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Chapter 829 Closing Your Finger

Chapter 829 Take Back Your Fingers (50 More)
There are ten phantoms in the air. Among the ten phantoms, three are in the front, and the others are behind. !
"Isn't that a dead knife? Is he the referee this time?"

"Death Knife is one of the more powerful elders in the Demon League. I didn't expect him to preside over this time!"

"But what did he mean by what he said just now? Why did the person who handed in the primordial stone have to leave?"


The people around were already discussing, they were puzzled by what Li Xiu said just now.

Jiao Yuanshi is leaving?When Lin Xiu heard this sentence, he finally understood. It turned out that when he came in just now, this time the magic tower competition had already started!

Qi Yi just realized that he was regretting it. It turns out that Li Xiu is a dead knife. No wonder Li Xiu didn't reveal his title. If he did, he would be able to recognize it. But now Qi Yi can only regret it. !
It turned out that he could have a relationship, but now, it's no wonder that Li Xiu would care about him!
Hearing what the people in front of him said, Li Xiu just said lightly: "What you want to join is the Demon League, not the Righteous Qi League, so when you enter this Demon Tower Town, the test here has already begun. I will send two strong men from the eighth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm to guard the four entrances!"

"No matter what method or method you use, even if it is killing people, as long as you can come in and not be kicked out, you are considered a passer, and if you pay primordial stones and come in with this method, you are all such well-behaved people, Get out of here!"

As soon as these few words came out, the complexions of many people present changed. Many people who came here this time thought it was troublesome, or they were afraid, so they handed over primordial stones, and now they need left.

Many people have already left, but there are also some people who are not reconciled and want to stay here with a fluke mentality.

It's just that at this moment, the eight big men had already come over, and they pointed at one of them, and the strong man was cut in half before he could explain anything.

Enough decisive, enough bloody violence!
After Lin Xiu saw it, there was a look of surprise on his face. As expected of the Demon League, he was merciless in doing things!

Long Ya's small face turned pale with fright: "He...are they like this? Just rely on those people's words to kill people directly? What if these eight people confessed wrongly?"

"Admit it? Then it will be considered that he has no strength, and he is not unlucky!" Lin Xiu replied.

As soon as these words came out, Long Ya was even more surprised, her eyes fell on Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu didn't take it seriously.

"What... what?" One of the men was pointed at, and he immediately shouted, "I didn't, I came in secretly, I..."

Before the man could finish speaking, his head was chopped off by a sword, blood spurted out directly, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

There is really no reason to say this kind of thing, because only strength is the only kingly way, and here is the Demon League!

Before Lin Xiu came here, he had already realized this, so he was not surprised.

But what made Lin Xiu a little puzzled was that one of the big men pointed at Lin Xiu and Long Ya.

At this moment, the people around Lin Xiu were quiet, and they all left Lin Xiu, as if Lin Xiu was a virus, it's no wonder they still don't leave now, you know, the people who were pointed out by these big guys before, can They were all beheaded, and now among these big men, one of them pointed at Lin Xiu. One can imagine what will happen to Lin Xiu!
The eyes of Qi Yi and others fell on Lin Xiu. Seeing this scene, Qi Yi almost burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... I thought he had some ability, so it turned out that he only came in after paying primordial stones!" Qi Yi's voice came.

"It seems that he will be kicked out directly, we have no chance to fight him!" Xie Dao said.

"In this way, it will save us a little trouble!" Huang Cai thought of Lin Xiu's method, and was still a little scared.

Others also had gloating looks in their eyes.

Long Ya's face was a bit ugly, they obviously didn't have the Yuan Yuan Stone, they just broke in, why would someone point to them, saying that they came in through the Yuan Yuan Stone?

And if Jiaoyuanshi really came in and didn't leave, he would be killed.

But Lin Xiu spoke. His words shocked everyone present: "Your Excellency, I advise you to take back your fingers!"

"What did you say?" The big man looked at Lin Xiu coldly and said, "Do you dare to deny what I said?"

Lin Xiu had an evil smile on his face, and he said, "I hate people slandering me the most! So... please die!"

Lin Xiu's fist had already slammed towards the big man. When the big man saw it, his face became ugly. He wanted to escape, but it was too late. That big guy.

The martial soul of this big man has just been summoned, but it has no effect at all. Even Lin Xiu, who is titled the Martial Emperor, can smash it with one punch, let alone a martial artist at the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm!
The martial soul of this big man was shattered, and at the same time, a blood hole was blasted out in his chest, killing him with one punch!
Lin Xiu dared to kill someone!
The faces of those members of the Demon League who were about to attack Lin Xiu changed their faces for sure. They couldn't believe that Lin Xiu was so arrogant, killing people in front of them!
" dare to kill our people!" Another big man said hastily.

"You can't blame me for this, if you want to blame it, blame him for his bad eyesight!" Lin Xiu spread his hands and said.

Blame his bad eyesight?This is a member of the Demon League, how dare you make a move so easily?What a joke!Do you think that the members of the Momeng here are all dead?
But Li Xiu didn't seem to know what was going on here, and the others, after seeing Lin Xiu's skill, just surrounded Lin Xiu and Long Ya, but didn't make a move.

"They must be finished!"

"Those who attack the Demon League, no matter who comes, they are finished this time!"

"That's right, no matter who they are, they have offended the Demon League!"


People around pointed at Lin Xiu and Long Ya and began to discuss.

But Lin Xiu didn't care at all.

Qi Yi's voice came: "Brother Dugu, I really admire you for daring to kill members of the Demon League, but I still think you are too stupid!"

"Don't you know, this is the town of Demon Tower? Here, it's the place of the Demon League. I really feel sorry for you because you kill people here. You should be able to get good grades, but because of your impulse , this time, you are likely to die here!"

(End of this chapter)

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