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Chapter 732 Who Has More Primordial Stones Than Who?

Chapter 732 Who Has More Primordial Stones Than Who?

The gem treasure box can absorb primordial stones, but what makes Lin Xiu depressed is that a tenth-order primordial stone can only provide 5 gemstones.

That is to say, if you want to upgrade the jewel box to a diamond box, you need 200 tenth-order primordial stones!
Lin Xiu doesn't have so many tenth-order primordial stones to feed it!
Even if it is a ninth-level primordial stone, it can only get 1 gem points, but what makes Lin Xiu depressed is that in this gem treasure box, swallowing primordial stones can only swallow up to 100 million gem points.

The gem treasure box no longer devoured primordial stones, and it seemed that the plan to feed it with primordial stones was impossible.

However, there are many kinds of jade here, and they are still relatively cheap.

"Ding, 10 gem points have been collected!"

"Ding, 100 gem points have been collected!"


Lin Xiu bought a lot of jade and devoured them, and there are nearly a million gems worth, but these gems are too ordinary, if only these gems, there is no way to make the gem treasure box grow into a diamond treasure chest.

"Is there any better gems here? After all, it is an auction house, so it shouldn't be so broken, right?" Lin Xiu said.

"My young master, if you want more precious jade, you might as well go to Zhenyu Pavilion. They have a lot of jade there, but it's just about the price..." The jade shop owner laughed.

This time when Lin Xiu came, he directly gave him a tenth-order primordial stone, bought all the jade here, and made him a fortune. Naturally, he was willing to show Lin Xiu the way.

"Lead the way, this eighth-order primordial stone is yours!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, yes, the villain will send someone to take the adult there right away!" The boss responded immediately.

Inside the Zhenyu Pavilion, there were indeed a lot of jade, Lin Xiu went straight to the front desk and said, "Tell your boss to come out, my young master is here, and you didn't send anyone to meet me?"

Lin Xiu's appearance was quite arrogant, but how dare the girl at the front desk say no, after all, this is a guest!

But people around couldn't get used to it. Lin Xiu dared to be so arrogant in front of them?Moreover, Lin Xiu's clothes are not considered to be a person of status. One of them said: "Some people like to pretend to be gods and ghosts here. They are obviously poor ghosts, and they are still pretending to be rich here!"

All I saw was a man in a gold silk and silver robe looking at Lin Xiu. What he said just now was obviously what he said.

"Your Highness Zhou Xing, maybe this young master was in a hurry when he came out, that's why he didn't change his clothes!" Said a woman beside the gold silk and silver robe.

Even though Lin Xiu has seen a lot of women, he will be a little surprised when he sees this woman. This woman is indeed outstanding. She has long black hair and an all-worldly face, like a star. Like eyes, she was wearing a long purple dress, looking dignified and beautiful.

"Princess Wu Ning, you don't know, there are some people who like to play big heads here, and these people should be taught a lesson!" Zhou Xing obviously wanted to show himself in front of the beauty, so he said.

Of these two people, one is the prince and the other is the princess, but it seems that Zhou Xing is interested in Wu Ning, but she does not.

Want to use Master Ben as a performance?This is the wrong person.

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Are you talking about me just now?"

"I mean so what about you? Don't you dare to refute this prince's words about you as a pariah? You can tell from your clothes and your strength that you are a pariah in the first place, but the monster beside you , it looks like you have some strength! Even so, can you hide that you are a pariah?" Zhou Xing sneered.

Lin Xiu has never been a timid person, this Zhou Xing dared to talk to him like this, on the surface he didn't care at all, but he held a grudge in his heart.

After all, Lin Xiuke has never been a magnanimous person, he is a villain, a petty villain!

Fortunately now, Zhou Xing dared to talk to him like this, which happened to give him a chance to pretend to be aggressive!

"Since you say I'm a pariah, then your status should be quite high?" Lin Xiu laughed.

"Of course, I am not comparable to you untouchables. Do you think you can compare with me?" Zhou Xing said immediately.

"Is it a pariah? I think we should speak with the facts!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"What? Do you still want to be compared to me?" Zhou Xing said.

"Of course, since you are also here, we will buy the gems here. If you say I am a pariah, if I buy one, you will buy one. Do you dare?" Lin Xiu said.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, their expressions became strange.

"Did you hear what he said? That young man said he wanted to make a bet with His Highness Zhou Xing!"

"You want to bet on Yuanshi with His Royal Highness Zhou Xing? Isn't this an opportunity for His Royal Highness Zhou Xing to slap you in the face?"

"His Highness Zhou Xing is a prince, what is he?"

These people shook their heads, obviously thinking that Lin Xiu was a bit stupid, the other party was a prince, how could anyone be able to compare the primordial stones he possessed?

"If I bet with you, wouldn't that be a loss of status? Do you think you would do such a thing with you?" Zhou Xing sneered.

"If you think there is no benefit in gambling like this, why not, I don't have any good things on me, if you win me, I will give you this fan, this spear and this armor !” Lin Xiu said, taking out the fan, spear and armor that he got just now.

"This... Isn't this Dongfang Bai's fan, Wen Zilong's spear, and Situ Yuan's armor? How could it be in your hands?" Wu Ning looked at Lin Xiu in surprise and asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. They said I was a good person, and they were sorry for me, so they gave me these things to make up for their mistakes! I never wanted it, but they insisted on giving it to me!" Lin Xiu said helplessly.

As soon as this sentence came out, the mouth corners of Xiaotiangou, Wangcai and Fan Fei twitched. They had already seen the shamelessness of their young master (His Highness), but when they saw it again, they would still feel very surprised.

After all, there are not many people who can be so shameless!
"What if I lose?" Zhou Xing asked.

"It's nothing, just give me the gems you bought!" Lin Xiu said.

"Then how do we judge the winner?" Zhou Xing asked.

"Of course it depends on who doesn't have the primordial stone in the end, then it will be considered a loser!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu's words made everyone present feel puzzled. If Lin Xiu said this, didn't he mean that he had more primordial stones than anyone else?

Whoever has more primordial stones can buy more gemstones, but there is a Zhou dynasty behind Zhou Xing, isn't Lin Xiu asking for shame?

(End of this chapter)

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