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Chapter 806 This young master is killing people!

Chapter 806 This young master is killing people! (26 more)
Lin Xiu has already helped Yuefeng City to kill several bosses this year. If Lin Xiu continues to attack, other people will have no chance to practice. Moreover, killing these monsters is of no use to Lin Xiu. What's the benefit, after pretending to be aggressive, of course you should leave!
"Thank you Lord Lin Xiu, we can solve it here, and we don't need to bother you anymore!" Xie Xiu said immediately.

Lin Xiu nodded. He had already returned to the city wall. The people around him looked at Lin Xiu as if they were heroes. This time, the members of the Magic League disappeared completely. People from the Zhengqi League and other forces.

They also knew that without Lin Xiu this time, they might not escape this catastrophe!

"Master Lin Xiu, thank you very much for your action!" Xie Xue thanked Lin Xiu.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a matter of convenience!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Here Lin Xiu was able to collect a lot of talent points, seeing the soaring talent points, Lin Xiu also felt very refreshed.

Not long after, someone hurried over and said, "Lord Xie Xue, Lord Huang Le, there seems to be something wrong with the south gate, those powerful birds are all attacking that place, and hundreds of people have already been eaten! "

Hearing these words, Xie Xue and Huang Le's expressions changed slightly. The battle on this side of the city gate has just begun, and it is estimated that there is no way to separate the strong to support it.

"In this case, let me go there!" Lin Xiu said, this place has been pretending to be aggressive, so Lin Xiu naturally wants to change places.

"Since this is the case, I will leave it to you, Master Lin Xiu. If we end the battle here, we will send people to support immediately!" Xie Xue said immediately.

Lin Xiu brought a small team of strong men to the south gate. At the south gate, Lin Xiu saw that there were indeed many birds here, and their attack power was quite strong.

There are actually two birds at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm here. This kind of strength is a bit too strong. For the strong here, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

"Lin Xiu, why are you here?" Seeing Lin Xiu's arrival, a person said in surprise.

Lin Xiu was also a little surprised to see the few people here.

This person turned out to be Lu Tong. Besides Lu Tong, there were also Shen Hao, He Yong and Wei Ying. It seemed that they had also returned.

"We are..." Before Lin Xiu finished speaking, Shen Hao interrupted him.

"Lin Xiu, you should leave now. The monsters here are too strong, we can't handle them at all. We wanted to practice here at first, but now it seems that we have overestimated our own strength!" Only heard Shen Hao With a wry smile.

"Those monsters are too much, and their speed is so fast, we can't deal with them at all!" Lu Tong sighed.

"Although they are strong, isn't our young master Lin Xiu even stronger? I think there must be no problem with young master Lin Xiu!" He Yong said, but his tone was full of sarcasm. Of course he wasn't flattering Lin Xiu did, what he said was ironic.

"I also think that before, I thought that Master Lin Xiu was very powerful, but now it seems that Master Lin Xiu brought people to help us!" Wei Ying immediately said loudly, "Lin Xiu, you shouldn't just leave like this Right? We all rely on you here!"

At this time, these two people dare to challenge themselves?Lin Xiu also admired the courage of these two people.

When the others heard Weiying and He Yong's words, their eyes fell on Lin Xiu. This Lin Xiu looked very young. What is such a young man doing here?
When Lin Xiu killed Zhu Yanhuoque and Tianqing Elephant King before, these people were still defending here, but they didn't see Lin Xiu showing his supernatural power, so when they saw Lin Xiu, they only felt that Lin Xiu was too young , such a young man can't do anything at all.

Seeing that everyone around them gathered around, Wei Ying and He Yong were even more proud. He Yong sneered and said, "Lin Xiu, what's the matter? You don't talk? Didn't you come to help us? Could it be that we misunderstood you? Can’t you just come here for sightseeing?”

"My lord Lin Xiu, I don't know what relationship these two people have with you? Do we need to teach them a lesson?" said a strong man from the Righteous Qi Alliance beside Lin Xiu.

"No need, I'll do it myself!" Lin Xiu said lightly, and he walked towards He Yong.

He Yong was a little scared, but he said: "You... what do you want to do? We are here to defend Moonwind City, can you attack us!"

"Can't attack you? You overestimate yourself. This young master is Lin Xiu. I want your life. Is there anyone who can stop me?" Lin Xiu sneered, Lin Xiu had already grabbed He Yong's neck, Lift him up.

"You... stop, Lin Xiu, you can't kill me!" He Yong's face turned red because he couldn't breathe.

"Can't kill you? You think too highly of yourself. You are such a waste, I can kill as many as I want!" Lin Xiu said, and He Yong's neck was wrung with force with his palm.

After the people around saw it, their faces changed drastically. Lin Xiu actually killed someone, and he did it in front of them!
Lu Tong and Shen Hao's expressions changed, they didn't expect Lin Xiu to be so domineering, but can Lin Xiu be blamed?Lin Xiu has already given Wei Ying and He Yong a chance, but these two people have been offending Lin Xiu all the time. They are really too stupid. Do they think that Lin Xiu will tolerate them again and again?

"Lin Xiu, what are you doing!" Weiying's heart was full of fear, and he immediately shouted.

"Didn't you see? This young master is killing people!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"You dare to kill us? Why do you?" Weiying said hastily.

"Because I'm the Holy Son of the Righteousness Alliance!" Lin Xiu replied, throwing his palm in front of him, only to see that Weiying in front of him had turned into a cloud of blood mist and came out.

"Lin Xiu, you..." Shen Hao couldn't bear to say after seeing it.

"Uncle Shen Hao, I have already warned them, if they offend me again, I will not let them go!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Lu Tong opened his mouth, but didn't say anything more.

People around can also feel that this young man is so domineering, but his strength also matches his character!

Just when everyone's eyes were on Lin Xiu, a bird from the sky had already pounced on Lin Xiu. It could faintly feel that this young man could pose a threat to them, and this young man must not be left behind. Come down, we must deal with him first!
This bird is a monster on the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. If Lin Xiu is caught, it is estimated that even if Lin Xiu does not die, he will be seriously injured.

"Lin Xiu be careful!" Shen Hao said loudly immediately.

Above Lin Xiu's head, a door appeared, and that door was already opened at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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