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Chapter 758 Is This The Reason You Are A Dog In The Way?

Chapter 758 Is This The Reason You Are A Dog In The Way?

They have never seen Zhentian Wudi before, and they don't know the identity of this Zhentian Wudi, but with innocent strength and vision, he can naturally see that Zhentian Wudi is at the level of Martial Ancestor Musha!
When did there become such a strong man here?
And this person seems to be Lin Xiu's companion!

"He really dared to come? Isn't he afraid that His Royal Highness the Son will kill him?"

"No matter what, his courage is enough for us to admire!"

"Let's see how he will be killed by our Holy Son!"


People around obviously don't like Lin Xiu. After all, I heard that Lin Xiu's realm is only at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm. This kind of realm is nothing in the Zhengqi League.

Lin Xiu dared to challenge Ouyang Tianyu, he was really seeking his own death.

"You finally dare to show up, Lin Xiu!" In front of Lin Xiu, stood a man with a sneer on his face.

"Good dogs don't block the way, haven't you heard of it?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Who are you calling a dog?" When the man heard this, he was furious, "I am the protector of Zhengqi League, Jiang Gang, how dare you talk to me like that?"

"So what about the guardians of the Zhengqi League? Is this why you act like a dog blocking the way?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"You!" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Jiang Gang was furious and said, "Lin Xiu, do you know that you are late, and let so many of us wait here for you for so long, are you guilty?"

"Convicted? Did I invite you to come here?" Lin Xiu sneered after hearing this.

When the people around heard it, they couldn't help being stunned.

Lin Xiu did not invite them to come here, but this time, they came here by themselves!
Lin Xiu arrived late, what does it have to do with them?
Lin Xiu is not wrong to say this!
"Since you are late, you should apologize to us!" Jiang Gang said very dissatisfied.

"What are you, are you qualified to talk to me like this?" Lin Xiu said a little impatiently.

So arrogant!
In Lin Xiu's eyes, even a protector is not qualified to talk to him?

Jiang Gang was a little angry, he said: "In this case, I will let you know if I am qualified!"

As soon as Jiang Gang stretched out his palm, he saw a long sword appearing in his hand, stabbing towards Lin Xiu, and a flame appeared on this sword. This sword contains the law of swordsmanship and is powerful.

After Lin Xiu saw it, his face showed disdain. He only saw that he used his finger as a sword and pointed in front of him. This finger was opposite to Jiang Gang's sword.

"What is he doing?" Hei Ye looked at it, and his face changed, "Jiang Gang has integrated the principles of swordsmanship. This sword has the power to cut iron like mud. He actually used his fingers to block it?"

"Stupid, I didn't expect him to be so stupid! It seems that I'm just wasting my time here this time!" Ouyang Shi said disdainfully.

"No, his fingers are sword skills?" Wu Xie said suddenly.

At this moment, everyone only heard a crisp sound, and immediately after, Jiang Gang's sword had been released from his hand and was knocked out.

Not only everyone, but even Jiang Gang himself couldn't believe that he would be sent flying by Lin Xiu's finger!
What kind of trick is this?
Everyone's hearts were shocked, and their eyes were all focused on Lin Xiu.

"I'm right, you really don't have the right to talk to me!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


So strong, how could Lin Xiu be so strong?Isn't he the first level of Martial Emperor Realm?

Everyone was a little puzzled, but at this moment someone suddenly said.

"He's not at the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm. When he used that finger just now, his realm was at the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm!"

"How is it possible? Wasn't he at the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm three days ago? Why did he suddenly grow to the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm?"

"In three days, increase one level of strength every day? This..."

"Did you see his finger just now? It's too mysterious. I've never seen this fingering before!"


As soon as the people present discussed it, they were quite surprised.

Ouyang Tianyu also saw this scene, and his face changed slightly. It took him a year and the previous three days to successfully break through and improve his strength to the first level, but now, it took Lin Xiu three days to become Improve the strength of Tier [-]!
What kind of monster is this!
Ouyang Tianyu has never seen or heard of someone who can practice so fast!
But even so, so what?Lin Xiu is still going to die today!

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Jiang Gang, and he said, "I told you just now, don't stand in my way, if you don't listen, should you pay the price now?"

"The price? What do you want to do?" Jiang Gang asked anxiously upon hearing this.

"Xiaotiangou, cut off his arm!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Xiaotiangou said, only to see it rushing over, showing no mercy at all.

"Stop—don't—" Jiang Gang's expression changed drastically, he was about to run away, but it was too late, Xiao Tiangou was very close to him, and now Jiang Gang's martial spirit was blown away by Lin Xiu , His confidence has been lost, and the combat power he can display now is probably not as good as [-]% of his heyday.

Xiao Tiangou's face was ferocious, and he rushed over at once. Xiao Tiangou's fighting power was so strong that even Jiang Gang couldn't resist it.

A bloody arm had been cut off, it was Jiang Gang's arm.

"Ah— dare to cut off my arm?" Jiang Gang was furious.

"Crack!" Lin Xiu stepped on his face and said flatly, "Stop talking nonsense, otherwise, this young master will not only want your arm, but your life!"

Lin Xiu stepped on Jiang Gang's face, showing no mercy at all. After all, the other party offended him first, so he doesn't need to be polite at all!
Jiang Gang didn't dare to speak any more, but he could tell that Lin Xiu was a man of his word.

"Leader, I think this Lin Xiu is lawless. Such a person must not be allowed to act recklessly!" Ouyang Shi said immediately.

"Jiang Gang provoked this incident first, and Lin Xiu fought back. It seems that there is no problem, right?" Hei Ye said.

Ouyang Shi glared at Heiye, but Heiye ignored it.

And Lin Xiu had already walked to Fengyun Terrace, he looked at Ouyang Tianyu in front of him, Ouyang Tianyu had his hands behind his back, he said lightly: "I am really surprised that you dare to come here, but do you know that you came today Here, it’s just a dead end!”

"I thought that I was already pretending to be strong enough, but it seems that I still can't pretend to be strong enough to you!" Lin Xiu looked at Ouyang Tianyu with a strange expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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