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Chapter 963 Zuidun is really invincible

Chapter 963 Zuidun is really invincible ([-] more)
After Lin Xiu heard it, he laughed loudly: "You want to fight me?"

"That's right, do you dare!" the Evil Dragon Emperor said immediately.

Even if it is death, he still has to pull a back. The evil dragon emperor believes that with his own strength, he will be able to win Lin Xiu.

So the current Evil Dragon Emperor has made up his mind to kill Lin Xiu even if he uses the secret method.

If he fought with Lin Xiu, he would be more confident that he could kill Lin Xiu!
However, this secret technique can only be used once, so until now, the Evil Dragon Emperor has never used this secret technique.

As Lin Xiu, he will definitely agree!

After Lin Xiu heard it, he immediately said, "I refuse!"

reject?Did I hear you wrong?Why would he refuse?

"Why? Are you afraid?" The Evil Dragon Emperor was a little angry, and he said loudly.

"Afraid? You are not a fool, are you? Or do you think that your mental retardation can lower my IQ, and then use your rich mental retardation experience to defeat me?" Lin Xiu had a strange look on his face when he heard that .

"This Dragon God has so many subordinates around now, if you can win them all, come and challenge me again, if you can win them all and you are not exhausted, this Dragon God will give you a chance to challenge me! "

"After all, this Dragon God can't be challenged by just any cat or dog. You are just a lost dog now!"

"You..." After the evil dragon emperor heard it, his face changed drastically.

After the surrounding dragons heard it, they felt that Lin Xiu's words were very reasonable. After all, the dragons now have the chance to win, so why should they single out with the evil dragon king?
"Evil Dragon Emperor, you are already very old, you still go out to wander around, and you still believe in such a cult, look at this evil god, and you will know that it is not a good thing once you hear it!"

You are not a good thing, your whole family is not a good thing, okay!
"Ding... spit value +"

"It's fine for you to be the master on your own, and you still have to bring your family to believe in this cult. Now it's all right! You see, all your people have been killed by you. This is the result of your belief in the cult!"

Obviously you killed our people, okay?Our clansmen, you were the one who killed them!

"Ding... spit value +"

"Also, look at you evil dragon clan. After receiving the protection of your evil god, your body has turned into a dragon stem. These are all the sins of your evil god. You, the evil dragon emperor, are responsible for these. Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you did such a thing?"

You should be the one with a pang of conscience, right?Isn't it because you drained their dragon blood?
"Ding... spit value +"

"Look at what do you believe in? Can he protect you? Look at this Dragon God. The protection of this Dragon God is the real protection. As long as you believe in this Dragon God, you can even be invincible. One against one hundred, against one hundred at night... Cough, invincible!"

"Impossible, how could you have this kind of power? I don't believe that even the protection of the evil god is not your opponent. Impossible!" The evil dragon emperor's eyes were already red, showing signs of madness.

"Because this Dragon God is the real Dragon God. What you believe in is just an evil sect. Today, your evil dragon clan will perish. In addition to the responsibility of you, the evil dragon emperor, there is also the responsibility of this evil god!" Lin Xiu said again.

"The evil god will definitely protect us and won't watch our family perish! Absolutely impossible!" The evil dragon emperor roared loudly.

"No? Look at the evil dragons around you, how many can survive!" Lin Xiu said again.

Wherever the Evil Dragon Emperor looked, there were quite a few corpses of those Evil Dragon Clans, and the Evil Dragon Emperor became even more insane, staring at Lin Xiu with blood-red eyes: "It's you, it's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, We will never end up like this!"

Lin Xiu sighed, his mouth is indeed invincible, even an evil dragon emperor would be called crazy by himself!
Of course, Lin Xiu doesn't have much sense of accomplishment for calling a Dragon Emperor crazy. His goal is to call the gods crazy too!

But now the evil dragon emperor had already stared at Lin Xiu, he roared and rushed towards Lin Xiu.

The evil dragon emperor's body grew even bigger, and his eyes were full of madness.

"The Evil Dragon Emperor's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 100! Enter the fifth-level fury state, and the Evil Dragon Emperor will attack you regardless!"

"Get out of the way, this young master is going to start pretending!" Lin Xiu said loudly, holding the Dragon Slaying Immortal Saber in his hand, this time, Lin Xiu really wanted to do it himself.

The evil dragon emperor rushed towards Lin Xiu, and the dragon claws slapped Lin Xiu. If this claw hit, Lin Xiu would probably be killed on the spot.

However, the dragon-slaying sword held by Lin Xiu was very eager to drink the blood of the evil dragon emperor.

Tang Qing saw this scene, but she was a little worried: "The Evil Dragon Emperor is not in the right state right now, ordinary mental attacks probably won't work against it!"

"Master, his strength should not be just mental attacks! He will have his own methods!" Mo Yue also had great confidence in Lin Xiu, she said.

"Daddy, he won't have any problems. Since he doesn't need us to take action, we can just watch!" said the Fire-breathing Dragon King.

When Lin Xiu saw the Evil Dragon Emperor rushing over, his face showed disdain: "It only takes one knife to kill you!"

"Heavenly Dragon Slash!" Lin Xiu's saber had already been slashed out. Lin Xiu turned his sword into a human being. The speed of this saber was frighteningly fast. Everyone saw a flash of saber light in front of them. Lin Xiu had already reached the place of the Evil Dragon King in an instant behind.

The Evil Dragon Emperor was motionless and stopped in the air, his eyes widened, and he still kept attacking Lin Xiu, but a line of blood appeared at its throat, and then its head slid down from its neck.

Evil Dragon Emperor, just died like this?
The people present and the Dragon Clan couldn't believe it. This is the Evil Dragon Emperor, who was killed by Lin Xiu so easily?What about the big fight?What about a fierce battle?Just one knife?

This gap made everyone unbelievable, but it did happen.

Don't ask why you don't use Earth Dragon Slash but Tianlong Slash?Because it is more handsome!

Since there are more powerful moves, why use low-level moves?Lin Xiu is not a stupid person!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding... seven emotions value +"

"Ding... spit value +"

"Ding, congratulations to the Evil Dragon Soul Treasure Chest, which is now a diamond treasure chest!"

Lin Xiu received a series of reminders, and the battle here was over, and the surrounding evil dragon clan saw that the evil dragon emperor was dead, so it was impossible for them to still have morale.

These people of the evil dragon clan can only surrender one by one, the dragon clan, big victory!
However, Lin Xiu has also begun to be interested in this evil god!
(End of this chapter)

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