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Chapter 801 People of the Holy Court

Chapter 801 People of the Holy Court (21 more)
Seeing Lin Xiu being so shameless, the corner of Xie Xue's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything more.

On the contrary, Xie Xiu was relieved when he saw it, and Lin Xiu was willing to accept it, so he agreed to him!
"Since you insist on giving me this spiritual fruit, I will help you this time!" Lin Xiu said very politely.

"..." Xie Xue.

"..." Xie Xiu.

"..." Yu Yuan.

Everyone probably has never seen such a thick-skinned person, but of course no one would dare to say Lin Xiu. After all, Lin Xiu's strength is very terrifying. Who would dare to say that Lin Xiu didn't offend him?
Lin Xiu got the spiritual fruit, and there were not many members of the Demon League here, so Lin Xiu had to follow Xie Xiu to leave.

Along the way, Xie Xiu was quite enthusiastic. Of course, he also wanted to find out about Lin Xiu's background.

But who is Lin Xiu?If it is so easy for him to find out, is he still Lin Xiu?
What Lin Xiu is best at is running the train with his mouth full, so when Xie Xiu talked to him, he was immediately dragged into the world. Xie Xiu admired Lin Xiu quite a lot. This Lin Xiu was indeed something he rarely saw. Man, this man is really surprising.

Of course, it wasn't just an accident. Lin Xiu's talent, as well as the outspokenness he showed now, all surprised him.

What kind of environment can cultivate a man like Lin Xiu?
It's hard for Xie Xiu to imagine, but the current Lin Xiu doesn't need him to imagine these things. Xie Xiu has to go back to Moonwind City and contact the Federation, so that he can know Lin Xiu's true identity.

And Lin Xiu didn't need to worry about being recognized, even if he was recognized, so what?This young master's pretense is based on this handsome face. When did he rely on his strength?Lin Xiu thought shamelessly.

The escaped Fenglong King and Bi Yi were extremely fast, and they had already reached tens of thousands of miles away. Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't chase them, they felt a little relieved.

There is still fear in the eyes of the Wind Dragon King. This Lin Xiu is really a terrifying man. This man actually has such a terrifying weapon in his hand. The Wind Dragon King just glanced at it, and there is a deep feeling fear.

That weapon was quite a threat to him. The Wind Dragon King had a feeling that if he was struck by this sword, he might die!
This Lin Xiu is also not to be underestimated, his strength is extraordinary, and there is a puppet beside him, such a Lin Xiu is really a great threat!

"This bastard, he is not a disciple of the Holy Academy at all, he is a fake!" Bi Yi said very annoyed.

Now Bi Yi can be sure that Lin Xiu is a member of Zhengqi League, otherwise, how could Lin Xiu take action against them?

Moreover, he also shot at the Dragon Clan, which is of no benefit to Lin Xiu!

If Lin Xiu knew what Bi Yi was thinking, he would definitely slap him across the face, who said there would be no benefit?Killing them would be of great benefit, wouldn't it?
These treasure chests all fell out of them.

"Hmph, it's useless for you to claim to be the elder of the Demon League, and you were deceived by a brat!" Wind Dragon King said coldly after hearing this.

"We were deceived by him because he knew some strange abilities that affected our spirits, otherwise, how could we believe his words!" Bi Yi said angrily.

Bi Yi himself is a person who is proficient in spiritual induction, and now he will be fooled by Lin Xiu, which really makes him angry and helpless.

This time, it can be regarded as a capsize in the gutter!

"Affecting the spirit? In this way, our Dragon Clan just now..." After the Wind Dragon King heard it, his expression changed.

"You are also affected by the spirit? Why did you attack us just now?" Bi Yi asked immediately.

"Of course you took away all the spirit fruits just now. By the way, the spirit fruits are still on you, right? Don't try to renege on your debt!" Fenglong King said while staring at Bi Yi.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I pick the spirit fruit? That kid picked the spirit fruit!" Bi Yi said angrily.

"What? Not you?" Wind Dragon King frowned.

After the two of them communicated, they realized that they had suffered a big loss at the hands of Lin Xiu this time!

"Damn it, this brat is too hateful!" Wind Dragon King said angrily, "I heard before that he seems to be called Lin Xiu, this bastard, you must not let him go!"

"But he is so strong, we are not his opponent at all, how can we deal with him?" Bi Yi said.

The two fell into silence for a moment, it was really not easy to deal with Lin Xiu.

"I didn't expect to meet people here. I think the strength of the two of you is not bad. You can be my mount, and you can be my slave!" Only a voice sounded.

At this time, Bi Yi and Fenglong Wang were furious when they heard this, what are their identities?One is the Dragon King of the Evil Dragon Clan, and the other is the Great Elder of the Demon League, who wants them to be mount slaves?

The two looked back, only to see three people looking at them. These three were young people, they didn't even look 25 years old, but the three of them were full of powerful aura.

"What are you talking about? You want me to be your mount?" Wind Dragon King said coldly.

"You want me to be a slave?" Bi Yi sneered, "I think you are courting death!"

Kong Hong, Kong Hou, and Kong Rong were originally ordered by their teacher to travel here, but they didn't know where it was and how to get there, so they happened to meet a man and a dragon here.

The Wind Dragon King is still very majestic, and Bi Yi is also very suitable to be their guide, so they decided to capture these two low-level creatures as slaves and mounts.

"What? Don't you want to listen to us?" Kong Hong sneered.

"You don't even listen to our words? Are you looking for death? I'm not afraid to tell you that we are members of the Holy Academy!" Kong Hou also said, "If you don't listen to our elder brother, you are looking for your own death!"

"It's the Holy Academy again, I don't believe you are from the Holy Academy!" Bi Yi said loudly, summoning out the martial spirit.

"Big brother, second brother, why don't you let me teach them a lesson, the two inferior people of Emperor Wu are just me, that's enough!" Kong Rong said.

"In this case, they will leave it to you!" Kong Hong nodded.

"Okay, Big Brother Kong Hong!" Kong Rong showed a smile on his face, "You two, come together!"

Bi Yi and Fenglong Wang looked at each other and shot at the same time.

At this time, Lin Xiu is still in the abyss forest, and this time the treasure chest should also start counting. Lin Xiu has a large spiritual fruit treasure chest, which can open a particularly large abyss spiritual fruit. In addition, there is also an amethyst treasure chest.

(End of this chapter)

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