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Chapter 750 Little White Face?

Chapter 750 Little White Face?
"Since you have said so..." Lin Xiu sighed.

Seeing Lin Xiu's expression, Shengwei and Ouyang Tianyu thought that Lin Xiu was going to give in, but Lin Xiu continued: "Then let me see how strong you, the so-called holy son, are! "

After Ouyang Tianyu and the holy guard heard this, they were obviously taken aback. Facing Ouyang Tianyu, Lin Xiu actually wanted to fight!
Xiao Tiangou and the others understood that the unlucky person might not be Lin Xiu, but His Royal Highness the Son!

You must know that there were many people who offended Lin Xiu in the past, but they were almost destroyed by Lin Xiu. Now their graves are nearly ten feet high.

Lin Xiu, but he has never suffered a disadvantage!

But how could Ouyang Tianyu know this? He was extremely angry when he heard Lin Xiu's words. To provoke him!
Alright, since that's the case, let's get rid of him today!

"No matter who you are, today I will let you know what a real strong man is!" Ouyang Tianyu said, only to see a ray of light appear behind him, and a huge black shadow appeared behind him , with a pair of bat-like wings, this turned out to be a giant.

This giant looks ferocious, but Lin Xiu can tell that this giant is really a heaven-level martial soul!

The aura of this martial soul is quite terrifying, even Lin Xiu can tell the difference, the power of this martial soul may be extraordinary, but is it a beast martial soul, or a tool martial soul?

"Your martial spirit is very strong, but it's not as good as mine!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Up to now, you still dare to say such a thing. I admire your courage, but you are too weak!" Ouyang Tianyu said disdainfully.

Lin Xiu just wanted to summon his martial soul, but at this moment, only one person came out: "Stop!"

Everyone's eyes fell on that person, and this person was Heiye.

Hei Ye also had quite a headache, he would never have imagined that such a thing would happen here after he had only been in for a moment.

What a joke!

This holy son, Ouyang Tianyu, actually started such a dispute with Lin Xiu!

Ouyang Tianyu is a holy son, possessing a heaven-level martial spirit, and he is already at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. After a while, he will have the opportunity to enter the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, become a titled Martial Emperor, and may even become a strong man in the Martial Ancestor Realm .

But in the current situation, no one can see that Lin Xiu and this Ouyang Tianyu are going to have problems.

Whether it is Lin Xiu or Ouyang Tianyu, they are the pillars of the Zhengqi League in the future. If these two people can get along in this Zhengqi League, why not worry about the Zhengqi League not being strong?

However, it is obvious that Lin Xiu and Ouyang Tianyu have no intention of letting go of each other. They only heard Ouyang Tianyu say: "Deputy Leader Heiye, I think I need to resolve this matter with him today, but I don't know, this matter Bit, who is it?"

"His Royal Highness, I'm afraid this is not suitable, because Lin Xiu is someone the leader meets!" Hei Ye said.

Who does the ally meet?

Ouyang Tianyu's complexion changed slightly. In the entire Righteous Qi League, only the leader can make Ouyang Tianyu fearful. Now this Lin Xiu is someone the leader meets, so he really has no way to stop him.

"In this case, our matter will be dealt with later!" I only heard Ouyang Tianyu sneer and said, "You can live for three more days, and after three days, when I come out of retreat, it will be your death !"

three days?retreat?
Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu said calmly: "Since you want to do this, I will fight you in three days. At that time, this battle will be a battle of life and death!"

Ouyang Tianyu was a little surprised that Lin Xiu really dared to accept it?
"Okay, since that's the case, you will be the witness, deputy leader of the night, no one will be able to escape in our battle!" Ouyang Tianyu sneered.

"This..." Hei Ye's face changed slightly, what should he do about this matter?
But Ouyang Tianyu had no intention of staying, and left as soon as he turned around.

With the night here, I'm afraid it's impossible for Lin Xiu to renege on his debt!
Heiye sighed, and had no choice but to say: "Lin Xiu, let's go in, but you can only go in with me to meet the leader!"

"Okay!" Lin Xiu nodded in agreement.

Lin Xiu went in with the night alone.

Before Ouyang Tianyu retreated, he had ordered people to investigate all of Lin Xiu's information, and then he made a breakthrough. As long as he could enter [-]% of the Martial Emperor Realm, except for the two deputy leaders and the leader of the Zhengqi League, the other Ouyang Tianyu doesn't pay attention to people at all.

Ouyang Tianyu's strength is powerful, and he also possesses very powerful martial arts, and his talent is also outstanding, so there is really no way for ordinary warriors to compare with him Ouyang Tianyu.

There is a reason why Ouyang Tianyu is so arrogant!

Of course, now there is a person who dares to provoke him, although Ouyang Tianyu doesn't take Lin Xiu seriously, but he will definitely not let Lin Xiu go.

No matter who it is, as long as he dares to become an enemy of Ouyang Tianyu, he will die!

Lin Xiu followed Heiye, and the two of them entered the palace. The palace was really big. Lin Xiu and Heiye walked for about 5 minutes before they could reach the end. This is a large hall. Heiye said to Lin Xiu: "Lin Xiu, do you see Sovereign, you must be careful with your words, be careful with your words!"

He was not at ease with Lin Xiu, so Hei Ye said something again.

Of course, Lin Xiu would not pay attention to him at all, why be cautious?This young master has always been very measured in his speech, okay?

Lin Xiu had already walked into this hall, and Lin Xiu could see the young man in front of him at a glance. He looked about 20 years old, very young.

Lin Xiu said in disbelief, "No way, little boy, you won't say that you are the leader of the Righteous Qi League, will you?"

If that night was here, Lin Xiu would definitely vomit blood with anger. He had been warning Lin Xiu to be cautious just now, but Lin Xiu didn't mean to listen to him at all, because other people would probably kneel down when they saw the righteous leader !

The leader of the Righteousness League is indeed very strong, but he is not an ordinary person. In Lin Xiu's eyes, his status is not lower than that of the Righteousness League. After all, he is the Dragon God of China. After all, he is a Dragon God. Doesn't that mean that the dragon clan will also have a lower status than the leader of the Zhengqi League?
This will not work!

For the respect of the Dragon Clan, Lin Xiu absolutely cannot kneel to the Leader of Righteousness!
But this is the first time that the leader of Zhengqi has heard someone dare to say that about him, little boy?

Wu Xie touched her face, this was the first time someone said that to her face.

(End of this chapter)

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