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Chapter 819 Let's go to Hong's house!

Chapter 819 Let's go to Hong's house! (40 more)
As for the weaknesses of these people, Lin Xiu naturally knows, but Lin Xiu doesn't need to take advantage of them, because Lin Xiu's strength is too strong, at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, Lin Xiu can defeat the opponent without weapons, let alone These people are gone.

Why use a sword when an opponent can be defeated by serious means?There is no need to exploit their weaknesses!
Cold sweat broke out on Yan Li's back, and he realized that Lin Xiu's strength was so strong. With this strength, could it be that Lin Xiu is already titled Emperor Wu?

"You are very powerful, but do you know who my brother is?" Hong Yutang said, "My brother is Hong Ning!"

When talking about Hong Ning, Hong Yutang seemed to have an invincible elder brother. He was very excited and said loudly: "I tell you, you can't mess with my elder brother!"

"Who is your eldest brother? This young master doesn't know, and I'm not interested in knowing. I only know that the life and death of you are in my hands. I didn't provoke you. What did you want to do just now? Longshi against this young master?" Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face, and he walked towards Hong Yutang.

When Hong Yutang heard this, he was a little flustered. What was Hong Yutang most afraid of?Of course, he was afraid of the person who wanted to kill him, and even more afraid of the person who was so crazy that he didn't care about the consequences!

Lin Xiu in front of him seems to be such a person!

How could Hong Yutang not panic, in case, Lin Xiu really wanted to kill him desperately! ! !

"Don't come here, let me tell you, Dugu Qiubai, my elder brother is Hong Ning, do you know? Hong Ning is one of the elders of the Demon League, and he is very powerful! You can't afford to provoke him! Didn't you want Join the Demon League? If you kill me, you will offend my elder brother!"

"Don't you want to participate in the Magic Tower Competition? If you offend my elder brother, my elder brother will never let you go. Even if you can join the Demon League, my elder brother will definitely deal with you. Your fate will be different." Ten times worse than me, you must not shoot at me!"

Hong Yutang said loudly while backing away, his eyes full of panic.

But is it useful?
Lin Xiu looked at Hong Yutang coldly, and his eyes were full of chills: "My young master has always been revengeful, whoever wants to kill me must have the consciousness of being killed by me, if you want to kill me, Then you should be mentally prepared, right? I'm going to kill you now!"

I am going to kill you now!

As soon as these words came out, Hong Yutang felt a chill in his heart. He had a feeling that Lin Xiu was not lying, but really wanted to kill him. He felt that Lin Xiu's murderous aura was coming.

When Long Shi and other members of the Long family saw Lin Xiu walking towards Hong Yutang, their hearts were also raised, wouldn't they?Does Lin Xiu really want to kill Hong Yutang?Impossible, he dare not do this!

Just when everyone was thinking this way, Lin Xiu had already approached Hong Yutang, Hong Yutang wanted to escape as soon as he turned around, Lin Xiu punched Hong Yutang through the air.

Only a loud bang was heard, and Hong Yutang's body was blown apart and torn apart.

"'s impossible, Dugu Qiubai, are you crazy? He is Hong Yutang, if you kill him, just wait for Hong Ning to take revenge!" Long Shi shouted loudly.

Lin Xiu glanced over those members of the Hong family, everyone could see the murderous look in Lin Xiu's eyes, the other members of the Hong family around did not dare to take revenge, they were immediately coaxed away by Lin Xiu's stare .

Lin Xiu ignored these people, he turned his head, and his eyes fell on Longshi who was not far away: "Longshi, don't you want revenge? This young master gives you a chance, let's fight fairly, I don't use weapons !"

Fair fight?Without using weapons?
Fair shit!
Long Shi wanted to scold his mother when he heard it, but he knew very well that Lin Xiu's strength far surpassed him, and the power of a punch could not even be resisted by a strong man on the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. How could this be fair?

If there is a fight with Lin Xiu, then there is no chance for Longshi to survive.

Long Shi was full of regrets in his heart, he said: "Dugu Qiubai, you let me go, Shan'er's revenge, I will not take revenge!"

"Don't report? Did my young master allow you not to take revenge? Do it!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "If you don't do it, then don't blame me!"

"I'll fight with you!" At this time, even if Longshi wanted to stop fighting, it was impossible for him to fight. Of course, before he reached Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu punched him out.

The fate of this Dragon Stone is not much better than that of Hong Yutang, the power of one punch is enough to crush him to pieces!

Dragon Stone is also dead!

"Dugu Qiubai, you run away, Hong Ning probably will know the news soon, if you don't run away, it will be too late!" Long Yan saw that Longshi was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said.

For Lin Xiu, Long Yan wasn't angry at all. If Lin Xiu didn't make a move, today's Longshi would really ruin the Long family's foundation, and since Longshi wanted to take revenge, he would die in Lin Xiu's hands now. , can only blame him for his own lack of strength, can he also blame Lin Xiu?

But now Lin Xiu is too dangerous, if Hong Ning knows what happened here, how can Lin Xiu have a chance to survive?

Of course, to Lin Xiu, these are not important, Hong Ning, what is that?
"I can't go, I have to participate in the Demon Tower Competition this time!" Lin Xiu blinked and said, "I see that the soul power of Patriarch Long seems to be under control, if this is the case, let me help you! "

It's not hard for Lin Xiu to see that Long Yan will be like this now, but it's just controlled by some drugs used by the dragon stone. It's not difficult for Lin Xiu to recover him as long as he uses acupuncture.

"Brother Dugu, can I ask you something?" Long Yu said suddenly, he immediately knelt down in front of Lin Xiu, and continued, "Can you save my sister!"

Long Yu started to cry, he never knew that Lin Xiu possessed such strength, judging from Lin Xiu's current strength, he was at least at the eighth level of Martial Emperor Realm, compared to the strength of the ancestor of the Long family Only strong but not weak.

If such a person makes a move, maybe he can save Long Ya from the Hong family.

Long Yan didn't speak, he didn't know what Lin Xiu thought, but there was hope in his eyes.

"I don't want to meddle in other people's business!" Lin Xiu said. As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of the people in the Long family also darkened. Indeed, it is not surprising that Lin Xiu did this. Only people who don't meddle in other people's business can live. longer.

Long Yu sighed, it seems that Long Ya cannot be rescued.

But Lin Xiu then continued: "But I don't like this Hong family, so let's go to the Hong family!"

(End of this chapter)

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