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Chapter 765 The one who wins is me!

Chapter 765 The one who wins is me!
The members of the Ouyang family cannot be said to be weak, but no matter how strong they are, they are no match for the Devouring Gate in front of Lin Xiu. Once the Devouring Gate is opened, these people don't even have the qualifications to resist!
After all, the Gate of Devouring has been strengthened to become the number one Martial Soul in the mainland. Although Lin Xiu has not yet reached the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm and is titled the Emperor Martial Realm, even so, if the Gate of Devouring has to deal with these warriors in front of him, can they still escape?

Of course not!
These powerful people from the Ouyang family were involuntarily sucked in. This scene also shocked everyone present. How terrifying is Lin Xiu's strength?
At this time, Ouyang Qi's body was also pulled up by the strong suction, and his face became pale.

Ouyang Qi's talent is not outstanding, and now he is only at the eighth level of the Emperor Martial Realm. The current power of the Devouring Gate can swallow even a strong man at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Soul, if you are not careful, will be controlled by the gate of devouring, Wuhun has been swallowed!
Now Ouyang Qi, like other members of the Ouyang family, was also sucked up by the gate of devouring. He wanted to escape crazily, but the huge suction force was already aimed at him. on him.

Ouyang Qi's face changed drastically, this is the strange golden light that caught Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul just now!
But even if he knows, it doesn't mean he can escape, the golden light is already wrapped around Ouyang Qi's body!
Only then did Ouyang discover how terrifying the power of this golden light was. After he was restrained, he couldn't even move, his whole body was caught, and he went to the gate of devouring.

"How dare you, beast!" At this moment, a loud shout came, and it was that Ouyang Shi!

Ouyang Qi is the son of Ouyang Shi. Although Ouyang Qi is not up to the mark, he is still the current head of the Ouyang family. If Ouyang Qi dies now, the Ouyang family will probably suffer a great blow!
Moreover, Ouyang Qi is also Ouyang Tianyu's father and his Ouyang Shi's son. Ouyang Shi is not willing to watch him die!
But now, is Ouyang Shi's threat useful to Lin Xiu?
After Lin Xiu heard his words, he didn't pay attention at all. The door of devouring opened, and Ouyang Qi was sucked into the door of devouring.

Only Ouyang Qi's screams were still lingering here.

Ouyang Qi is dead!
Everyone knew about this incident, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn't believe it was true!
"Father!" Ouyang Tianyu roared loudly.

"Qi'er!" Ouyang Shi's eyes turned blood red.

"Ouyang Shi's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 100! Enter the fifth-level rage state!"

At this time, Ouyang Shi was immediately angry. Lin Xiu was so hateful that he even killed his son!
"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about any of you who want to attack me, I will send you all on the road today!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Since the Ouyang family is going to be against Lin Xiu, why does Lin Xiu need to be merciful? Lin Xiu continued: "My young master has always been a man of his word. If he says he wants to destroy your family, he will destroy your family!"

This incident came into being like this because Ouyang Tianyu was too arrogant. If he hadn't been so arrogant and thought that he could win Lin Xiu steadily, he wouldn't have become like this!

With Ouyang Tianyu's strength, he can indeed run rampant in the Zhengqi League, but it is a pity that he met Lin Xiu!

This Lin Xiu is enough to change the fate of their entire family!
With Bai Qi here, Lin Xiu doesn't need to worry about Xiaotiangou's safety at all, he has already walked towards Ouyang Tianyu, Ouyang Tianyu's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, he was afraid, jealous, angry...

Lin Xiu had already dragged the Xuanxian iron epee and walked in front of Ouyang Tianyu. The surrounding Ouyang family members rushed forward, but they were swallowed by the gate of devouring. No one could stop Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu had a cold smile on his face, looking at Ouyang Tianyu in front of him.

"You...what do you want to do?" The anger in Ouyang Tianyu's heart has receded at this time, and now he only has strong fear in his heart. Lin Xiu is too strong, so strong that Ouyang's family can't compare, and let What he despaired of was that Lin Xiu actually had the help of a strong man at the level of Martial Ancestor Realm!
Ouyang Shi did not pose any threat to Lin Xiu at all!
Now that Lin Xiu has arrived in front of Ouyang Tianyu, there is only one thing, Lin Xiu is going to kill him!

"Kill!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"You dare to kill me?" Ouyang Tianyu still couldn't believe it.

"In today's battle, either you will die or I will die, but it is a pity that I am the one who loses!" Lin Xiu said, and the sword in his hand was raised.

"Lin Xiu, if you dare to kill him, I will kill you and your friends, and I will also exterminate your family!" Ouyang Shi roared loudly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Lin Xiu said without turning his head, his Xuanxian iron epee had already been chopped off.

"No—" Ouyang Tianyu regretted it, he shouldn't be so arrogant and arrogant, otherwise, he wouldn't have ended up like this, unfortunately, it's too late!

Ouyang Tianyu's head was chopped off, blood sprayed all over the ground.

At the scene of Lin Xiu, the faces of everyone present changed. Ouyang Tianyu really died, at the hands of Lin Xiu!
This was impossible before, but now it happened!

And everyone could see that Ouyang Tianyu's death in this battle was unjust, not because he was too weak, but because Lin Xiu was too strong!
Martial soul is the foundation of warriors, everyone can know this, but if the martial soul is restrained, there is no way!

Anyone can see that Lin Xiu's martial soul is terrifying, even Ouyang Tianyu's batman martial soul is not Lin Xiu's martial soul opponent, and the current Lin Xiu can kill all directions. In his eyes, it is estimated that apart from the strong ones in the Martial Ancestor realm, even those who are titled Martial Emperor realm may not be Lin Xiu's opponent.

Heiye sighed, there are many things about the fall of the Son, but it is very rare for the Son to fall because of this incident, but until now, Wuxie has no intention of intervening, the leader, after all What are you thinking?
"Lin Xiu, be careful!" Zhentian Martial Emperor's voice sounded, just behind Lin Xiu, a figure suddenly attacked, a terrifying flame fell down, and there was even a saber aura in the flame!
Ouyang Shi attacked Lin Xiu again!
This time Ouyang Shi was extremely angry. He didn't use only [-]% of his strength in his attack like before, but he slashed down with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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