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Chapter 781 Could it be that the leader has something to hide?

Chapter 781 Could it be that the leader has something to hide? (1 more)
"Deputy leader of the night, I do know some medical skills, I don't know why you ask this?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Since you know medical skills, tell me first, what level of doctor are you?" Hei Ye said.

"Doctor? I'm not very advanced, maybe tenth level!" Lin Xiu replied casually.

Hei Ye was a little disappointed when he heard the first half of Lin Xiu's sentence, but the second half of Lin Xiu's sentence made him look a little weird.

What is about level ten?

A tenth-level doctor is already the best doctor in our entire continent, right?

Even in the Zhengqi League, there are only ninth-level doctors!

"Are you a tenth-level doctor?" Hei Ye asked in disbelief.

In fact, Lin Xiu's medical skills are not limited to tenth level. He feels that he has surpassed the level limit of doctors in this continent. To say that he is a tenth level doctor is already a kind of modesty, okay?
It's just Hei Ye's eyes, why can't you believe it?

Nima, what this young master said is the truth, he doesn't believe it?

Lin Xiu looked at Hei Ye with a displeased face: "Deputy Leader Hei Ye, you can doubt my strength, but you can't doubt my medical skills!"

Heiye didn't believe it, but he still said, "Lin Xiu, since you've said that, well, come with me!"

"Deputy leader of the night, are you sick?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Of course not, how could I be sick?" Hei Ye waved his hands.

"Deputy President, I think you came to me in a sneaky way. I'm afraid you have something to hide. If you really have something, don't be afraid to tell me. I'm a doctor and I won't mind!" Lin Xiu's gaze was in the dark night. He looked at the lower half of his body.

Heiye's old face blushed, and he quickly said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I want you to help me find someone!"

"Looking at a person?" Lin Xiu asked suspiciously, "Could it be that the leader has something to hide?"

"..." Heiye really wanted to slap Lin Xiu hard, what was going on in this guy's mind?What unspeakable secret?Can't there be other diseases?
Of course, the current dark night does not want to offend Lin Xiu, after all, Lin Xiu is now the hope of their Righteous Alliance.

"Deputy leader, if you have anything to say, just talk about it!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "Everyone is so familiar, so stop talking nonsense!"

"One of our seniors was seriously injured, so we want you to take action!" Hei Ye said.

"Senior?" Lin Xiu looked at Hei Ye, and it was obvious that Hei Ye was hiding something, Lin Xiu nodded, "In this case, I agree, but... there is one condition!"

"Conditions? Tell me what conditions you have!" Hei Ye said to Lin Xiu.

"The condition, that is, you perform a martial skill in front of me first!" Lin Xiu said.

"What? Why do you want me to do this?" Hei Ye was even more puzzled.

"Don't ask me why, as long as you do this, I will go with you!"

"it is good!"

Heiye had no choice but to display this martial skill in front of Lin Xiu.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, night, martial soul, black shadow, blood, none, skills, shadow killing tactics, soul skills... Weaknesses, tend to be dark in the process of cultivation, proficient in sneak attacks, extraordinary achievements! Evaluation, imperial class!"

"Ding, I have collected the emperor's talent and got 10 talent points!"

Sure enough, as Lin Xiu expected, Heiye's talent is extraordinary!

Even Heiye said he was a senior, if he could perform a move in front of him, then Lin Xiu should be able to collect a lot of talent points.

This favor, Lin Xiu is sure to help!
Lin Xiu followed the night to another part of Zhengqi Palace, which is called Yanyang Palace.

When Lin Xiu went in, he saw several elders here.

"His Royal Highness Son!" These elders said respectfully when they saw Lin Xiu now.

Lin Xiu just nodded, the identities and status of these elders were not enough for him to say hello!

Of course, these elders knew about it, so they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Lin Xiu was the Holy Son of the Righteousness Alliance, and his status was much higher than them.

Lin Xiu and Hei Ye had already walked in, and besides Wu Xie, there was also an old man lying in this Yanyang Palace.

The old man looked a little sluggish, and seemed to be dying of illness.

"Lin Xiu, Heiye, are you all here?" An innocent voice came.

"Leader, I heard that Lin Xiu knows medical skills, so I invited him here!" Hei Ye said.

"He knows medical skills?" Hearing this sentence, the innocent face was a little weird.

"Where did the kid come from? He is the only one who can understand medical skills?" The old man on the bed had a sneer on his face.

The old man is about to die of illness, yet he still wants to mock me?After Lin Xiu heard it, he was a little dissatisfied and said, "Can't you be good at medicine when you are young? Old guy, you are so old, can you understand medicine well?"

Lin Xiu's words made the expressions of Wuxie and Heiye change slightly.

This lord is not something that other people can easily offend. Isn't Lin Xiu doing this to trouble him?
"Little devil, how dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?" The old man was a little angry.

"Do I need to know who you are? My son is here to treat you. I only know that you are a patient, and I am a doctor! If you want to recover now, you have to listen to this doctor!" Lin Xiu sneered soundtrack.

"You have a way to treat me? Little devil, don't say I underestimate you, I think you have no way to heal me!" said the old man.

"Isn't it just a golden lion? I can see your real body and know your physical condition!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

" can see my real body?" The old man showed shock on his face.

The old man now is a monster transformed into a body, not a real human being. It's just that Lin Xiu recognized him the first time he saw him. What kind of eyesight is this?
"My son is a tenth-level doctor, so what's the problem?" Lin Xiu said with an arrogant look on his face.

"Can you really heal me?" Jin Guangshi was finally shaken.

"Forget it if you don't believe me!" Lin Xiu turned around and wanted to leave.

After Hei Ye saw the Golden Light Lion and Wu Xie, they quickly called Lin Xiu to stop. These people believed Lin Xiu a little bit now.

"Lin Xiu, if you can heal Lord Jin well, we will reward you!" Wu Xie said.

"Lin Xiu, our Lord Jin is the pillar of our Zhengqi Alliance. It must not fall down. This time it's up to you!" Hei Ye said.

"You want my Son to treat it? Then, can I pretend that I didn't hear what it said just now!" Lin Xiu immediately said.

"You..." Jin Guangshi was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do. He said, "Little brother, I said something wrong just now, and I apologize to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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