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Chapter 804 You guys are not qualified to confront this young master!

Chapter 804 You guys are not qualified to talk to me! (24 more)
I have to say that Lin Xiu's current appearance is really handsome. He is dressed in a black robe. Now Lin Xiu is very handsome, and his skin is delicate and fair, even better than the skin of the girls here.

Lin Xiu was standing in front of Xie Xiu now, facing the nose whip, he just raised one arm.

Seeing Lin Xiu appearing, Xie Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Xiu finally came back!

If Lin Xiu couldn't come back in time, this time, Moonwind City might be destroyed. If Moonwind City were destroyed, it might be difficult for them to survive here.

Fortunately, now Lin Xiu is here!
Xie Xiu was unable to make a move now. Seeing Lin Xiu coming, he quickly said, "Lord Lin Xiu, you are finally here!"

Facing this earth-shattering nose whip, Lin Xiu did not make any other movements, but blocked it with his right hand.

There was a loud noise, and Lin Xiu's palm didn't even move. The nose whip didn't even hurt Lin Xiu at all.

"This... Who is this person? Why is it so terrifying?"

"What a powerful force, he can use his body to fight against this giant beast?"

"This is simply not human, okay?"


Everyone's faces were full of inconceivable expressions. This was too terrifying. They couldn't even imagine that there would be someone with such terrifying power. By strength alone, they could already be compared with Tianqing Xiang!
Tianqing Elephant probably had the same thought, its eyes widened, a little unbelievable, can human beings have such a tyrannical body?

The hugeness of the Tianqing elephant really surprised Lin Xiu, it is estimated to be five or six hundred feet high, it looks like a mountain.

But even so, Lin Xiu is not afraid at all. His current strength, even if it is not 1000 million catties, is not far behind!
"It's not for you to make trouble here, so, get out of here, young master!" Lin Xiu said, hugging the huge elephant trunk with both hands, only to see that Lin Xiu's arms forcefully lifted the trunk The elephant lifted up.

This Tianqingxiang let out a mournful sound, and Lin Xiu had already smashed it to the ground.

The ground was immediately smashed into a deep pit, and the surrounding ground was also cracked, which looked very terrifying.

What kind of power is this?
The faces of the people around turned pale. They couldn't imagine Lin Xiu's strength. They didn't feel Lin Xiu's Yuanli at all, but they could feel that Lin Xiu didn't use Yuanli, but Relying on his own physical strength to deal with this giant elephant.

This deeply shocked the people around them, they had never seen such a powerful person before!
Not just them, even Xie Xiu, he has been titled Emperor Wu for a long time, and he has never seen such a strong man!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

But Lin Xiu didn't let it go just like that, Lin Xiu picked it up, and this Tianqing elephant, as if Lin Xiu regarded it as a weapon, threw it at the surrounding monsters.

Boom boom boom...

A series of loud noises appeared, and there was a series of loud noises around here. This is Tianqingxiang. When it is smashed down as a weapon, even those powerful monsters have no effect at all. When they are smashed down, they become Meat sauce, it is impossible to survive.

And this kind of method has never been used by anyone. After all, no one has the strange power of Lin Xiu, and it is impossible for them to lift the Tianqing elephant as huge as a mountain, let alone use it as a weapon.

Everyone's eyes stared straight, and they couldn't believe it, someone would do such a thing?

Before Lin Xiu arrived, the monsters had already moved separately, attacking different city walls, and some birds appeared from the sky and attacked.

The strong men on Lin Xiu's east wall can only account for a quarter or less of the entire Moonwind City. After all, this side is protected by Xie Xiu, so the strong men are sent to other city gates.

Now when they saw Lin Xiu's strength, they were all taken aback, but what surprised them even more was not Lin Xiu's power, but...the arrival of other powerful monsters!

"Red Flame Fire Sparrow! Isn't that Vermilion Flame Fire Sparrow?" Everyone couldn't believe it. What they saw was a huge monster that appeared from the sky.

Zhu Yanhuoque, this is known as one of the strongest flying monsters on the mainland. This kind of powerful monster is usually very rare, but now it appears here.

This kind of monsters have appeared, is it possible to protect Yuefeng City here?

Everyone's eyes were full of shock, the strength of Zhu Yan Huoque can make people despair!

It is said that if the grown-up Zhuyan Huoque even possesses the strength above Emperor Wu, judging from Zhuyan Huoque's strength now, it is probably the same!
And beside this vermilion fire bird, there are many giant flame birds. With these huge fire birds, how can everyone not despair?
But this hasn't stopped yet, the entire Moonwind City is trembling now, and everyone can see that a huge Tianqing Elephant twice the size of an ordinary Tianqing Elephant is also coming from a distance.

" the sky going to destroy our Moonwind City?" Xie Xue sighed.

Three ordinary Tianqing elephants are already able to destroy Yuefeng City. If there is another Tianqing elephant king, it will be different. The strength of this Tianqing elephant king is probably not [-]% weaker than that of Emperor Wu. , or even, it may be Martial Ancestor Realm.

"I haven't seen this kind of thing here for decades. What happened this time?" Xie Xiu's face also became surprised, and he couldn't believe it.

"We can't resist these monsters, elder, why don't we retreat!" Zhang Cun's face showed fear.

Even the current strength of these monsters is already very terrifying, let alone the two such terrifying monsters here!

Even if Lin Xiu was born with supernatural power, the strength of the powerful Tianqing elephant at the Martial Ancestor level is different from other Tianqing elephants.

"Human beings, you are very strong, but it's a pity, we have ordered by the adults to destroy this Moonwind City, so please leave!" Zhu Yanhuoque's voice came.

"My lord's order? What is it talking about? Is there someone behind these monsters?"

"How is it possible? If so, how strong are the people behind these monsters?"

"But why would they do it?"


All of a sudden, the people around felt a little unbelievable, and even more shocked. Behind these monsters, there are people controlling them?
Are you really going to give up?Xie Xiu sighed, but heard a voice.

"Tell you adults to come out, you are not qualified to talk to this young master!" Lin Xiu said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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