Qi responded, only to see him wave a giant scythe, and on the surrounding ground, soldiers in armor appeared one by one, and some soldiers suddenly appeared and caught those demons. The strong man's feet directly grabbed the feet of these Demon League strong men, and then twisted them off.


"What? What is this—"

"no, do not want--"

Immediately there were screams around here. Although the strength of the magic alliance powerhouse here is not weak, the ghost soldiers who suddenly appeared are also quite terrifying. The remaining strong members of the Righteous Qi Alliance have also been rescued by these dark soldiers.

The members of the Momeng lost nearly [-]% of the powerhouses at once.

"What?" The Eastern Emperor was a little shocked at this time, and the number of ghost soldiers appearing around was too many. These ghost soldiers are estimated to be [-]!

"Dongdi over there, are you okay? Didn't you just want more people to bully the few? Now this commander is going to declare war on your Demon League! Baiqi!" Lin Xiu waved his hand.

"Yes!" Bai Qi replied, only to see him wave his scythe, and a ray of light gushed out from the scythe, slashing towards the flying boat in the sky.

So fast!

This ray of light cut across the flying boat in the sky in an instant, cutting the flying boat in half.

Dongdi's pupils shrank for a while. The flying boats on these flying boats were all flying boats with protective barriers, but they were cut in half by Bai Qi's knife. What kind of strength is this?
Bai Qi didn't stop, the second knife had already been cut.

"Down, hurry up!" Dongdi shouted loudly.

If this continues, these flying boats and warriors of the Demon League will probably be killed. Only by escaping to the ground can they have a chance to escape.

After all, the strong Emperor Wu was already able to fly in the air. If he didn't descend, all the flying boats here would be destroyed.

Dongdi's face changed drastically, he had already rushed forward to stop Bai Qi, he said loudly: "Since Your Excellency's strength is extraordinary, then let me experience your Excellency's strength!"

A pitch-black sword appeared behind Dongdi, and he slashed at Bai Qi.

This sword, one could tell it was an Earth-level Martial Spirit at a glance. Following Dongdi's sword, a huge black light descended from the sky and struck the ground, instantly splitting a huge gully one foot wide.

What a domineering sword!
Bai Qi turned his body to avoid the sword, because it was about to destroy the third flying boat at this time, he turned his head, staring at the Eastern Emperor with a pair of glowing eyes.

"Your opponent is me!" Dongdi said loudly, and he slashed out with a sword again. The power of this sword seemed to be stronger than before, and the law of the sword appeared on his sword. Everyone can imagine that even a In front of the Eastern Emperor, the mountain will also be cut in half.

But at this moment, Bai Qi swung his scythe across, and saw him slashing out. The scythe had come into contact with the black sword, but then, everyone could hear a crisp sound, and the black sword had been crushed. Cut in half.

The Eastern Emperor didn't expect that Bai Qi would be so strong, so strong that he couldn't imagine it, and it was too late when he realized it.

Dongdi's head flew straight up, and when his head was in the air, he could even see his blood-spraying head, and Bai Qi killed him with a single blow!
How can it be!

When everyone present saw this scene, they couldn't believe it could be true.

Dongdi is dead!

(End of this chapter)

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