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Chapter 738 If you want to add a crime, why don't you have words!

Chapter 738 If you want to add a crime, why don't you have words!
These people knew at a glance that they were not easy to provoke, and there were quite a few of them. There were nearly a hundred people here, and they were all from different forces!

Lin Xiu could see that the people among them were Wen Renlong, Dongfang Bai, Situ Yuan, Murong Fen, Xia Yan, Zhou Le, and besides them, there was also a white-haired old man.

These people stand at the forefront, and there are other people beside them. The strong people who appear here seem to be related to them. Even if Lin Xiu closes his eyes, he can know that these people are exactly what they brought. People, the purpose is to take revenge.

It was not difficult for Lin Xiu to guess the purpose of these people, but before Lin Xiu opened his mouth, someone from here had already come out.

"Are you Lin Xiu?" I heard one of the middle-aged men come out and said coldly.

"Your name is Master Ben, what do you want to do?" Lin Xiu took a step forward and said.

Facing the hundreds of people at the top of the Martial Alchemy Realm, and even the powerhouses of the Martial Emperor Realm, Lin Xiu was not affected at all. The step he took forward exuded a powerful aura.

"Old man Chen Fu, my son died at your hands?" The middle-aged man in front of him said coldly.

"Who is your son?" Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment and asked.

"My son Chen Xiao!" Chen Fu said coldly.

"So, your son hurt my daughter, so naturally I won't let him go easily!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"What is your son? Can he be compared with my son?" Chen Fu said.

"You mean, your son is a human being, but my daughter is not?" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of chills when he heard it.

"I don't care what your daughter is? If you kill my son today, you must pay with your life!" Chen Fu said.

"You are here to avenge your son, what about the others?" Lin Xiu glanced at the person in front of him, with a sneer on his face, "Who are you avenging?"

Lin Xiu entered the auction house before, but actually killed not many people, only Chen Xiao and Zhou Xing, people from the Zhou Dynasty.

As for Wen Renlong and the others, Lin Xiu didn't even make things difficult for them!It's just collecting their regret value. After all, they came to trouble me first, but it's a good thing now, Lin Xiu let them go, they didn't let Lin Xiu go!
Now these people still want to deal with Lin Xiu?

Since this is the case, today is going to charge a lot of these regret points.

"Lin Xiu, you insulted us so much before, but did you expect today's result?" Wen Renlong walked out immediately, he said.

"We just wanted to save Chen Xiao before, but you want us to kneel down and admit our mistakes, you are too much!" Dongfang Bai also said.

"I'm also friends with Chen Xiao, and I won't stand by today!" Situ Yuan said.

"Lin Xiu, you are still hurting Elder He in the auction house, and you almost broke his arms!" Murong Fen said immediately.

Some people have seen that Elder He is sitting on a sedan chair with his hands bandaged up. He should have rested in this situation, but he came here just to see the scene of Lin Xiu's death. !
"Lin Xiu, you also killed my brother and the guards of our Great Zhou Dynasty, and robbed the scrolls I bought!" Zhou Le shouted loudly.

The people around immediately exclaimed, hearing what they said, Lin Xiu was simply a heinous person.

The old man headed here did not speak, his face was full of calm, as if nothing here could affect him, but Lin Xiu had a feeling that this old man was indeed here for him.

Lin Xiu sneered and said, "Since you all say that, I want to ask you, why did this incident happen today?"

What happened today, why?

How could Wen Renlong and the others not know the origin of this incident, but they would not let Lin Xiu speak out, they said immediately.

"What else could have caused this matter? Obviously, you, Lin Xiu, are too domineering!" Situ Yuan said.

"That's right, we didn't offend you at all, it was you who insisted on catching us and taking action against us!" Dongfang Bai said.

"That's how Chen Xiao died at your hands!" Wen Renlong said.

"..." Except for these few people, other people also started talking immediately, all of which were rebuking Lin Xiu, as if Lin Xiu was originally a monster who came here to harm them.

"Hahahaha..." At this moment, Lin Xiu burst out laughing.

The laughter seemed to have magical powers, and it actually affected the surroundings. The more Lin Xiu laughed, the quieter the voices of the people around him became.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Fu said angrily.

"What am I laughing at? Of course I'm laughing at your stupidity!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about, and I am not interested in explaining to the weak. Since you have all said that, then you should take action try!"




When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, these three words seemed to appear in their minds.

Lin Xiu's words challenged everyone present!

One must know that among the people here, there are not only juniors like Wen Renlong, but also members of their family, but Lin Xiu alone has offended them all!
When Wen Renlong and the others heard Lin Xiu's words, they were very proud at the same time. If Lin Xiu didn't explain, that was exactly what they meant. They just wanted to pour dirty water on Lin Xiu so that they could be on top of the moral system.

Now we just need to wait for the major families to join forces with that lord, so that Lin Xiu can be killed!
Except for the people around Lin Xiu, no one thinks that Lin Xiu can survive, even Wu Ning. Wu Ning's face is very ugly now, and she feels that this is a doomed situation. Around him, there is no doubt that he is on fire.

If this is really the case, not only Wu Ning, but even the Wu Dynasty may suffer a catastrophe because of this incident!
Thinking of this, Wu Ning struggled in her heart, she took a step back involuntarily, trying to avoid this disaster.

And with the first step, there will be the second step, Wu Ning has retreated into the crowd.

Lin Xiu's words made everyone around him focus on him, and no one alienated Wu Ning, because she was also some distance away from Lin Xiu.

At this moment, the white-haired old man who hadn't spoken yet said: "Wait a minute!"

When the people around heard the old man speak, they didn't dare to make another move, they could only stand by the side first, but the old man continued to speak: "If you want to inflict a crime, there is no reason for it! What a sentence, if you want to inflict a crime, there is no reason for it , in this case, do you mean that we have wronged you?"

"Old man, don't you think you didn't wrong me? You are already old. If you don't even have this bit of vision, you probably lived on a dog!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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