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Chapter 767 Even the sky doesn't like you!

Chapter 767 Even the sky doesn't like you!
If this is a hidden weapon, it would be too much fun!

This is just a piece of jade pendant, even if it hit Ouyang Shi, it might not have much effect. Is this kind of thing used as a hidden weapon?
There was doubt on the faces of everyone, but the jade pendant had already been thrown over at this time.

A look of disdain appeared on Ouyang Shi's face.

There was a hint of surprise on the faces of Heiye and Wuxie, but they also didn't know what Lin Xiu was thinking, but Wuxie felt that this jade pendant seemed a bit extraordinary. If this jade pendant was that kind of thing, it would be too Terrible!

"Look at what he is doing? Use this piece of jade to smash the deputy leader Ouyang?"

"I'm not saying that, he's just looking for death. It's meaningless for him to do this!"

"I think so too. What is he thinking? Just like this, he wants to challenge the deputy leader Ouyang?"


Everyone shook their heads, obviously they didn't know what Lin Xiu was going to do, but in their eyes, Lin Xiu didn't even have the ability to threaten Ouyang Shi!
At this moment, the jade pendant exploded suddenly, and the sky suddenly changed.

Above the Palace of Righteousness, a series of thunderclouds appeared at this time. The people present felt quite incredible, because they saw these thunderclouds as if they were alive, and the clouds seemed to have a pair of eyes staring at them.

And everyone has a feeling in their hearts, this feeling is very strange, as if there is a mountain pressing down on their heads, and this mountain is not an ordinary mountain, it is a huge mountain!
A very terrifying giant mountain. This mountain is pressed down, but it makes them very stressed. How did this happen?

No one could explain it, but everyone felt that this was probably Lin Xiu's problem, and it was all because of Lin Xiu's jade pendant that made them feel this way.

"Then... what is that? Thunder Tribulation?" Wu Xie finally stood up, he couldn't believe it was real.

Lei Jie, how could this kind of thing be artificially summoned?

"Leader, this can't be the real thunder calamity, right? According to the rumors, the thunder calamity will only appear when the Martial Saint Realm ascends, why is it appearing now? Could it be that someone is going to cross the calamity?" color.

The two of them are not ordinary people. These two people are both in the realm of Martial Ancestors. For the real strong in this world, their strength can be doubled. Nine layers of thunder calamity.

Only by going through the Nine-Layer Thunder Tribulation can one step into a higher realm. If one fails, one thousand years of penance may be ruined in one fell swoop.

And now this thundercloud made them feel unbelievable, because they could feel that this thundercloud had an aura that could threaten them.

Of course, no one will know how terrible the pressure Ouyang Shi is under now!
If the people here feel that there is one mountain pressing them down, then Ouyang Shi feels ten mountains now, his face is also a little pale, there is a loud noise above the clouds in the sky, and Ouyang Shi feels even worse .

"What did you do?" Ouyang Shi finally couldn't help it, he said angrily.

"It's nothing, I just want you to understand a truth!" Lin Xiu showed a mean smile on his face.

"What truth?" Ouyang Shi said immediately after hearing Lin Xiu's words.

"The truth is, don't pretend to be coercive. If you do, you will be struck by lightning!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

Pretending to be struck by lightning?

Everyone understood Lin Xiu's words, and they opened their mouths lightly. At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and then, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Ouyang Shi.

"Ah——" Ouyang Shi only felt that his whole body was numb. This attack was too terrifying. The thunder and lightning directly hit him, and its power was extremely terrifying. He only felt that half of his body's meridians were blocked It was broken and he couldn't even move.

Heiye and Wuxie both stood up at the same time, they looked at each other, and at the same time could see the shock and fear in each other's eyes.

Even if they were replaced by the power of this lightning bolt, they would not end up better than Ouyang Shi. Was this really caused by Lin Xiu?

This is of course caused by Lin Xiu, because this is his Thunder Talisman and the only Thunder Talisman, which is powerful enough to deal with Ouyang Shi, not to mention Ouyang Shi, even if the leader of Zhengqi and the leader of the Demon League are in front of him, Also must die undoubtedly.

Now this thunderbolt is not the end, but just the beginning, because this thunderbolt attack can still continue!
"Boom!" The second lightning struck, and Ouyang Shi's whole body was blasted to the ground. There seemed to be countless wounds on his body, and blood kept spitting out from his mouth.

"No...impossible, why did you launch such an attack? What did you do?" Ouyang Shi knew that he might not survive this time, he said loudly.

"That's not what I did, it's because you're too pretentious, even the sky doesn't like you!" Lin Xiu replied.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they couldn't help curling their lips. Obviously they didn't believe Lin Xiu's words, but they couldn't refute them!
At this moment, a third thunder and lightning attack appeared in the sky, and the target was still Ouyang Shi!
After the thunder and lightning fell, Ouyang Shi's body was charred black and lifeless. Everyone knew that Ouyang Shi died at the hands of Lin Xiu. If it was before this, no one would believe it. Someone will kill Ouyang Shi, this is the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League!
But now they saw with their own eyes that Ouyang Shi was really dead, just like that, and was killed by Lin Xiu!
Even if Lin Xiu didn't say that this was what he did, everyone can feel that this is exactly what Lin Xiu did!

"Lin Xiu, I have something to discuss with you, you can go back to the main hall with me!" Only Wu Xie said.

Wu Xie's face was a bit ugly. This time, the Zhengqi League has suffered a serious loss. If it can't be resolved properly, the reputation of the Zhengqi League will also be affected.

Of course, Wuxie has already thought of a remedy for this matter!

"Okay, leader!" Lin Xiu replied.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not refuse. This time he has done a big thing. As soon as he came to Tianque City, he made such a big thing. If Lin Xiu can't solve this matter, I'm afraid the Zhengqi League won't borrow it. He teleported!
However, Lin Xiu never thought that this matter would become such a big mess, but now, Lin Xiu doesn't regret it at all.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


Lin Xiu has collected 30 Pretending Points, and 100 million Seven Emotions Points, all because of this duel!
(End of this chapter)

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