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Chapter 716 The Domineering Little Drilling Wind

Chapter 716 The Domineering Little Drilling Wind (4 More)
A strange song sounded, that monster looks quite strange, not only has horns, a nose like a bull, but also a drum on his waist, and two gongs on his hands.

This monster not only looks strange, but also has a very strange personality. As soon as he came out, he began to sing, and he talked like singing.

"My name is Xiao Zhuanfeng. Your Majesty doesn't know why you called me here~" the monster shouted at Lin Xiu.

"It's nothing, just help me get rid of these guys!" Lin Xiu said.

"Your Majesty asked me to patrol the mountain, and kill a few people at will~" Xiao Zhuanfeng said, then walked out in front of him, and sang along the way.

But this scene, let Mo Yue and others see it, but they are a bit dumbfounded, what is this?Just relying on it to fight them?
"Hahaha... what did I see? It's ridiculous, Lin Xiu, you don't mean that this subordinate can win us?" Only the Fish King laughed and said.

"This monster doesn't look like a monster, what is it? Your men are really weird!" Ghost King said disdainfully.

"Never mind a puppet, or two monsters. What's the use of this half-human, half-monster thing? And he's still beating drums and gongs here. He doesn't come here to be an actor, does he?" Mo Yue shook her head and said. .

No one would think that this foolish little Zhuanfeng can have any strength, and his strength is indeed confusing, because there is no fluctuation of Yuanli on him!

This kind of creature, even if it is a monster, is useless!
"Okay, since he insists on making a move, let me be his opponent!" Fish King sneered.

"Do you want my opponent? See my drum, see my gong, you kneel down~" Xiao Zhuanfeng sang again

"Looking for death, with your strength, you want me to kneel down? I'll let you know what real strength is!" Fish King said, his body and the huge octopus slowly merged together .

It seems that he is more like a monster!
"Take your life!" One of Yuwang's tentacles had already slapped Xiao Zhuanfeng down.

Xiao Zhuanfeng knocked on the gong with both hands, and only saw a ripple in the air, which spread out to the surroundings, and then, in the eyes of everyone, the tentacles of the fish king stopped on Xiao Zhuanfeng's head down.

No one knew what was going on, but everyone felt that something was wrong.

"F... what happened, daddy? That big octopus seems to be dead!" I only heard Xiao Bailong say at this time, Xiao Bailong grabbed Lin Xiu's thigh, his voice was a little soft, but her Blinking his big eyes, he seemed to be able to see that the fish king's vitality was gone.

"Impossible, right? What did he do just now?" Wangcai couldn't believe it. It couldn't feel any fluctuations in Yuan power at all. This is not what humans should be like!
"Just now he just knocked on the gong, what's the matter?" Fan Fei had already returned, and he was a bit afraid to accept this fact.

Little Zhuanfeng didn't pay attention to the fish king, he continued to walk forward, knocking the gong as he walked, and said: "The king asked me to patrol the mountains, I will turn around the world~"

At this moment, the huge octopus martial soul was crushed inch by inch. This huge martial soul body seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder. The huge martial soul body was completely crushed. The fish king's body, When he fell to the ground, there was no wound on the surface of his body.

But in the fish king's body, the viscera had already been smashed to pieces.

Just one click, and the fish king was wiped out!

"There's something wrong with him, Ghost King, let's go together, you weaken his strength, I'll take care of him!" Only the Tiger King said.

"No problem!" The ghost king replied, a grimace appeared behind him, and black mist was continuously sprayed out from the grimace's mouth.

But the little Zhuanfeng didn't care about it, he continued to sing: "Don't ask me where I come from, and don't ask me where I'm going~"

The black mist sprayed right on, but Xiao Zhuanfeng didn't pay attention to it at all, but the ghost king was very proud. He said: "No matter who you are, you are too arrogant. My poisonous mist is definitely not something you can resist." Hold on, I'm afraid you won't be able to show even half of your current strength!"

"If that's the case, leave it to me!" Tiger King let out a roar, he turned into a golden tiger and rushed over, slapping Xiao Zhuanfeng with his claws.

"Your Majesty asked me to patrol the mountain~" Xiao Zhuanfeng struck the gong again with both hands, and the golden tiger in front of him stopped.

All the spirits on Tiger King's body were shattered, and he also fell down.

" is this possible?" The ghost king's eyes were full of fear. If the fish king was killed because of carelessness, then what happened to the ghost king being killed?Is it also careless?
How can it be?This is absolutely impossible!

But Xiao Zhuanfeng had already walked in front of him, this ghost king didn't even understand how the other party approached him, his face changed drastically, and he immediately begged for mercy: "No, don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die! "

"You don't want to die? Have you ever asked the tens of millions of Xueyue City residents if they want to die? If you say you don't want to die, you want to live? What about them?" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of coldness.

Lin Xiu would not feel guilty about the death of the residents of Xueyue City, but he would also feel angry. After all, these members of the Demon League were too cruel. As long as they were human, they would be angry when they saw such a thing, and Lin Xiu was the same.

Now Lin Xiu not only wanted revenge, but also took away the martial souls of these people, Lin Xiu would not let go of this opportunity!
Therefore, no matter what the ghost king said today, he must die!

"You... you killed me, our Momeng will not let you go!" The ghost king immediately threatened.

"The Momeng will never let me go, so rest in peace!" Lin Xiu had just finished speaking.

Xiao Zhuanfeng knocked the gong in front of him, and the ghost king in front of him also followed in the footsteps of others, his internal organs were smashed to death!

A faint smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face, a dark door appeared above his head, and some martial souls around him began to sink into Lin Xiu's swallowing door at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ding, 1 point of martial soul has been collected!"

"Ding, 10 point of martial soul has been collected!"

"Ding, 1 martial soul points have been collected!"


There are tens of millions of residents here, even if a martial soul only has 1000 point, it is enough for the Gate of Devouring to collect 9 million martial soul points, but what makes Lin Xiu feel unbelievable is that the martial soul points he collected are enough At [-] million martial soul points, the level of the gate of devouring has been raised by one level!
"Ding, the level of the Gate of Devouring has increased, and it is currently at the sky level!"

Even so, this Devouring Gate has not been completely upgraded!

(End of this chapter)

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