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Chapter 961 Big Character Flame

Chapter 961 Big Character Flame ([-] more)
In contrast, the evil dragons here are much worse. Although the bodies of these evil dragons are protected by two layers of dragon scales.

But this kind of protection is so fragile in front of the dragons in front of them. The dragons here can destroy their dragon scales with just one claw or the dragon's breath.

And the attacks of these evil dragons fell on the dragon scales of the dragons, but a large part of them were actually ineffective.

Moyue has already gone to battle. Holding the full moon in her hand, she feels protected by Lin Xiu for the first time. Her full moon can attack from a distance and in close combat, which is quite special, but as soon as she throws the full moon, she can immediately attack Turn into a blade and cut the evil dragon in front of you in half.

But now in front of Moyue is an elder of the evil dragon clan, an elder of the dragon emperor level.

Mo Yue smiled and said: "Finally a big fish came, let me see your strength!"

Tang Qing is now holding the golden ring in her hand, and at the same time she is dealing with an elder of the evil dragon clan and three dragon king-level evil dragon clan members. The golden ring in her hand is still glowing with flames. With the power of fire.

It was obviously because of the changes that Tang Qing experienced after eating the fire lotus seeds, which made Tang Qing's fighting power even stronger than before. Cope with ease.

Lin Xiu stood on the head of the fire-breathing dragon king. He didn't make a move, but the sound of the drums rushed out like ripples. The evil dragon king and a dragon-level evil dragon elder attacked the fire-breathing dragon king at the same time.

Lin Xiu didn't care about it. Lin Xiu was beating the drum here. If the fire-breathing dragon king can't fight two against one under such an increase, then the fire-breathing dragon king is too weak!
Lin Xiu didn't think his "son" would be so weak, and this fire-breathing dragon king would never let him down!
With this thought in mind, Lin Xiu focused on beating the drums, and ripples appeared layer by layer on the heavenly war drums, and these ripples fell on the other dragon powerhouses around them, as if they had become a pair of armor again, easily resisting the evil dragon clan s attack.

The powerhouses of the evil dragon clan are in a bit of misery now, they really can't imagine, because Lin Xiu alone, with more than 5000 dragon clans, can overwhelm their more than 2 evil dragon clan!
If other people had said such things before, I am afraid no one would believe them, because everyone would know that the strength of the evil dragon clan is higher than that of the dragon clan, so the evil dragon clan would eat dragons for a living, but now, the appearance of Lin Xiu But this result has completely changed.

The dragons here are now able to easily defeat the evil dragons here, and not only that, they can even fight a hundred with one, which is very terrifying.

The evil dragons here became more and more frightened as they fought, and even the fear and fear in the hearts of those dragons just now appeared in their hearts.

How did the dragon clan become so strong?Just because of that boy, that boy who claimed to be the dragon god?If this is the case, they also have gods to bless them!
At this time, all the evil dragons began to waver towards that evil god, and their fighting spirit was further weakened. Seeing this, the evil dragon emperor was shocked and angry, but he also knew that if the evil god If they don't protect the evil dragon clan, I'm afraid this time the evil dragon clan will really be doomed!
What made the Evil Dragon Emperor even more frightening now was that the fire-breathing Dragon Emperor in front of him could easily deal with it and another elder at the Dragon Emperor level.

The strength of that elder is actually not much worse than that of the Evil Dragon Emperor. This Evil Dragon Emperor is close to the existence of the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and this elder is also an existence of the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and his strength is still very powerful.

But now, two Martial Ancestor Realm siege a Martial Ancestor Realm level existence, and they are still suppressed by the other party. The fire-breathing Dragon Emperor's flames are very powerful, and can burn two powerful evil dragon clan powerhouses.

The attacks of the two strong evil dragons fell on the fire-breathing dragon king, and they were able to break its dragon scales, injuring the fire-breathing dragon king, but the injuries on the fire-breathing dragon king could recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How can it be!

The pupils of the evil dragon emperor contracted for a while. The resilience of this fire-breathing dragon emperor is too terrifying. If this continues, they will not be able to defeat this fire-breathing dragon emperor, and they will be killed by this fire-breathing dragon emperor first. They are gone!

Just when the evil dragon emperor thought so, he saw that the fire-breathing dragon emperor finally used his big move, and saw a huge fireball suddenly spewed out from the fire-breathing dragon emperor's mouth.

"The offal of the evil dragon clan, eat your master dragon!" The fire-breathing dragon emperor is now full of fighting spirit, he roared loudly, and the fireball can even be turned into a word.

"Big character flame!"

A "big" character blasted at the elder of the evil dragon clan in front of him. This elder of the evil dragon clan didn't even have time to react. Can't dodge.

This elder of the evil dragon clan was blasted out, his whole body was burned, the dragon scales on his body were directly burned to ashes, and this big character flame burned on his body.

"No—" The elder of the evil dragon clan let out a scream, but it had no effect at all. The flames had already swallowed its body. An elder of the evil dragon clan was defeated like this?
"Boom!" At this moment, a saber light suddenly descended from the sky. Lin Xiu would not let go of the opportunity to take the head. In his busy schedule of beating the drum, he took the time to slash the head of the elder of the evil dragon clan. cut down.

Originally, this elder of the evil dragon clan was already dying, but he was not dead yet. Lin Xiu's knife had no chance to dodge it.

The head of the elder of the evil dragon tribe had already rolled to the ground, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe that he would die here.

The morale of the evil dragon clan has dropped again. This is the elder of the evil dragon clan at the dragon emperor level. They have been killed again. Is there any chance for them to survive?

"Boom!" At this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and another elder of the evil dragon clan was blasted to the ground. Everyone saw that it was another elder of the evil dragon clan.

A sneer appeared on Moyue's face: "The evil dragon clan, it seems that's all there is to it!"

The strength of this elder of the evil dragon clan is not weak, he is already at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, but the current Moyue is stronger than him!

Because Moyue was originally at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and now with the blessing of Lin Xiu's sound of war drums, her combat power will of course be stronger than before. Not a problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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