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Chapter 793 Are you a close relative of the dragon?

Chapter 793 Are you a close relative of the dragon? (13 more)
This kind of powerful power is not comparable to that of the Red Torch Snake.

The Scarlet Torch Snake had already retreated, and it didn't dare to fight Lin Xiu anymore.

Lin Xiu directly reached out to pick the spiritual fruit. When the people around saw it, they immediately became anxious. If Lin Xiu got the spiritual fruit, wouldn't they have no chance?

At this moment, he could only see several tricks attacking Lin Xiu at the same time.

"Ding, I have collected a sky-level talent and got 1000 talent points!"

"Ding, I have collected prefecture-level talents and got 1 talent points!"

"Ding, I have collected a sky-level talent and got 1000 talent points!"


None of the five people here are bad talents, and the lowest one is a heaven-level talent, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate to this level.

But in the face of these attacks, Lin Xiu didn't care at all, and his body was immediately covered with scales.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

Five sounds appeared, and these attacks fell on Lin Xiu, without any effect at all.

"How is it possible? Is he a monster?"

"What kind of defense is this? How can it be so terrifying!"

"Run away!"

Some people wanted to escape immediately, and their attacks couldn't hurt Lin Xiu. Obviously, Lin Xiu was very strong, so strong that they couldn't resist.

However, some people stayed and wanted to pick up a bargain.

"Ding, after collecting the abyss spiritual fruit treasure chest, the host can collect the abyss spiritual fruit treasure chest from now on, every ten can be fused into a large spiritual fruit treasure chest! The large spiritual fruit treasure chest can enhance the physical strength of the host, as well as the realm of the host! The host can also open this treasure chest now or hand it over to the system for safekeeping!"

Lin Xiu didn't even think about it, and directly handed it over to the system for safekeeping. Now that Lin Xiu is taking this spiritual fruit, it can increase the strength of the first level, but I heard that if you take the second or third one, the effect will decrease. If the system says If it is true, then synthesis will be the best choice!

Lin Xiu didn't stay behind, his body swayed, and a clone appeared, and that clone rushed directly to the fleeing person.

As soon as Lin Xiu turned around, he appeared in front of the other four people. He said, "Did you attack me just now?"

Being targeted by Lin Xiu, the faces of these people immediately became ugly.

"I am the elder of Tianxuanmen, you dare to fight me..." Before one of them finished speaking, Lin Xiu had already punched him.

Through the air, the punch seemed to hit that person directly, and this person's head exploded, which was very terrifying.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!"

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not pay attention to this kind of golden treasure chest, and let the system collect it directly.

"You...what kind of monster are you?" The faces of the other three people changed drastically.

"I'm not a monster. You don't need to know who this young master is!" Lin Xiu didn't bother to deal with them. He punched them one by one. These three people didn't even have a chance to resist, and were killed by Lin Xiu's punch.

For the current Lin Xiu, unless he encounters the existence of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, otherwise, Lin Xiu doesn't care about these powerful people at all, and one punch is enough.

The avatars have also returned. These five people let Lin Xiu get two treasure boxes. It seems that the drop rate of these treasure boxes is still very high. Lin Xiu will kill them, naturally because these people shot Lin Xiu. This kind of person who is hostile to Lin Xiu has a chance to appear in the treasure chest if he is killed.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yuan realized how terrifying this young master he met was that he could kill the strong man here just by strength?

"You..." Shock also appeared in the eyes of the Scarlet Torch Snake.

"You seem to be a snake, right? Are you a close relative of a dragon?" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"Human, what did you say?" The Red Torch Snake had a bad premonition when he heard it.

"I mean, this young master takes your life!" Lin Xiu said, punching him.

When Lin Xiu practiced the dragon-swallowing formula before, he asked the system, is a snake a dragon?Snakes can only be regarded as a close relative of the Dragon Clan, and of course the effect is not as good as that of the Dragon Clan!
However, the powerful snake clan is different. A snake clan of this level can also make Dragon Swallowing Art grow up.

Now that Lin Xiu sees it appear, naturally he won't let it go!

"Human, don't be too arrogant, do you think I'm not your opponent?" The Red Torch Snake roared angrily.

Lin Xiu replied with a smile on his face: "You are right, you are really not my opponent!"

Lin Xiu clenched his fist, and punched the Red Torch Snake again.

A flame spewed out of the Red Torch Snake's mouth immediately, trying to burn Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu's fist easily passed through the flame and smashed its head flat.

However, the vitality of the red torch snake is very strong. This punch did not kill him, but it had no effect. Lin Xiu's fist fell, and its head had been smashed out of shape. Lin Xiu would not be polite. Bite on the neck of the red torch snake, sucking out all its blood.

The Dragon Swallowing Art in Lin Xiu's body was already working, and he really felt that the Dragon Swallowing Art had made some progress, and his strength had grown a bit.

When the red torch snake died, it dropped an amethyst treasure box. Lin Xiu was very surprised, this kind of treasure box fell out casually?
This is also an enemy who is hostile to Lin Xiu. As long as he is hostile to Lin Xiu, even if the opponent is a monster, as long as he kills it, a treasure chest will appear.

There was actually only one magic talisman in the treasure chest. Lin Xiu immediately scolded when he saw it. He should have thought of it a long time ago. How could an amethyst treasure chest that just fell out be a good thing?

The spirit talisman can more than double the user's spiritual power, and the duration is one hour!

Yu Yuan sighed in his heart at this time, Lin Xiu's strength is too powerful, this is completely beyond his expectations, even the guardians of the Magic League, or even the elders, may not be Lin Xiu's opponent!

But this time, the Momeng really sent three elders, but the Zhengqimeng only had one elder!
"Boom!" At this moment, a loud noise suddenly appeared in the distance.

The ground trembled violently. Lin Xiu was a little puzzled. Looking into the distance, he saw a large number of flying monsters appearing there. There were so many monsters, and there seemed to be martial spirits appearing there.

Lin Xiu saw it and was overjoyed, it's a good place to pretend!
"Master Lin Xiu, you don't want to go there, do you?" Seeing Lin Xiu's expression, Yu Yuan showed bitterness on his face.

Yu Yuan is only a martial artist at the ninth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. He is not like Lin Xiu, who cannot fight against these strong men.

If you are not careful, you may be killed.

"What are you afraid of? With my young master here, they dare not hurt you! If you die, it can be considered a work-related injury!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and walked in that direction.

Work injury?what is that?And if it dies, isn't it nothing?You said they didn't dare to hurt me, but dared to kill me?
Yu Yuan was very depressed thinking about it, but he didn't dare to escape alone. After seeing Lin Xiu's strength, he was even more in awe of Lin Xiu. This young master must not be offended!
(End of this chapter)

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