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Chapter 810 Challenge the Martial Ancestor!

Chapter 810 Challenge the Martial Ancestor! (30 more)
The power of one punch, the power of Lin Xiu's one punch, is so terrifying, just this one punch blows Bi Yi into the air.

Even Bi Yi's unique move cannot catch Lin Xiu's punch!
With Lin Xiu's current strength, even if he meets some titled Emperor Wu, he might be able to fight with confidence. In his eyes, Bi Yi is nothing at all.

Lin Xiu has the fairy pupils of Lihuo, how can he not see through Bi Yi's illusion?

This punch made other viewers present feel quite shocked. Lin Xiu's strength is so powerful!

How could his realm have improved so much?Fenglong King looked at Lin Xiu, his eyes widened, a little unbelievable. Before Lin Xiu showed his strength, Fenglong King had seen it before. At that time, Lin Xiu's realm was only the fourth level of Martial Emperor Realm. In just three days, he had improved So much!
Isn't the effect of the abyss spirit fruit only produced once at most?Even if Lin Xiu got eight, the effect would not be so good!
No matter what, the current Lin Xiu does already have this kind of strength. Bi Yi's original strength may not be weaker than Lin Xiu's, and he should even be stronger. Otherwise, Lin Xiu at that time would not need to let Bai Qi Let's do it.

But now Lin Xiu is different, all he needs to deal with Bi Yi is one punch!
Bi Yi was punched and flew out, he fell to the ground, spitting out blood continuously, his eyes were also full of horror.

"I can't see that you have some skills!" A voice came, and Lin Xiu saw that the person who spoke was Kong Rong.

"Lin Xiu, for the sake of your talent, I will give you a chance! If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will spare you!" Kong Hong sneered.

"You want me to kneel down and beg for mercy? I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet!" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression on his face.

"Lin Xiu, don't give you shame. If you pretend to be a disciple of our Holy Court, if you tell the teacher of our Holy Court to know, not only you, but even your family members will not be able to survive!" Na Kong Hiro said with a sneer.

"Pretending to be a disciple of the Holy Court? Food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. When did this young master claim that I am a disciple of the Holy Court?" Lin Xiu said after hearing it.

As soon as this sentence came out, a strange color flashed in Fenglong King's eyes. He recalled that Lin Xiu had never directly said that he was a member of the Holy Academy, but he had been hinting crazily there all the time!
"Do you think it's useful if you deny it? Today we three real disciples of the Holy Court are here, and you still want to deny it? If you kneel down and be willing to be my slave, I may not be able to take you back to the Holy Court !” Kong Hong continued, “You have to think clearly, this is your only chance to join the Holy Academy!”

"Become your slaves? I think if the three of you become my slaves, I can spare your lives. What is joining the Holy Court? If I want to, I can join the Holy Court at any time!" Lin Xiu immediately made it easy.

"You!" Hearing this sentence, Kong Hong became angry, but no one dared to talk to him like this before, but Lin Xiu dared to be so arrogant.

"Brother Kong Hong, leave him to me to deal with!" Kong Rong immediately said, "I will let him know that what he says and what he does will require a price!"

"Okay, we must not let him go easily!" Kong Hong said.

"Brother Kong Hong, I know how to do it!" Kong Rong said.

"I don't worry about Kong Rong's strength. Although he is still at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, it is already very easy to deal with the untouchables here!" Kong Hou said, "After he solves Lin Xiu, I can enjoy it." The beauty's perfect body!"

Kong Hong shook his head, he had no choice but to deal with Kong Hou, he said: "This Lin Xiu is easy to deal with, but you have to be careful!"

Kong Rong sneered at Lin Xiu, and said, "What? You still don't do anything?"

"I don't make a move first, I'm giving you a chance to make a move, otherwise, if I make a move, you won't have a chance to make a move!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Arrogant, if this is the case, I will tear your mouth apart first!" Kong Rong said, only to see that his martial soul had been summoned, and it turned out to be two black iron claws.

It was the first time Lin Xiu had seen such a strange-shaped martial spirit, but he immediately received a reminder.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, Kong Rong, Martial Soul, Sky-Tearing Claw (Sky), Bloodline, Nothing, Skills, Soul Eater Art, Soul Skill... Weaknesses, if the left elbow is attacked, it will be damaged Seriously, the strength has declined! Comprehensive evaluation, emperor level!"

"Ding, I have collected the emperor's talent and got 10 talent points!"

Lin Xiu took a look, the talent box this time helped Lin Xiu a lot, seeing the opponent's weakness, of course Lin Xiu fought much more easily!

Kong Rong's body swayed, and he rushed towards Lin Xiu. The claw of his right hand had already stabbed towards Lin Xiu. The Xuanxian iron epee in Lin Xiu's hand slashed out, with the meaning of "entering the Tao", Lin Xiu's sword, The power will not be inferior to Kong Rong.

Sparks sputtered out, and only two people were seen confronting each other. Lin Xiu greeted each other with the Xuanxian iron epee. In the battle between the two, no one gave way to the other, and Lin Xiu was not at a disadvantage.

However, Lin Xiu kept his eyes on Kong Rong's left hand. Kong Rong's martial soul has two claws. Lin Xiu didn't believe that his left hand could not use martial arts.

Sure enough, Kong Rong's left hand also performed a martial art move, and the claw was entwined with black mist.

"Lin Xiu, I've played enough, now I'll let you know how big the gap is between you and me. This move is called Xuantian Iron Mist Claw!" Kong Rong roared loudly, stabbing Lin Xiu with his left hand. come over.

Lin Xiu's eyes suddenly shot out two flames, and the target was Kong Rong's left elbow.

Kong Rong's face changed drastically, he couldn't hold back his hand anymore, his left hand was burnt black, after all it was Lihuo Immortal Pupil, how could this kind of pupil technique be so easy to follow?

"What kind of martial art is this?" Kong Hong's eyes were full of surprise,

"What a powerful martial skill, Kong Rong, the boy capsized in the gutter!" Kong Hou said.

"Just now, he didn't seem to even use his martial soul, that's too bad!" Kong Hong reacted, his expression changed.

Kong Rong let out a scream, his eyes were full of anger: "You dare to hurt me!"

"My young master not only hurt you, but also killed you!" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of murderous intent.

On Lin Xiu's head, the Devouring Gate had already appeared. As soon as this Devouring Gate appeared, it immediately restrained Kong Rong.

"What do you want to do?" Kong Rong's face changed drastically.

"Of course it will kill you!" Lin Xiu has never been a kind person. Kong Rong and the others did not come to treat Lin Xiu to dinner, but to kill Lin Xiu. How could Lin Xiu be polite?
(End of this chapter)

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