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Chapter 729 Who the hell is calling to stop again?

Chapter 729 Who the hell is calling to stop again?
If the people here now slap them in the face, are they pretending to be coercive?
Lin Xiu said lightly: "Who are you, I don't care about this young master, I just want to know, what do you want to do here?"

"It's nothing. Of course we came here to stop you. This Chen Xiao is the only son of the head of the Chen family. If you kill him, you will be an enemy of the Chen family. You should think about it!" Dongfang Bai lightly Shaking his fan, he said with a chic look.

"Think it over, so what?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Since you've made up your mind, you should let him go!" Situ Yuan said.

"I've thought about it, but, why should I let them go?" Lin Xiu looked at them with a sneer on his face, "Are your brains broken? Did I say that I want to let people go? "

" you still want to kill him?" Wen Renlong asked.

"So what?" Lin Xiu said.

"If yes, even if you kill him, you won't survive, not only you, but also your daughter, and your subordinates will all die!" Dongfang Bai said.

"It's up to you?" Lin Xiu had a look of disdain on his face when he heard it.

"Do you think we are not qualified?" Upon hearing this sentence, Wen Renlong's eyes froze, staring at Lin Xiu, as if he wanted to eat Lin Xiu.

"You are right, you are indeed not qualified!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said calmly, "What qualifications do you have to save people in my hands?"

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, I'll let you know how stupid you are!" Wen Renlong drew out the spear behind his back and stabbed it in front of him.

The Roaring Dog attacked at once, and slapped Wen Renlong with its claws. Wen Renlong's back spear was attached to the tip of the spear. It landed on the paw of the Xiaotian dog.

"Ding!" Only to see the sparks splashing everywhere, this Wenrenlong actually possesses the strength of the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, even compared to the deputy hall master of Qingyun Hall, he is not weak at all.

Even stronger, his gun way is indeed very powerful, but Xiaotiangou, even stronger!
Wen Renlong was forced back by this claw, he could feel that the opponent's strength was even stronger than him.

Xiaotiangou's body flickered again, appeared in front of Wen Renlong, and slapped Wen Renlong with its paw.

Wen Renlong's whole body was shot flying, and hit a distance.

So strong!

Everyone can see that the current Xiaotiangou is very powerful, so powerful that they have to be moved.

This is a huffing dog!
The Xiaotiangou's strength is so strong, how can Wen Renlong be able to compare?
"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


Xiao Tiangou's strength won Lin Xiu a lot of pretense, and Dongfang Bai, Situ Yuan, Murong Fen and Xia Yan were all frightened by this scene.

Wen Renlong's strength is not weaker than them, but now he is forced back by the Roaring Dog's paw and sent flying with one paw, what kind of strength is this?

Everyone was shocked by the strength of the Roaring Sky Dog. Is this black dog stronger than the Scarlet Flame Scaled Tiger?

This black dog looks really good, and it would be a good choice if it could be captured together!

These few people can only think about it!

If they are asked to make a move now, they dare not.

"Who else wants to stop this young master, stand up! This young master will give him a little reward, let him see the blood!" Lin Xiu sneered.

With Lin Xiu's arrogant appearance, the people around him have nothing to do. Even if they want to teach this guy a lesson, they can't do it. The monsters around Lin Xiu are too powerful.

The provocation of Lin Xiu's words made people from several big families dare not take action, but they seemed to be waiting for something.

Lin Xiu didn't know, but even if he knew, it didn't matter, because Lin Xiu didn't care at all, whoever came today couldn't stop Lin Xiu from beheading Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was desperate in his heart. Although he didn't know why Dongfang Bai and the others came here to help him, but there was no way for so many people to stop Lin Xiu?
Is he still going to die?
Chen Xiao's heart was full of regret, why did he offend this evil star?No matter how beautiful Miss Murong San is, what does it have to do with him?If he died here, he would be wronged!

Lin Xiu's sword had already pierced Chen Xiao's throat, and Chen Xiao closed his eyes.

"Ding, I have collected 10 strong regret points from the Martial Emperor Realm!"

Of course there is regret value?That's not bad either!Lin Xiu thought so, but his hands didn't stop.

But at this moment, a loud voice came: "Stop!"

"Who the hell is shouting to stop again?" Lin Xiu was a little annoyed, who the hell is this?
Come one after another!
This time, it was a white-haired old man who came here with dozens of people. Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he saw this white-haired old man. Strong, and the strength seems to be very strong.

"It's He Lao from the auction house!"

"Elder He has strength comparable to the Four Great Guardians, yet he has come in person!"

"This kid is about to die, and he dares to make trouble in this auction house!"


The people around started discussing, and these people's faces showed gloating looks. Isn't Lin Xiu very arrogant?This time it depends on how you continue to be arrogant, how you continue to be arrogant.

"Young man, do you know where this place is?" He Lao looked at Lin Xiu and said calmly.

"Where is this place? I really don't know!" Lin Xiu didn't care about it when he heard it, he said.

When Elder He heard Lin Xiu's words, his eyes froze. How dare this kid talk to him like this?
"Since you don't know, this old man will tell you that this is the Tianque Auction House, and no one is allowed to make trouble here!" He Lao said calmly.

"My young master never makes trouble!" Lin Xiu said immediately, "I'm killing someone in self-defense!"

What you said is too outrageous!How can you kill someone in self-defense like this?You are deliberately beheading people, right?

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, their expressions became strange. It was obvious that they didn't believe Lin Xiu's words at all.

"No matter what you want to do, this is our auction house's territory, please let Master Chen Xiao go!" He Lao said.

"Old man, where were you when he bullied my daughter just now?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"What did you say?" Upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, Elder He frowned and said.

"You didn't show up just now and made my daughter wronged. Today, you want to save someone from me? Yes, you can ask my subordinates first!" Lin Xiu sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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