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Chapter 787 Killing Can Explode Treasure Chests?

Chapter 787 Killing Can Explode Treasure Chests? (7 more)
"Take care?" Lin Xiu was even more confused.

It seems that something happened here, but since it is an existence at the level of Martial Emperor, it shouldn't be necessary to go together, right?
Lin Xiu knows that in this continent, Emperor Wu is still the top existence. Of course, there is still a big gap between each level of Emperor Wu. Although Lin Xiu can deal with the existence of the eighth or ninth level of Emperor Wu, Lin Xiu will not Look down on them.

Even if it was Ouyang Tianyu at that time, if he didn't rely too much on his martial soul, it would probably be difficult for Lin Xiu to win him over.

And there are even more other Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses. The middle-aged man in front of him is obviously also a Martial Emperor Realm existence, and he even wants to accompany him.

And more importantly, this middle-aged man is not alone. Behind him, there are two men and a woman. The two men are fine, and they look very ordinary, but the woman is good-looking. Beauty!
"Didn't you come to Moonwind City to practice?" I only heard the middle-aged man ask.

"Probably so!" Lin Xiu rolled his eyes and said.

"Since this is the case, let's go together. This is better. After all, there are a large number of monsters in the abyss forest this time. If we are alone, it will be very dangerous!" said the middle-aged man.

"Sir Shen Hao, why are you talking so much to him? Seeing that he is so young, he is only at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm at most, and he is just a hindrance to joining us!" said one of the men.

"Wei Ying is right, if we let him join, it probably won't work!" Another man also said.

"He Yong, how can you talk like that?" The woman frowned, and then said to Lin Xiu.

"This son, my name is Lu Tong, and this lord is called Shen Hao. His realm is very strong, but he is on the fifth level of the Emperor Wu Realm. These two are Wei Ying and He Yong, who are on the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. My strength is the weakest. , only the second floor of the Martial Emperor Realm!"

This woman seemed very gentle, which made Lin Xiu feel a little fond of her, but even so, would Lin Xiu be a person who bowed his head to others?

Just kidding, as a coercive king, if Lin Xiu was ridiculed and treated as nothing, it would not be Lin Xiu.

"Miss Lu Tong, Uncle Shen Hao, of course it's okay for me to join you, but I don't care that my companions are weak, I just think they talk too much, so I won't be with you!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"What did you say? How dare you say we are weak?" He Yong said angrily after hearing this.

He Yong and Wei Ying obviously have a good impression of Lu Tong beside them. They don't want to lose face in front of Lu Tong, so they resist Lin Xiu's joining. After all, Lin Xiu is much more handsome than the two of them. few.

"Young master, I'm really sorry. This young master can only tell the truth, but I really don't know how to tell lies!" Lin Xiu said helplessly.

"You!" Weiying also showed an angry look on her face when she heard it.

The two still wanted to make a move, but they were stopped by Shen Hao: "Little brother, I see that you are so young and this is the first time you have come here. If you act alone, it may be a bit troublesome. You should find someone to accompany you." , As for you not acting with us, I hope we will meet later, and we will not be enemies!"

"Thank you, Uncle Shen Hao, I will pay attention, as long as you, Uncle Shen Hao, are not willing to fight with me, I will not take the initiative to be your enemy!" Lin Xiu turned and left after finishing speaking.

"What does he think he is?" He Yong said coldly.

"I don't think he even has Emperor Martial Realm, he's only so young, why pretend to be aggressive!" Wei Ying also said.

"Don't say a few words, we are going to enter the abyss forest this time, not to mention whether there will be abyss spirit fruits in it, even if we go in and hunt other monsters, we may encounter danger!" Only heard Shen Hao said.

"I always have a feeling that this young man seems extraordinary!" I only heard Lu Tong say.

"Forget it, let's not worry about it so much. The beast tide will appear in ten days. Now there are many monsters in the abyss forest, and if there is an abyss spirit fruit, if we have a chance to get it, it will be a big deal. Good thing!" Speaking of the spiritual fruit, Shen Hao's eyes were shining.

Lin Xiu naturally didn't know so much, but at this moment, he received a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for entering the real copy mode!"

"What? True copy mode?"

"Yes, what the host entered before was just an experimental dungeon mode. This time it is the real dungeon mode. The treasure chests obtained by the host will accumulate statistics, and finally the rewards will be settled. Enter the dungeon mode. If you kill the host Hostile opponents have a chance to explode the treasure chest!"

"Can you explode a treasure chest even if you kill someone?"

This is the first time Lin Xiu heard it. After all, the previous system did not give such a reminder.

"The current realm of the host has stepped into the realm of Emperor Martial, so the new system ability has been activated, and there is a real dungeon system, so the system can give the host more treasure chests!" The system replied.

This surprised Lin Xiu a bit. Originally, Lin Xiu only thought that this system would only give him treasure chests, but now there is an extra dungeon system.

"What the hell is this dungeon system?" Lin Xiu asked quickly.

"The abyss forest is a dungeon. When the host enters it, as long as the person who is hostile to the host is killed, there is a chance that a treasure box will appear. The level of the treasure box is not fixed! In the dungeon, there may also be a special treasure box. The treasure box obtained in the dungeon, The host can choose to open it on the spot or hand it over to the system for temporary storage, and settle it after the host leaves the copy!" the system replied.

In this way, it seems that this abyss forest must be entered, but how to enter is a problem!
If there is no one to lead the way, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome. Lin Xiu thought about it, maybe it's better to find a small team to go in together now!

When Lin Xiu thought so, he heard someone stop him: "Little brother, do you also want to enter the abyss forest?"

Lin Xiu turned his head, only to see two obscene-looking men walking over, one fat and one thin, it seems that the realm of the two is not too weak, of course not strong, but only the Martial Alchemy realm.

Looking at these two people, he knew that these two people were not good people. After Lin Xiu saw it, he was even happier. This is his chance!

"Are you going into the abyss forest too?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Of course, this young master, my name is Yu Yuan, and this one is my friend Su He, so how about it, if you don't mind, young master, we can go together!" said the fat man.

"My name is Lin Xiu!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Master Lin Xiu, the two of us have been here several times, and we are familiar with it, so if you go in with us, we can protect you!" Fatty Yu Yuan said.

"This is just right, I'm also looking for someone to lead the way!" Lin Xiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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