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Chapter 808 Is Really a Disciple of the Holy Court

Chapter 808 Is Really a Disciple of the Holy Court (28 more)
Came to see Lin Xiu?As soon as these words came out, Xie Xiu still couldn't understand, these four people, plus Fenglong King, came to find Lin Xiu!
It's really surprising that Fenglong King and Bi Yi actually joined forces and came to trouble Lin Xiu?
Xie Xiu's face changed slightly, and he said: "Guys, after Lin Xiu defeated those powerful monsters for us, he left our Moonwind City, so I'm afraid we can't find him anymore!"

Xie Xiu said this, but in order to protect Lin Xiu, looking at the appearance of several people, and the Wind Dragon King and Bi Yi were there, Xie Xiu didn't think it was a good thing for them to come to Lin Xiu!

But this time Lin Xiu did him a great favor, how could Xie Xiu have the heart to watch Lin Xiu being dealt with by these people?
Lin Xiu is not at their place now, but at the South City Gate, as long as Lin Xiu is not here, I believe they will not search the city!
Xie Xiu thought of this, so he said this.

However, Xie Xiu still overestimated the credibility of his own words, and also underestimated Bi Yi, only to hear Bi Yi say: "Three, I think this Lin Xiu must be a member of the Zhengqi League, so he just said it." He will help Xie Xiu, and Xie Xiu is also an elder of the Zhengqi League, so he only came to help Lin Xiu, he obviously knows where Lin Xiu is, but he doesn't want to tell the three of them!"

"Bi Yi, you're spitting blood!" Xie Xiu said angrily when he heard this.

"Whether I'm spitting blood, I'm afraid you know it better, and the three adults know it too!" Bi Yi immediately said, "Xie Xiu, I'm not afraid to tell you that these three adults are the real big shots from the Holy Academy. Powerful, and even has the order of the Holy Court, but it is different from Lin Xiu!"

"Court order? Are they from the Holy Court?" Xie Xiu's face changed when he heard it, and Xie Xiu naturally knew what the people from the Holy Court meant!

Even if they are two smart people, they dare not easily offend people who see the Holy Court. After all, the strength of the Holy Court is very terrifying, and the disciples trained by the Holy Court are also very powerful, far beyond what others can imagine!

A disciple of the Holy Court may not go out with a court order, but if there is a court order, it must be a disciple of the Holy Court, because no one dares to pretend to be a disciple of the Holy Court... Oh, no one dared to pretend to be a disciple of the Holy Court before, and now there is Lin Xiu!
But even so, the reputation of the Holy Academy is very good, and those top powerhouses on the mainland are still very clear about it!
Xie Xiu would never have dreamed that these three people were really disciples of the Holy Academy!
Xie Xiu couldn't see through the strength of the three of them, but none of them were over 30 years old. These are the real geniuses and monsters!
"Three..." Xie Xiu wanted to say something, but was interrupted.

Kong Rong said coldly: "We are not interested in listening to your explanation, we just want to know where that Lin Xiu is!"

"I really don't know where Lin Xiu is!" Xie Xiu had no choice but to say.

"In this case, I think I have to ask clearly!" Kong Rong finished speaking, only to see him raise his hand, and a huge attraction sucked Xie Xiu over.

"What?" Xie Xiu's face changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't escape at all.

This is the strength of Martial Ancestor level, how can he escape?
There is only one level of difference between Martial Ancestor's first level and Wudi's ninth level, but the gap between them is like heaven and earth. At least the current Xie Xiu has no way to break free.

"Looking at you, you are also injured. Why don't you really want to say where Lin Xiu is?" Kong Rong had a ferocious smile on his face. He also looked about 25 years old, but his current appearance was so terrifying.

"I really don't know... Ah—" Xie Xiu didn't finish speaking, he only felt a pain in his lower abdomen, and a huge force had hit his lower abdomen.

The lower abdomen, which had been severely injured, burst open directly, and blood gushed out frantically.

"Father!" Seeing this scene, Xie Xue burst into tears immediately.

"If you don't say it, I will let you say it!" Kong Rong said, and punched Xie Xiu's wound again.

"I really don't know... Ah—" Xie Xiu screamed.

It is estimated that Xie Xiu has never experienced such despair. The strength of these three people is definitely not something he can fight against. Even if Xie Xiu was in his prime, it would be impossible to fight against, let alone now.

Xie Xiu's lower abdomen wound became seriously injured again due to several attacks. If this continues, he will probably die.

Seeing Bi Yi like this, he sneered in his heart, Xie Xiu deserved it for being like this, if he wanted to blame him, he could only blame him for wanting to protect Lin Xiu!

When other people saw this scene, they dared not speak out. Even though Zhang Feng, Pi Chang and Huang Le wanted to intercede, but considering the identities of the other party, the name Zhengqi League might not be able to suppress them!

"Since you don't want to tell me, I won't bother you anymore. I think your daughter is also very beautiful!" Kong Hou's eyes lit up, and he said, "I think if she follows me in the future, she will definitely be very beautiful." good!"

"What... what do you want to do?" Xie Xiu's face changed drastically when he heard this.

"What do you want to do? Do you still need to ask this kind of thing? Little beauty, come with me!" Kong Hou's eyes flashed obscenity, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Xie Xue flew over involuntarily. Xie Xue wanted to resist, but there was nothing she could do.

The difference in strength between the two is too great, even Xie Xiu can't resist Kong Rong from catching him, Xie Xue is only at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm, let alone be able to resist.

Xie Xue's whole body was caught, Kong Hou looked at Xie Xue's body, smelled the fragrance of Xie Xue's body, took a deep breath, and said: "It's really fragrant, I like a beauty like you!"

"Stop, don't attack Xue'er, please!" Xie Xiu's expression changed drastically.

"Since this is the case, you still don't want to tell Lin Xiu's whereabouts?" Kong Rong sneered.

"Don't talk about it yet, it's not too late to talk about it after I finish playing with this little beauty!" Kong Hou said bluntly.

When everyone heard this, their faces changed. This Konghou is too much, does he really want to be rude to Xie Xue?

There was also despair in Xie Xue's eyes. In this situation, she had no way to resist, could she just accept her fate?

"Since you are going to play, do I need to wait until you are finished playing before coming out?" Only a voice sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a young man standing in the air, looking at the people in front of him, but he didn't show any nervousness at all. If it's not Lin Xiu, who is it?

Lin Xiu didn't know when he had arrived here, but none of the people here noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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