Chapter 687 Miracle (3 more)
One tenth-order primordial stone, 1 ninth-rank primordial stones, and a pile of other primordial stones, in exchange for some amount of primordial stones, in exchange for the chance for these dragon people to come back to Dragon Island.

This time, the Dragon Emperor was bleeding heavily, but for the Dragon Emperor, this was still a good thing.

After all, there are quite a few Martial Emperor powerhouses in the Dragon Race, and Long Aotian is an existence at the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. If these powerful existences join Longdao, they will be quite a force.

For these dragon people, it is worth it.

But the Dragon Emperor didn't know that this time, Lin Xiu was the one who made the most money.

The dragon people don't even know that Lin Xiu has sold them, and they are still repairing Yuanshi for Lin Xiu!

"What does Lord Dragon God want to say to Lord Dragon Emperor? What do you think of him, full of helplessness and depression?"

"Lord Dragon God must have paid a great price, otherwise how could this happen?"

"Lord Dragon God has been wronged too much for us!"


Many dragon people were speaking for Lin Xiu at this time, but they were only blinded by Lin Xiu's "painful", "wronged", "depressed"... all kinds of complex expressions, and it was impossible to know what was going on inside.

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't intend to let them know that Lin Xiu had dispelled the sound barrier.

Lin Xiu came down from the altar, Long Aotian and other dragon people came over nervously: "Master Dragon God, how is this matter going?"

Lin Xiu had a look of helplessness on his face, and he let out a long sigh: "Oh..."

Seeing this scene, the faces of Long Aotian and others changed greatly. Could it be that Lin Xiu failed this time?Then they don't have a chance to go back to Long Island?
If this is the case, they are really a little depressed and hopeless.

"Master Dragon God, even if we can't succeed, we won't blame you!"

"Yes, Lord Dragon God, you have tried your best to help us, we have all seen it!"

"Long Island won't let us go back, and we don't care too much!"


The dragon people began to comfort Lin Xiu.

Seeing Lin Xiu's expression, the other strong men "guessed" it. This time, Lin Xiu did not convince the Dragon King, but it was the first time they saw someone who dared to talk to the Dragon King like this.

"Everyone, you are wrong. Although I paid a heavy price this time, I still lived up to my mission and brought you a chance!" Lin Xiu finally said.

"What?" When everyone heard this, their faces showed surprise. What was Lin Xiu talking about?He begged for a chance for the dragons?What chance is that?
Everyone turned to Lin Xiu with curious and surprised eyes.

"This time, the Dragon Emperor finally agrees with the dragon people to go back to Dragon Island!" Lin Xiu said again.

Dragon people have a feeling of reaching heaven from hell, what's going on?What did Lin Xiu just say?
Dragon people can go back to Dragon Island?
is this real?
Many dragon people feel like they are dreaming.

"Master Dragon God, you... are you serious? Can we really go back to Long Island?" Only the voice of Long Aotian was heard.

"It's true, don't worry!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Long Aotian suddenly knelt down with a "plop", he kowtowed three times to Lin Xiu, and said loudly: "Thank you for the kindness of Lord Dragon God, I am willing to serve Lord Dragon God in this life!"

It is simply a great favor to let the dragon people go back to Dragon Island!

Many dragon people also knelt down and shouted: "Thank you for the kindness of Lord Dragon God, we are willing to serve Lord Dragon God in this life!"

This time, Lin Xiu asked the dragon people to come back to Dragon Island again, which is nothing to other people, but this is the lifelong hope of the dragon people, to go back to Dragon Island and become a part of the dragon clan!

This is like recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan in Huaxia Kingdom!
These dragon people's gratitude to Lin Xiu is naturally unusual!
"Ding, I have collected 15 points of faith from Long Aotian!"


The Faith Points collected by Lin Xiu are constantly increasing. This time, the Dragonman Tribe has gathered all the Dragonmen, with 1000 million Faith Points, which will be full in the next few minutes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 1000 million faith points. The Dragon God treasure chest has been successfully upgraded. It is currently a diamond treasure chest. Do you want to open it now!"

"Open the Dragon God Treasure Box now, and you may get unexpected results!"

Can it still be like this?When Lin Xiu heard this, he immediately became a little curious.

"Open now!"

At this moment, Lin Xiu found that the dragon god statue that belonged to Lin Xiu began to emit a ray of light, and then, the dragon god statue emitted colorful rays of light, and the sky began to rain in five colors.

"This... what is this? I feel a power awakening in my body!"

"What is this? I discovered that my eyes can see things thousands of miles away!"

"My ears can also hear things far away!"


Many dragon people have begun to awaken at this time.

"Ding, the treasure chest was successfully opened. Congratulations to the host for getting the power of the dragon god. This skill is a special skill! It can be combined with the power of the emperor!"

The power of the dragon god can awaken the special blood of the dragon clan and deter all dragon clan monsters whose strength is below the second level of the Martial Emperor Realm!
The power of the Dragon God?This is indeed a special skill with no level, but the effect is completely extraordinary, and it can be combined with the emperor's aura to deter monsters below the second floor of the Martial Emperor Realm, which is a bit against the sky!
Now Lin Xiu's realm is at the fourth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. Although he now takes a Martial Dan Realm Experience Pill every night, which can allow him to quickly improve his realm, it is still too difficult to face the strong of the Martial Emperor Realm.

But now his imperial aura has also started to skyrocket. Lin Xiu just pretended to be aggressive, but let him collect 20 imperial aura!
Now Lin Xiu already has 95 emperor spirits. If he possesses the spirit of the dragon veins, he will be able to possess the ninth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm.

This round of pretense also allowed Lin Xiu to collect 5 pretense points and 5 shock points.

At this time, the dragon people are all intoxicated by the different abilities they have awakened.

After all, dragon people are indeed rare existences, and they all have various abilities in their bodies.

Clairvoyance, Shunfenger, and some people can even copy pills. Of course, most of the abilities are actually useless abilities. Some people can even control one more claw and spit out different flavors of saliva...

However, there are also many practical abilities. All in all, the dragon people here have gained a lot of benefits, and these seem to be all because of the powerful power emanating from that statue.

"Miracle, this is simply a miracle given to us by Lord Dragon God!"

"Sure enough, it is Lord Dragon God who awakened our abilities!"

"We have people who will never awaken their dragon abilities in their lifetime!"


(End of this chapter)

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