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Chapter 713 I Actually Like Being a Man!You give up!

Chapter 713 I Actually Like Being a Man!You give up!
Lin Xiu's imperial aura really shocked people. They couldn't imagine that Lin Xiu's aura would be so terrifying!
Even if Lin Xiu didn't make a move, this aura alone could already make people feel fear.
After all, this aura is the aura of the emperor, and the aura of the emperor is enough to frighten everyone!
This is the aura of an emperor. As long as the state is not as good as Lin Xiu's and is shocked by this aura, they will immediately kneel down and surrender. Even if they are reluctant in their hearts, their bodies have to kneel down.

The city guards here were taken aback, they couldn't believe that their bodies couldn't stand up, as if they saw their own king.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


The pretense this time was still very successful, but unfortunately, someone came out to disturb, otherwise it would be more perfect!
Lin Xiu raised his head, and his eyes fell not far away, only to see a girl in a black dress appearing there, her long fiery red hair was flying in the air, with a strange smile on her face, sitting On the top of the building, a pair of white and tender jade feet were shaking there.

This woman actually appeared again, she really lingers!
However, didn't he curse her?
Lin Xiu knew very well that his curse peach blossom was used on this woman, how could she come out here again?

How can this woman, Lin Xiu, not know that this is exactly the Sister of the Magic League, Moyue!
"What are you doing here?" Lin Xiu said angrily, "I don't know you well, how about we pretend we haven't met each other before?"

"..." Mo Yue was obviously taken aback. In fact, she had never seen such an interesting man. He even said, pretending that she had never met him?
"Hehehe... Lin Xiu, don't you people from the Zhengqi League all use the banner of eliminating harm for the people, and then kill all the people in our Magic League?" Moyue laughed and said.

This witch is worthy of being a witch, and she is indeed a peerless beauty. After seeing her smile, Lin Xiu knew what it means to be charming with a smile!

This woman's smile can make Bai Hua lose color.

"That's just other people. This young master always treats everyone equally! No matter what kind of fairy or witch she is, I won't mind!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said lightly.

Equal treatment?Doesn't matter whether fairies, witches or witches don't mind?
Hearing this sentence, not only Mo Yue, but even the people around Lin Xiu were surprised.

This sentence has the meaning of blasphemy!

The Moyue here is the holy aunt of the Demon Race. Anyone who dares to blaspheme her, even if she can only say one word to blaspheme her, will have her tongue cut off, let alone other things. People, I'm afraid they will be completely beheaded by Moyue.

But at this moment, Mo Yue chuckled softly: "Lin Xiu, I really like you a little bit!"

"What did you say?" Hearing Moyue's words, Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, no way, you don't know how to sell swords, do you?I've already said so much, you still like me?
"You are right, I have already said that I have fallen in love with you, so you belong to me!" A bloody light appeared in Mo Yue's eyes, as enchanting as her hair.

Moyue's words made Xiaotiangou and Wangcai stunned at the same time, and both monsters looked at Moyue with surprised eyes.

"What does she mean? Is she going to be a young mistress?" Fan Fei asked with a puzzled look.

"Does she want to be Xiao Bai's mother? But she is so scary, Xiao Bai doesn't want it!" Xiao Bailong pouted.

"Hey, demon girl, I'm not afraid to tell you, although I'm handsome, handsome, and suave Yushu Linfeng ([-] words omitted)...but don't be infatuated with me, because I'm just a legend!" Lin Xiu said a series of words , Moyue smiled even more happily.

"Since you have so many advantages, then I want to like you even more!" Mo Yue smiled, and this smile made people even more fascinated.

Nima, when Lin Xiu saw the smile of the magic moon, he suddenly thought of his cursed peach blossom. Could this one make her fall in love with him?
"System, isn't the effect of cursing Peach Blossom to be cursed in the magic moon? How did it become like this? Doesn't she look like she was cursed?" Lin Xiu asked hastily.

"Host, the curse of the peach blossom has already exerted its effect. Judging by the system, the effect of cursing the peach blossom is to make the cursed person fall in love with the person who cast the curse!" the system replied.

"Wori, is this also called a curse?" Lin Xiu wanted to cry, the feeling of being liked by a demon girl is not very good, you must know that this woman is quite a difficult woman, she is interested in herself, this point Not a good thing either.

Lin Xiu seemed to be able to see how the witch tied herself up, and then whipped herself with a small leather whip!

Lin Xiu doesn't want to live such a life!

"No, no, Miss Moyue, if you have something to say, talk about it. In fact, what you heard just now are all my shortcomings. Yes, these are all my shortcomings. Please don't mind these!" Lin Xiu said quickly .

"Oh? Are these all your shortcomings? I once heard someone say that as long as you like someone, you will also like his shortcomings!" Moyue said again.

"Miss Moyue, we are really not suitable!"

"Tell me, what's not suitable?"

"The height is not suitable!"

"Height is not distance!"

"I like older ones!"

"age is not a problem!"

"I like plump ones, you are too light!"

"This holy lady is also very plump, don't you see?"

Lin Xiu's gaze sneaked across the other side's mountains, and the corner of his mouth twitched, it was indeed plump.

"Our camp is different!"

"I can let you join our Demon League. You may not be able to get the position of the leader of the Demon League in the future, but you can be the man of the leader of the Demon League!"

Lin Xiu is convinced, this woman is really powerful enough, he has already said these reasons.

The other people's eyes widened, a little unbelievable, these two people fought too hard, and the holy lady of the Magic League actually wanted Lin Xiu to be her man, this is the holy lady of the Magic League, with a very high status, A woman with monstrous strength and stunning beauty.

As long as she beckons, I don't know how many men will die for her, but now this Lin Xiu is not interested at all.

Lin Xiu closed his eyes, with a determined look on his face. In order to get rid of this woman, Lin Xiu could only use a trick: "Actually, I like men! Give up!"

like men?

After Moyue heard it, her eyes changed, she seemed to be a little unacceptable, but then revealed a look of suddenness: "So that's the case, no wonder you are not interested in me at all, if this is the case, then it is understandable!"

(End of this chapter)

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