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Chapter 971 Golden Dragon Bloodline

Chapter 971 Golden Dragon Bloodline (7 more)
The Dragon Slaying Immortal Knife has a weapon spirit, and it can also allow Lin Xiu to obtain the three dragon-slaying styles. Lin Xiu guessed that this mysterious iron epee should also have its powerful power. At least, it should also have a weapon spirit. It also doesn't have a weapon spirit now, either the weapon spirit is not there, or Lin Xiu hasn't awakened it yet.

No matter which one it is, Lin Xiu is not clear now, even so, with its weight and sharpness value, it can still deal with Qi Minghua.

Lin Xiu had already raised his sword. Qi Minghua was seriously injured, and now he had no chance to struggle. He didn't even have the ability to stand up, so he could only watch himself being cut in half.

"No—" Qi Minghua screamed, and he was cut in half by the sword.


Mo Yue's eyes were full of shock, this is a member of the Confucian sect, Lin Xiu did this, isn't he afraid of revenge from the Confucian sect?

But why, my heart is so excited!Mo Yue's eyes are full of fiery color, yes, such Lin Xiu is worthy of her to follow, of course, it would be even better if she can become Lin Xiu's woman.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

From Qi Minghua's body, a golden light rushed towards Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu knew that he might have been hated by the Confucian sect. If he met a Confucian sect in the future, he probably had to be more careful.

It's just that he doesn't know if he will meet other Confucianists in the Holy Court, or whether the Holy Court will provide him with protection.

Of course, it's too early to think about this now. Lin Xiu still has a demon card, Bai Suzhen. It is also a matter of the future!

The arrival of the strong men from the two major forces made Lin Xiu fearful. It seemed that Xiang Yu had to stay. At least if this was the case, the strong men from the Wanfa Continent would not dare to come here again.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Hank who was still screaming not far away.

Lin Xiu sneered, and dragged Hank directly outside the city. Lin Xiu would spare Hank's life just to ask about Shuang'er.

After Shuang'er was captured by the Holy Court, Lin Xiu needed to know the purpose and the location of the Holy Court.

Shuang'er has now been taken back to the Wanfa Continent, and according to the blond woman Alice, Shuang'er's identity is unusual, she is a reincarnation of the fairyland, as to why she was reincarnated in this continent, it is not known. Nobody knows.

After asking about the location of the Holy Court, Lin Xiu didn't intend to keep Hank and killed him directly.

From Qi Minghua's body, Lin Xiu was able to find a book of exercises called "The Jue of Greatness and Righteousness". The Grand Virtuous Righteousness Jue in Lin Xiu's hand has only three levels.

Lin Xiu decided that he had to practice this technique himself. After all, as a master of Zuidun, the first thing to do is to have righteousness. Without righteousness, it is impossible to use Zuidun.

The treasure chest of the seven emotions has collected 1000 million value of the seven emotions. After Lin Xiu opened it, he saw only a drop of golden blood inside.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the golden dragon blood!"

The golden dragon bloodline is one of the most outstanding bloodlines in the Transcendence Realm. Possessing the golden dragon bloodline can possess powerful dragon prestige. All dragons under the fairyland will be affected by the golden dragon bloodline and can deter each other.

The golden dragon bloodline can have excellent defense, attack and recovery power, and it is a very valuable bloodline!
Bloodline, this kind of thing is rarely encountered by Lin Xiu. Perhaps in this continent, very few people have bloodlines. When Lin Xiu owned the talent treasure box, the number of bloodline owners he had seen was less than one in ten thousand.

Now that I have taken this drop of golden blood, can I have the blood of the golden dragon?
Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let go of this opportunity. He had already taken the golden dragon blood. At this moment, the Dragon Swallowing Art in Lin Xiu's body was already running crazily. He could feel that he had reached the peak of the Dragon Swallowing Art. The tactic, went one step further.

The original Dragon Swallowing Jue, or just an imperial level kung fu, but the current Swallowing Dragon Jue has already entered the emperor level. This level of kung fu is no longer comparable to this continent!

Lin Xiu summoned his own dragon scale armor, which immediately turned into a golden armor, and Lin Xiu suddenly became more majestic.

The evolved technique allows Lin Xiu to control the soul of a golden dragon. The Dragon Swallowing Art seems to have mutated, because the effect of the Golden Dragon Bloodline is beyond Lin Xiu's expectation, so the Dragon Swallowing Art Such a change occurs.

Fortunately, this variation is a change in a good direction.

Daqin, Lin Xiu did not stay any longer. After all, the assessment of the Holy Court was about to start, and Lin Xiu had to leave, otherwise he would not be able to catch up with the assessment time of the Holy Court.

Lin Xiu said goodbye to many maids and parents, and let Xiang Yu stay to protect the Great Qin Kingdom, and then set foot on the road to the Holy Court with Mo Yue.

The Holy Court is located in the center of the entire continent. If you want to join the Holy Court, there is a rigid requirement, that is, you must be under the age of [-]. Anyone who exceeds this age will be expelled. In terms of assessment, only Two ways.

One is martial soul, the other is blood, and the third is combat power!

Martial soul Lin Xiu naturally knew that as for the bloodline, it seemed that not everyone could have such a thing, but fortunately, Lin Xiu now had one, that is, the Golden Dragon bloodline he had just obtained!
The place where the Holy Court is located is called the Holy State.

Shengzhou is actually a city, which is closed all year round and no one is allowed to enter, so in the eyes of others, this is a very special place.

But now, the holy state is open, and for three consecutive days, the door of the holy state will be open.

Anyone who enters inside will be able to enter the test after three days. The test for enrollment is quite old-fashioned, but it is very practical.

The first level, Martial Soul, those who do not have a Heavenly Soul above the Earth level, get lost!
Second, blood, this kind of thing is generally divided into one to five grades, those who have no blood, get out!
Third, combat power, in the arena, regardless of life or death, anyone who cannot win ten games in a row is not eligible to enter the Holy Court!
Of course, it is not impossible to cheat, but there must be talents in this holy courtyard.

But even so, you must rely on your own strength to win ten games in a row, and in the assessment of the Holy Academy, as long as you lose more than three times, you must leave, and even if you are a loser, you must win consecutively, so every admission assessment Inside, there are less than a hundred people who can enter the Holy Court!

(End of this chapter)

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