Chapter 752 Abuse
Vice leader Ouyang Shi?

If Wu Xie really said that Ouyang Tianyu was the grandson of the deputy leader, all this would be a little troublesome.

It can be imagined that if Lin Xiu really took action against Ouyang Tianyu, that Ouyang Shi would definitely not let him go!
But how could Lin Xiu just give in like this?What about the deputy leader?In Lin Xiu's hand, there is still a Thunder Talisman. If he is in a hurry, he doesn't mind using it to solve this threat!
"Thank you for the reminder, leader, but I have already made a decision!" Lin Xiu said.

"Lin Xiu, I hope that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, it won't hurt the friendship between our Zhengqi League and the Dragon Clan!" Wu Xie said again.

"If my young master is safe, the Dragon Clan will naturally be friends of the Zhengqi League!" Lin Xiu replied.

Wu Xie was a little helpless, this Lin Xiu was really not easy to fool around, but yes, if Lin Xiu died, even if the Dragon Clan really wanted to attack the Zhengqi League, he would have no way to stop it!
It seems that the use of the teleportation array needs to be delayed, and Lin Xiu also borrowed a quieter place from Wu Xie.

Hei Ye was a little curious about what Lin Xiu and the leader talked about, so when he saw Lin Xiu come out, he said, "You have been in for so long, what did you talk about with the leader?"

"After I went in, I found that the leader was really my confidant. We talked about astronomy and geography, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, ancient and modern anecdotes ([-] words omitted) you understand?" Lin Xiu said to Hei Ye road.

Hei Ye was confused, he felt that his brain could not turn around, did the leader know so many things?How did I never know?
When Lin Xiu saw Heiye's appearance, he knew that his ability to fool had improved!

Even the dark night can be fooled, it seems that fooling Dafa is really a good ability!

Lin Xiu asked again about the location of the Youque Hall, which was the place where the leader Wu Xie gave Lin Xiu to live.

Lin Xiu left with the others, and Hei Ye realized that he might have been fooled by Lin Xiu.

This kid actually dared to lie to himself!
After Lin Xiu arrived at the Youque Temple, he closed himself up. He first checked the useful things on his body. Now in Lin Xiu's hands, apart from a Thunder Talisman, which can blast and kill enemies under the fairyland, there are also There is a green hat forgiveness hat, no matter what you do, you can make the other person forgive you!

The life-saving treasure chest can save Lin Xiu's life, and the resurrection golden elixir has the same effect!

And as a weapon, there is also the Mystic Immortal Iron Epee Sword. Lin Xiu now has a strength of 500 million catties, and he can already swing this Mysterious Immortal Iron Epee Sword.

The Regret Treasure Box is still 20 short of reaching 1000 million Regret Points, and the Treasure Chest still has 10. It is obviously impossible to get another Martial Emperor Experience Pill, because a Martial Emperor Experience Pill treasure box needs 100 million pretense value.

The value of the seven emotions collected in the Seven Emotions Treasure Box is less than 1. In addition, Lin Xiu's Gate of Devouring is still short of a heaven-level martial soul, and he can grow to the extreme.

After checking these things, Lin Xiu began to take the Emperor Wu Experience Pill.

Lin Xiu has three Martial Emperor Experience Pills in his hands, which are enough to raise his realm by three small realms.

Three days later, Lin Xiu's realm had reached the fourth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm!

Lin Xiu had been in seclusion for three days, but in this Palace of Righteous Qi, the news had already spread.

Someone wants to challenge the Son?
When everyone heard this news, they just felt that the challenger was really extremely stupid, and the holy son Ouyang Tianyu was not comparable to others.

In front of this Youque Palace, many people have gathered here, and these people are also members of this Zhengqi League, and many of them are Ouyang Tianyu's subordinates.

"Get out, you bastards!"

"That's right, you dare to offend His Royal Highness, you deserve to die!"

"Today is the time for His Royal Highness to leave the customs, and you will not live until tomorrow!"


These people are all from Ouyang Tianyu, and they have been scolding here for a long time.

Fan Fei's temper wasn't good in the first place, but now he heard these people scolding, they became even angrier. He had been patient here for a long time, and these people had been scolding all day and night when they came here, but they still didn't stop.

"Fan Fei, forget it, don't argue with them, the young master will come out soon!" Wang Cai said.

"Look at these people, I'm afraid they are also sent by that Holy Son!" Xiao Tiangou said.

"Among them, there is actually a titled Emperor Wu!" Wang Cai said.

"If we go out, I'm afraid we will encounter a little danger!" Xiao Tianquan said.

"No, they can insult me, but they can't scold the young master! The young master has given me the grace of rebuilding, even if I, Fan Fei, am smashed to pieces, I can't ignore it!" Fan Fei said loudly, and after Fan Fei finished speaking, he rushed out up.

"He... Brother Xiaotiangou, you protect Xiaobai, and I will protect him!" Wangcai said hastily.

Wangcai has been with them these days, and he already has feelings, so seeing Fan Fei rushing out now, it's like sending him to death.

"Okay!" Xiao Tiangou said immediately.

"Wangcai, I want to go out and have a look!" Xiao Bailong said hastily.

Wangcai ignored Xiaobailong and rushed out.

Fan Fei said loudly: "Have you said enough? You can scold me, but you can't scold my young master!"

Fan Fei's furious look is a bit scary. These people have been scolding here for so long, and they still don't give up. It's too much!
"What are you? If we want to scold, we can scold that shameless Lin Xiu!"

"That is, what kind of thing is he, and he is also worthy of fighting with our Holy Son?"

"Don't talk about our Holy Son, even if it's me, I can slap him to death with one hand!"


These people obviously came to trouble Lin Xiu, so they didn't pay any attention to what Fan Fei said, they just came to scold Lin Xiu.

Fan Fei couldn't get over his anger, he said: "You are not allowed to continue talking!"

A pair of wings appeared behind Fan Fei, only to see his wings flapping in front of him, and the violent storm had already blown towards these people in front of him.

"Little devil, you dare to attack us!"

"Do it, kill him, who told him to dare to attack us!"

"It's so courageous. It really is Lin Xiu's dog. No one disciplines it. If so, we will discipline you for your master!"

These strong men came here to cause trouble, and now seeing this Fan Fei come out, they naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

Only a few beast spirits rushed out, and a few people shot out with weapons in their hands. These attacks were all directed at Fan Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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